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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1060



No. 894 Session of 2007

           MAY 23, 2007


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 13, 1967 (P.L.31, No.21), entitled "An
     2     act to consolidate, editorially revise, and codify the public
     3     welfare laws of the Commonwealth," further providing for
     4     medical assistance payments for institutional care, for
     5     definitions, for authorization, for amount, for repayment,
     6     for regulations and for time periods; and providing for the
     7     Senior Care and Services Study Commission.

     8     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     9  hereby enacts as follows:
    10     Section 1.  Section 443.1 of the act of June 13, 1967
    11  (P.L.31, No.21), known as the Public Welfare Code, amended July
    12  7, 2005 (P.L.177, No.42), is amended to read:
    13     Section 443.1.  Medical Assistance Payments for Institutional
    14  Care.--The following medical assistance payments shall be made
    15  in behalf of eligible persons whose institutional care is
    16  prescribed by physicians:
    17     (1)  Payments as determined by the department for inpatient
    18  hospital care consistent with Title XIX of the Social Security
    19  Act (49 Stat. 620, 42 U.S.C. § 1396 et seq.). To be eligible for
    20  such payments a hospital must be qualified to participate under

     1  Title XIX of the Social Security Act and have entered into a
     2  written agreement with the department regarding matters
     3  designated by the secretary as necessary to efficient
     4  administration, such as hospital utilization, maintenance of
     5  proper cost accounting records and access to patients' records.
     6  Such efficient administration shall require the department to
     7  permit participating hospitals to utilize the same fiscal
     8  intermediary for this Title XIX program as such hospitals use
     9  for the Title XVIII program;
    10     (2)  The cost of skilled nursing and intermediate nursing
    11  care in State-owned geriatric centers, institutions for the
    12  mentally retarded, institutions for the mentally ill, and the
    13  cost of skilled and intermediate nursing care provided prior to
    14  June 30, 2004, in county homes which meet the State and Federal
    15  requirements for participation under Title XIX of the Social
    16  Security Act and which are approved by the department. This cost
    17  in county homes shall be as specified by the regulations of the
    18  department adopted under Title XIX of the Social Security Act
    19  and certified to the department by the Auditor General;
    20  elsewhere the cost shall be determined by the department;
    21     (3)  Rates on a cost-related basis established by the
    22  department for skilled nursing home or intermediate care in a
    23  non-public nursing home, when furnished by a nursing home
    24  licensed or approved by the department and qualified to
    25  participate under Title XIX of the Social Security Act and
    26  provided prior to June 30, 2004;
    27     (4)  Payments as determined by the department for inpatient
    28  psychiatric care consistent with Title XIX of the Social
    29  Security Act. To be eligible for such payments a hospital must
    30  be qualified to participate under Title XIX of the Social
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     1  Security Act and have entered into a written agreement with the
     2  department regarding matters designated by the secretary as
     3  necessary to efficient administration, such as hospital
     4  utilization, maintenance of proper cost accounting records and
     5  access to patients' records. Care in a private mental hospital
     6  provided under the fee for service delivery system shall be
     7  limited to thirty days in any fiscal year for recipients aged
     8  twenty-one years or older who are eligible for medical
     9  assistance under Title XIX of the Social Security Act and for
    10  recipients aged twenty-one years or older who are eligible for
    11  general assistance-related medical assistance. Exceptions to the
    12  thirty-day limit may be granted under section 443.3. Only
    13  persons aged twenty-one years or under and aged sixty-five years
    14  or older shall be eligible for care in a public mental hospital.
    15  This cost shall be as specified by regulations of the department
    16  adopted under Title XIX of the Social Security Act and certified
    17  to the department by the Auditor General for county and non-
    18  public institutions;
    19     [(5)  On or after July 1, 2004, and until such time as
    20  regulations are adopted pursuant to subclause (iii), payments to
    21  county and nonpublic nursing facilities certified to participate
    22  as providers under Title XIX of the Social Security Act for
    23  nursing facility services shall be calculated and made as
    24  specified in the department's regulations in effect on July 1,
