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under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 771



No. 708 Session of 1989

           AND REGOLI, MARCH 20, 1989


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 24 (Education) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     2     Statutes, increasing the number of members of the Public
     3     School Employees' Retirement Board.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6     Section 1.  Section 8501(a) of Title 24 of the Pennsylvania
     7  Consolidated Statutes is amended to read:
     8  § 8501.  Public School Employees' Retirement Board.
     9     (a)  Status and membership.--The board shall be an
    10  independent administrative board and shall consist of [15] 16
    11  members: the Secretary of Education, ex officio; the State
    12  Treasurer, ex officio; two Senators; two members of the House of
    13  Representatives; the executive secretary of the Pennsylvania
    14  School Boards Association, ex officio; two to be appointed by
    15  the Governor, at least one of whom shall not be a school
    16  employee or an officer or employee of the State; three to be
    17  elected by the active professional members of the system from
    18  among their number; [one] two to be elected by annuitants from

     1  among their number; one to be elected by the active
     2  nonprofessional members of the system from among their number;
     3  and one to be elected by members of Pennsylvania public school
     4  boards from among their number. The appointments made by the
     5  Governor shall be confirmed by the Senate and each election
     6  shall be conducted in a manner approved by the board. The terms
     7  of the appointed and nonlegislative elected members shall be
     8  three years. The members from the Senate shall be appointed by
     9  the President pro tempore of the Senate and shall consist of one
    10  member from the majority and one member from the minority. The
    11  members from the House of Representatives shall be appointed by
    12  the Speaker of the House of Representatives and shall consist of
    13  one member from the majority and one member from the minority.
    14  The legislative members shall serve on the board for the
    15  duration of the terms for which they were elected and shall not
    16  vote on any measure. The chairman of the board shall be elected
    17  by the board members. Each ex officio member of the board may
    18  appoint a duly authorized designee to act in his stead.
    19     * * *
    20     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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