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under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 776



No. 713 Session of 1989

           MARCH 20, 1989


                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing State-funded grants for qualified students of
     2     Pennsylvania who need financial assistance to attend
     3     postsecondary institutions of higher learning on a part-time
     4     enrollment basis; providing for the administration of this
     5     act; and making an appropriation.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8  Section 1.  Short title.
     9     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Part-Time
    10  Student Grant Act.
    11  Section 2.  Purpose.
    12     Part-time enrollments and part-time students' financial needs
    13  are steadily increasing each year. Today nearly one of every
    14  four undergraduates and one of every two graduate students in
    15  Pennsylvania's postsecondary institutions are enrolled on a
    16  part-time basis. Enrollments are growing as many Pennsylvanians
    17  find it necessary to seek further education and training after
    18  experiencing unemployment and job displacement as our economy's

     1  basis shifts from heavy industry to services and high
     2  technology. Increasing numbers of women are enrolling on a part-
     3  time basis as more employment opportunities become available to
     4  women and, in many cases, as it becomes necessary for women to
     5  work to augment a spouse's income or to support children as
     6  single parents. Additionally, attendance on a part-time basis
     7  represents one method of coping with the rising college costs
     8  and diminishing access to financial aid to meet those costs that
     9  all students have experienced during the 1980's. While part-time
    10  students represent over 30% of all enrolled students, they have
    11  access to less than 8% of all available financial aid, primarily
    12  because of the demand for financial aid by full-time students.
    13  The General Assembly believes the Commonwealth can no longer
    14  overlook the part-time students' needs or the potential benefits
    15  that will accrue to Pennsylvania from attendance and completion
    16  of educational programs by such students. Therefore, the purpose
    17  of this act is to establish a publicly funded program of grant
    18  assistance to help students pay for their costs of attending
    19  postsecondary educational institutions on a part-time basis.
    20  Section 3.  Definitions.
    21     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    22  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    23  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    24     "Agency."  The Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance
    25  Agency (PHEAA).
    26     "Approved high school."  Any public or private secondary
    27  school, whether designated as a high school, academy,
    28  preparatory school, or otherwise, located in this Commonwealth
    29  or elsewhere, which in the judgment of the Pennsylvania
    30  Department of Education, provides a course of instruction at the
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     1  secondary level, and maintains standards of instruction
     2  substantially equivalent to those of the public high schools
     3  located in this Commonwealth.
     4     "Approved institution of higher learning."  Any institution
     5  of higher learning approved by the agency.
     6     "Approved program."  Any program of study approved by the
     7  agency.
     8     "Financial need."  The need of the student as calculated by,
     9  or at the direction of, the agency according to standards and
    10  tests of financial need approved by the agency.
    11     "Guardian."  Any person or persons, other than a parent with
    12  whom a minor child has lived and been in the continuous direct
    13  care and control of for a period of not less than two years for
    14  purposes of domicile.
    15     "Part-time student."  A student enrolled less than full time,
    16  but at least the equivalent of six semester credits or 225 clock
    17  hours of instruction per semester, in a program approved by the
    18  agency and at an approved institution of higher learning or
    19  shall mean a student enrolled in a program of study of less than
    20  two academic years but at least one academic year as defined by
    21  the agency.
    22     "Part-time student grant."  A grant to an eligible applicant
    23  enrolled as a part-time student paid from funds specifically
    24  appropriated for this purpose.
    25  Section 4.  State Part-Time Student Grant Program.
    26     (a)  Creation and administration.--The Part-Time Student
    27  Grant Program is hereby created and is to be administered by the
    28  Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency.
    29     (b)  Powers of agency.--The agency shall prepare and
    30  supervise the issuance of public information concerning the
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     1  provisions of the Part-Time Student Grant Program and prescribe
     2  the form and regulate the submission of applications; calculate
     3  the financial need and determine the eligibility of applicants;
     4  select qualified recipients; award appropriate grants; and
     5  determine eligibility for renewal of grants. The agency is
     6  authorized to make all necessary and proper regulations,
     7  consistent with this act, for the efficient exercise and
     8  implementation of the foregoing functions and other activities
     9  under this act.
    10  Section 5.  Eligibility.
    11     (a)  Qualifications.--Any student is eligible for
    12  consideration for a part-time student grant providing:
    13         (1)  The student meets the domicile requirements as
    14     follows:
    15             (i)  A student who is under 18 years of age at the
    16         time the student makes application for an award or to
    17         renew an award must have a supporting parent or guardian
    18         who has been a bona fide domiciliary of this Commonwealth
    19         for at least 12 months immediately preceding the date of
    20         application for a grant or to renew a grant.
    21             (ii)  A student who is 18 years of age or over must
    22         have been a bona fide domiciliary of this Commonwealth
    23         for a period of at least 12 months prior to the time this
    24         student makes application for a grant or to renew a
    25         grant.
    26             (iii)  Any period of time during which a person is
    27         enrolled as a student in an educational institution may
    28         not be counted as a part of the 12 months' domicile
    29         herein required when the student came into this
    30         Commonwealth or remained in the Commonwealth for the
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     1         purpose of attending a school or college as determined by
     2         the agency.
     3             (iv)  The agency shall make the final decision in all
     4         matters pertaining to domicile and guardianship.
     5             (v)  In view of the fact that Pennsylvania
     6         domiciliaries attending approved institutions of higher
     7         learning located outside of Pennsylvania may exercise
     8         their right of franchise by absentee ballot, a student
     9         who registers to vote in a state other than this
