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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 828



No. 765 Session of 1999



                                     AN ACT

     1  Establishing the Youth Development Fund; providing for powers
     2     and duties of the Secretary of Community and Economic
     3     Development; providing for grants; requiring certain reports;
     4     and making an appropriation.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7  Section 1.  Short title.
     8     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Youth
     9  Development Safe Communities Act.
    10  Section 2.  Legislative findings and purpose.
    11     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
    12         (1)  The healthy development of children and youth into
    13     successful productive adult citizens of this Commonwealth
    14     requires a partnership of parents, families and local
    15     communities, as well as State and local government.
    16         (2)  Pennsylvania is home to about 1.7 million children
    17     who are between six and 16 years of age. It has long been
    18     recognized that government in partnership with families and

     1     local communities must provide educational opportunities for
     2     our children.
     3         (3)  As society has changed, it is now time to recognize
     4     that this same partnership must be created to foster
     5     opportunities for our children and youth during the nonschool
     6     hours, particularly those hours following the end of the
     7     school day.
     8         (4)  As more parents have and are entering the work
     9     force, more school-age children and youth are left alone or
    10     unsupervised at the end of the school day. Tens of thousands
    11     of young people in this Commonwealth are home alone in the
    12     after-school hours.
    13         (5)  Constructive after-school activities and programs
    14     have been shown to assist children and youth in school
    15     achievement and performance, to develop life skills necessary
    16     to succeed at work and to advance their own healthy
    17     development to move successfully from childhood to adulthood.
    18         (6)  Communities are safer when young people have
    19     constructive after-school activities and programs that
    20     provide a positive alternative to television, drugs, alcohol,
    21     sexual activity and possible pregnancy, crime and gangs.
    22         (7)  The hours in which young people are most involved in
    23     delinquent behavior are those that occur after school,
    24     particularly between 3 p.m. and 7 p.m.
    25         (8)  Working parents are more productive when their
    26     children are involved in safe, dependable constructive
    27     activities during the nonschool hours.
    28         (9)  Providing school-age children and youth with
    29     constructive activities on a regular basis has been shown to
    30     assist in producing better outcomes for young people and
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     1     communities and contribute to decreasing teenage pregnancy
     2     and juvenile delinquency.
     3  The purpose of this act is to recognize the shared
     4  responsibility of the public and private sectors to support
     5  regular, constructive programs for children and youth in the
     6  nonschool hours in order to foster the development of children
     7  and youth into constructive, productive citizens of this
     8  Commonwealth and to create new resources in support of such
     9  programs.
    10  Section 3.  Definitions.
    11     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    12  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    13  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    14     "Department."  The Department of Community and Economic
    15  Development of the Commonwealth.
    16     "Fund."  The Youth Development Fund established under this
    17  act.
    18     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Community and Economic
    19  Development of the Commonwealth.
    20     "Youth development programs."  Programs receiving grants
    21  under this act.
    22  Section 4.  Grant eligibility criteria.
    23     (a)  General rule.--Activities offered by eligible program
    24  sponsors may include, but are not limited to: homework tutoring
    25  and academic enrichment; arts and cultural activities;
    26  recreational and athletic activities; science and math
    27  enrichment; computer and technology skills and life skills.
    28     (b)  Sponsors.--Programs for which local counties or home
    29  rule charter entities shall receive grants for local use must be
    30  sponsored by public or nonprofit organizations and must be
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     1  available on a regular, daily basis during the nonschool hours,
     2  primarily 3 p.m. through 6 p.m. during the school year. Programs
     3  may also be offered for the full day during school holidays and
     4  vacations during the course of the year.
     5     (c)  Children and youth.--Children and youth who are between
     6  six and 16 years of age shall be eligible for the programs
     7  offered through the Youth Development Fund.
     8     (d)  Applicants.--Any Pennsylvania county or similar home
     9  rule charter entity shall be eligible to apply for grants to be
    10  made available under this act.
    11  Section 5.  Establishment of Youth Development Fund.
    12     The Youth Development Fund is hereby established in the State
    13  Treasury. The secretary shall utilize the fund to award grants
    14  to eligible program sponsors in order to provide constructive
    15  programs for eligible school-age children and youth on a
    16  regular, daily basis in the nonschool hours during the course of
    17  the school year.
    18  Section 6.  Applications.
    19     Applicants must complete an annual application for grants
    20  from the fund on a form prescribed by the secretary. The form
    21  shall include, but not be limited to:
    22         (1)  A detailed plan identifying specific activities for
    23     the programs receiving grants and their relationship to the
    24     purpose of the act and a timetable for the implementation and
    25     achievement of such with special attention to maximizing, to
    26     the extent possible, the utilization of existing resources of
    27     the applicant, school districts, libraries and community
    28     agencies which have an immediate capacity for providing
    29     services and which can most effectively address the youth
    30     development needs of the eligible children and youth.
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     1         (2)  A complete description of any required family fees
     2     for the program to be supported. Fees may not be a barrier to
     3     participation. Applications must provide that if fees are to
     4     be charged, they not exceed $5 per week for children and
     5     youth living in communities in which more than 35% of the
     6     children are eligible for participation in the Federal school
     7     lunch program.
     8         (3)  A proposed budget and a description of the proposed
     9     use of the grant funds, including the mechanism for the
    10     distribution of these funds.
    11         (4)  The local share, as identified in section 8(b), to
    12     be used, which local shares may include existing resources
    13     available from the community, but may not result in the
    14     supplication of any local funds.
    15         (5)  A description of any costs associated with the
    16     administration of the program.
    17         (6)  At the conclusion of the fiscal year period, a
    18     program fiscal report indicating progress in meeting and
    19     achieving the detailed plan under paragraph (1). The report
    20     shall also be included in subsequent applications and past
    21     performance shall be taken into account in determining new
    22     applications.
    23  Section 7.  Appropriation.
    24     The sum of $15,000,000 is appropriated to the Department of
    25  Community and Economic Development on an ongoing basis and shall
    26  be transferred to the Youth Development Fund.
    27  Section 8.  Distribution of grants.
    28     (a)  General rule.--Grants from the fund shall be distributed
    29  equitably among successful applicants, with a base amount of
    30  $50,000 available per applicant. The secretary shall distribute
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     1  any remaining moneys to successful applicants that have
     2  submitted a qualifying application, using the following two
     3  factors:
     4         (1)  Population of children and youth in the county or
     5     home rule charter entity between six and 16 years of age, as
     6     determined by the census or an acceptable alternative method.
     7         (2)  Number of children and youth eligible for the school
     8     breakfast or lunch program. The secretary shall take into
     9     account these two factors, giving additional, appropriate
    10     weight in favor of communities in which a higher percentage
    11     of children and youth are eligible for the school breakfast
    12     or lunch program and in which a school district has a market
    13     value personal income aid ratio of .5000 or greater.
    14     (b)  Matching funds.--Each applicant eligible to participate
    15  in youth development programs must also demonstrate that it is
    16  providing or will provide local community funds, public or
    17  private, equal to at least 20% of the amount it received under
    18  this act.
    19     (c)  Supplanting of local funds prohibited.--Grants made
    20  available under this act may not supplant local funds currently
    21  used to support allowable activities under the fund.
    22  Section 9.  Annual report to General Assembly.
    23     The department shall submit an annual report to the General
    24  Assembly on the activities of the fund. The report shall
    25  include, but not be limited to, an overview of the programs
    26  funded and their utilization by children and youth,
    27  recommendations for improvements to this act and legislative
    28  action if deemed necessary.
    29  Section 10.  Effective date.
    30     This act shall take effect in 180 days.
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