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                              PRIOR PASSAGE - NONE
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 924



No. 757 Session of 2003



                               A JOINT RESOLUTION

     1  Proposing integrated amendments to the Constitution of the
     2     Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, further providing for
     3     disqualification to hold other office and for vacancy in the
     4     office of Lieutenant Governor.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby resolves as follows:
     7     Section 1.  The following integrated amendments to the
     8  Constitution of Pennsylvania are proposed in accordance with
     9  Article XI:
    10     (1)  That section 6 of Article II be amended to read:
    11  § 6.  Disqualification to hold other office.
    12     [No] Except as provided in section 14 of Article IV, no
    13  Senator or Representative shall, during the time for which he
    14  was elected, be appointed to any civil office under this
    15  Commonwealth to which a salary, fee or perquisite is attached.
    16  No member of Congress or other person holding any office (except
    17  of attorney-at-law or in the National Guard or in a reserve

     1  component of the armed forces of the United States) under the
     2  United States or this Commonwealth to which a salary, fee or
     3  perquisite is attached shall be a member of either House during
     4  his continuance in office.
     5     (2)  That section 14 of Article IV be amended to read:
     6  § 14.  Vacancy in office of Lieutenant Governor.
     7     (a)  In case of the death, conviction on impeachment, failure
     8  to qualify or resignation of the Lieutenant Governor, [or in
     9  case he should become] the Governor shall appoint, in accordance
    10  with section 8 of this article, a Lieutenant Governor who shall
    11  take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of all members
    12  elected to the Senate and shall serve for the remainder of the
    13  term.
    14     (b)  Where the Lieutenant Governor becomes Governor under
    15  section 13 of this article, [the President pro tempore of the
    16  Senate shall become Lieutenant Governor for the remainder of the
    17  term.] he shall appoint, in accordance with section 8 of this
    18  article, a Lieutenant Governor, who shall take office upon
    19  confirmation by a majority vote of all members elected to the
    20  Senate and shall serve for the remainder of the term.
    21     (c)  Should the Governor appoint any member of the Senate or
    22  House of Representatives to serve as Lieutenant Governor, the
    23  appointee's seat as Senator or Representative shall become
    24  vacant upon confirmation and shall be filled by election as any
    25  other vacancy in the General Assembly.
    26     (d)  In case of the disability of the Lieutenant Governor,
    27  the powers, duties and emoluments of the office shall devolve
    28  upon the President pro tempore of the Senate until the
    29  disability is removed. [Should there be no Lieutenant Governor,
    30  the President pro tempore of the Senate shall become Governor if
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     1  a vacancy shall occur in the office of Governor and in]
     2     (e)  If, by reason of death, resignation, removal from
     3  office, inability or failure to qualify, there is neither a
     4  Governor nor Lieutenant Governor to discharge the powers and
     5  duties of the office of Governor, then the President pro tempore
     6  of the Senate shall become Governor for the remainder of the
     7  term. The President pro tempore's seat as Senator shall become
     8  vacant when he becomes Governor and shall be filled by election
     9  as any other vacancy in the Senate.
    10     (f)  If, by reason of death, resignation, removal from
    11  office, inability or failure to qualify, there is no Lieutenant
    12  Governor to discharge the powers and duties of the office of
    13  Governor in the case of the disability of the Governor, the
    14  powers, duties and emoluments of the office of Governor shall
    15  devolve upon the President pro tempore of the Senate who shall
    16  act as Governor until the disability is removed. [His seat as
    17  Senator shall become vacant whenever he shall become Governor
    18  and shall be filled by election as any other vacancy in the
    19  Senate.]
    20     Section 2.  (a)  Upon the first passage by the General
    21  Assembly of these proposed constitutional amendments, the
    22  Secretary of the Commonwealth shall proceed immediately to
    23  comply with the advertising requirements of section 1 of Article
    24  XI of the Constitution of Pennsylvania and shall transmit the
    25  required advertisements to two newspapers in every county in
    26  which such newspapers are published in sufficient time after
    27  passage of these proposed constitutional amendments.
    28     (b)  Upon the second passage by the General Assembly of these
    29  proposed constitutional amendments, the Secretary of the
    30  Commonwealth shall proceed immediately to comply with the
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     1  advertising requirements of section 1 of Article XI of the
     2  Constitution of Pennsylvania and shall transmit the required
     3  advertisements to two newspapers in every county in which such
     4  newspapers are published in sufficient time after passage of
     5  these proposed constitutional amendments. The Secretary of the
     6  Commonwealth shall submit the proposed constitutional amendments
     7  under section 1 to the qualified electors of this Commonwealth
     8  as a single ballot question at the first primary, general or
     9  municipal election which meets the requirements of and is in
    10  conformance with section 1 of Article XI of the Constitution of
    11  Pennsylvania and which occurs at least three months after the
    12  proposed constitutional amendments are passed by the General
    13  Assembly.

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