    10         Commonwealth shall be deemed to have abandoned domicile
    11         in Pennsylvania and shall be ineligible for consideration
    12         for a State grant or renewal thereof or any further
    13         payments thereon. At such time as the student again
    14         registers to vote in the Commonwealth, further
    15         eligibility insofar as voter registration is concerned
    16         shall be restored.
    17         (2)  The student is a graduate of, or is attending, an
    18     approved high school or is a recipient of a Commonwealth
    19     secondary school diploma.
    20         (3)  The student is enrolled, or will be enrolled as a
    21     part-time student at an institution of higher learning in an
    22     approved program.
    23         (4)  The student shall satisfactorily meet the
    24     qualifications of financial need, academic promise, academic
    25     achievement and such other standards as established by the
    26     agency.
    27         (5)  The part-time student grant recipient shall be free
    28     to attend any approved institution of higher learning of the
    29     student's choice and apply the scholarship toward the
    30     tuition, room, board, books and fees of any approved program.
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     1     The institution is not required to accept the grant recipient
     2     for enrollment, but is free to exact compliance with its own
     3     admission requirements, standards and policies of admission.
     4     (b)  Nondiscrimination.--The grants will be made without
     5  regard to the applicant's race, creed, color, sex, age, national
     6  origin or ancestry.
     7  Section 6.  Award value.
     8     All part-time student grant awards will be based on the
     9  applicant's financial need. The minimum grant award shall be
    10  $100 per academic year and the maximum grant shall not exceed
    11  the limitations established by the board so as to keep
    12  expenditures within the funds available from Federal, State or
    13  other sources for such purpose and appropriations shall be
    14  reenacted annually as provided for under the act of March 28,
    15  1974 (P.L.228, No.50), referred to as the Higher Education
    16  Assistance Continuation Law, relating to the forward funding of
    17  PHEAA for grants during any fiscal year.
    18  Section 7.  Qualifications for renewal of part-time grant.
    19     (a)  Qualifications.--Qualifications for renewal will include
    20  maintaining satisfactory academic standing, making normal
    21  progress toward completion of the program of study, and
    22  continued eligibility as determined by the agency including
    23  continuous Pennsylvania domicile. The part-time student grant
    24  may be renewed from academic year to academic year until the
    25  student has completed the approved program, but the total of the
    26  grants shall not exceed the full-time equivalent number and
    27  dollar value of grants to which the student would have been
    28  entitled had the program been completed on a full-time basis.
    29     (b)  Transfers.--In the event that a part-time grant
    30  recipient transfers from one institution to another, the grant
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     1  shall be transferrable only with the approval of the agency and
     2  shall be based upon costs of the approved program at the new
     3  institution as approved by the agency.
     4     (c)  Use of unused funds.--The agency shall have the right to
     5  use any or all of the unused part-time grant funds for
     6  additional grants in any fiscal year and in any grant program
     7  administered by the agency.
     8     (d)  Payments.--Payments of part-time grants will be made by
     9  the agency in accordance with the rules and regulations
    10  established by the agency. Should the recipient terminate
    11  enrollment for any reason during the academic year, the unused
    12  portion of the grant shall be returned at the request of the
    13  agency by the institution according to the institution's
    14  approved policy for issuing refunds.
    15  Section 8.  Minors may receive grant.
    16     Any person otherwise qualifying for any grant under this act
    17  shall not be disqualified by reason of the person being under
    18  the age of 18. For the purpose of applying for, receiving or
    19  making restitution of part-time grants, any person under the age
    20  of 18 shall be deemed to have full legal capacity to act and
    21  shall have all the rights, powers, privileges and obligations of
    22  a person of full age with respect to such actions.
    23  Section 9.  Powers and duties of agency.
    24     In addition to the other powers and duties, the agency is
    25  authorized and empowered to exercise and perform any and all of
    26  the powers and duties granted to the agency under the laws of
    27  this Commonwealth to implement and carry out the provisions of
    28  this act.
    29  Section 10.  Appropriation.
    30     (a)  Specific appropriation.--The sum of $15,000,000 is
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     1  hereby specifically appropriated to PHEAA and transferred to the
     2  Higher Education Assistance Fund for funding and administration
     3  of part-time student grants.
     4     (b)  Construction.--This appropriation shall be in addition
     5  to and separate from any amount appropriated for State grants,
     6  made under the provisions of the act of January 25, 1966 (1965
     7  P.L.1546, No.541), entitled "An act providing scholarships and
     8  providing funds to secure Federal funds for qualified students
     9  of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania who need financial
    10  assistance to attend postsecondary institutions of higher
    11  learning, making an appropriation, and providing for the
    12  administration of this act," for the 1985-1986 academic year.
    13     (c)  Separate account.--Appropriations for the purpose of
    14  part-time grants shall be placed in a separate account of the
    15  Higher Education Assistance Fund.
    16     (d)  Awards to full-time students.--If in any year the
    17  appropriation to fund State grants to full-time students, as
    18  provided for under the act of January 25, 1966 (1965 P.L.1546,
    19  No.541), does not equal or exceed the level of funds
    20  appropriated for State grants for full-time students for the
    21  previous fiscal year and there are funds appropriated
    22  specifically for State grants for part-time students, the
    23  agency's board of directors shall determine if sufficient funds
    24  are available from part-time grants funding to permit awards to
    25  be made to full-time students under the act of January 25, 1966
    26  (1965 P.L.1546, No.541), and the board shall have the power to
    27  utilize such funds to make and administer grants to students
    28  enrolled on either a full-time or part-time basis.
    29  Section 11.  Severability.
    30     The provisions of this act are severable. If any provision of
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     1  this act or its application to any person or circumstance is
     2  held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions
     3  or applications of this act which can be given effect without
     4  the invalid provision or application.
     5  Section 12.  Effective date.
     6     This act shall take effect immediately.

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