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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 978



No. 849 Session of 2001

           MAY 7, 2001


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of December 15, 1986 (P.L.1610, No.181),
     2     entitled "An act providing for the establishment and
     3     operation of a Statewide system for the prevention and
     4     control of rabies; imposing additional powers and duties on
     5     the Departments of Agriculture and Health; providing for
     6     emergency declarations; fixing penalties for violations; and
     7     making an appropriation," further providing for the
     8     definition of "cat" and for rabies vaccinations.

     9     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    10  hereby enacts as follows:
    11     Section 1.  The definition of "cat" in section 4 of the act
    12  of December 15, 1986 (P.L.1610, No.181), known as the Rabies
    13  Prevention and Control in Domestic Animals and Wildlife Act, is
    14  amended to read:
    15  Section 4.  Definitions.
    16     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    17  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    18  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    19     "Cat."  A carnivorous mammal scientifically known as Felis
    20  Catus which spends any part of any 24-hour day in a residence

     1  inhabited by a human being or on the premises of a State-
     2  licensed private, breeding or dealer kennel.
     3     * * *
     4     Section 2.  Section 8(b) of the act, amended July 1, 1987
     5  (P.L.184, No.23), is amended to read:
     6  Section 8.  Vaccination required; certificate and tag.
     7     * * *
     8     (b)  Other persons.--
     9         (1)  [Owners of State-licensed private or breeding
    10     kennels and operators] Operators of State-licensed nonprofit
    11     kennels who have been examined and certified by the
    12     department under this subsection may administer rabies
    13     vaccine to animals which are [either owned by the private or
    14     breeding kennel or which are] in the possession of the
    15     nonprofit kennel.
    16         (2)  The department shall develop, implement and
    17     administer a comprehensive rabies vaccination instruction
    18     program encompassing a written examination, which, if
    19     successfully completed, will lead to departmental
    20     certification. The department may assess a fee for the
    21     program and examination. All fees received and all costs
    22     incurred shall be deposited in or expended from the Dog Fund.
    23     The department shall promulgate all rules and regulations
    24     necessary to implement this subsection.
    25         (3)  [State-licensed kennel owners and operators]
    26     Operators of State-licensed nonprofit kennels who obtain the
    27     required certification shall:
    28             (i)  Purchase and administer an inactivated rabies
    29         vaccine for vaccination of dogs and cats only from a
    30         licensed veterinarian or a source approved by the
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     1         department.
     2             (ii)  Administer the vaccine in an approved manner.
     3             (iii)  Maintain detailed records for at least three
     4         years which indicate:
     5                 (A)  The name, type, lot number, date of purchase
     6             and date of administration of the rabies vaccine.
     7                 (B)  A detailed description of the animal
     8             vaccinated.
     9                 (C)  The name, address and telephone number of
    10             the person who administered the vaccine.
    11     * * *
    12     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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