    25  2003, except as may be otherwise required by:
    26     (i)  the Commonwealth's approved Title XIX Plan for nursing
    27  facility services;
    28     (ii)  regulations promulgated by the department pursuant to
    29  section 454; and
    30     (iii)  regulations promulgated by the department pursuant to
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     1  section 204(1)(iv) of the act of July 31, 1968 (P.L.769,
     2  No.240), referred to as the Commonwealth Documents Law,
     3  specifying the methods and standards which the department will
     4  use to set rates and make payments for nursing facility services
     5  effective July 1, 2006. Notwithstanding any other provision of
     6  law, including section 814-A, the promulgation of regulations
     7  under this subsection shall, until June 30, 2006, be exempt from
     8  the following:
     9     (A)  Section 205 of the Commonwealth Documents Law.
    10     (B)  Section 204(b) of the act of October 15, 1980 (P.L.950,
    11  No.164), known as the "Commonwealth Attorneys Act."
    12     (C)  The act of June 25, 1982 (P.L.633, No.181), known as the
    13  "Regulatory Review Act."]
    14     (5)  After June 30, 2004 and before June 30, 2007, payments
    15  to county and non-public nursing facilities enrolled in the
    16  medical assistance program as providers of nursing facility
    17  services shall be calculated and made as specified in the
    18  department's regulations in effect on July 1, 2003, except that
    19  if the Commonwealth's approved Title XIX State Plan for nursing
    20  facility services in effect for the period of July 1, 2004,
    21  through June 30, 2007, specifies a methodology for calculating
    22  county and non-public nursing facility payment rates that is
    23  different than the department's regulations in effect on July 1,
    24  2003, the department shall follow the methodology in the
    25  Federally-approved Title XIX State plan.
    26     (6)  For public nursing home care provided on or after July
    27  1, 2005, the department shall recognize the costs incurred by
    28  county nursing facilities to provide services to eligible
    29  persons as medical assistance program expenditures to the extent
    30  the costs qualify for Federal matching funds and so long as the
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     1  costs are allowable as determined by the department and reported
     2  and certified by the county nursing facilities in a form and
     3  manner specified by the department. Expenditures reported and
     4  certified by county nursing facilities shall be subject to
     5  periodic review and verification by the department or the
     6  Auditor General. Notwithstanding this paragraph, county nursing
     7  facilities shall be paid based upon rates determined in
     8  accordance with [paragraph (5)] paragraphs (5) and (7).
     9     (7)  After June 30, 2007, payments to county and nonpublic
    10  nursing facilities enrolled in the medical assistance program as
    11  providers of nursing facility services shall be determined in
    12  accordance with the methodologies for establishing payment rates
    13  for county and non-public nursing facilities specified in the
    14  department's regulations and the Commonwealth's approved Title
    15  XIX State Plan for nursing facility services in effect after
    16  June 30, 2007. The following shall apply:
    17     (i)  For the fiscal year 2007-2008, the department shall
    18  apply a revenue adjustment neutrality factor and make
    19  adjustments to county and non-public nursing facility payment
    20  rates for medical assistance nursing facility services. The
    21  revenue adjustment factor shall limit the estimated aggregate
    22  increase in the Statewide day-weighted average payment rate over
    23  the three-year period commencing July 1, 2005, and ending June
    24  30, 2008, from the Statewide day-weighted average payment rate
    25  for medical assistance nursing facility services in fiscal year
    26  2004-2005 to 6.912% plus any percentage rate of increase
    27  permitted by the amount of funds appropriated for nursing
    28  facility services in the General Appropriations Act of 2007.
    29  Application of the revenue adjustment neutrality factor shall be
    30  subject to Federal approval of any amendments as may be
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     1  necessary to the Commonwealth's approved Title XIX State Plan
     2  for nursing facility services.
     3     (ii)  The department may make additional changes to its
     4  methodologies for establishing payment rates for county and non-
     5  public nursing facilities enrolled in the medical assistance
     6  program consistent with Title XIX of the Social Security Act,
     7  except that, if during a fiscal year an assessment is
     8  implemented under Article VIII-A, the department shall not make
     9  a change under this subparagraph unless it adopts regulations as
    10  provided under section 814-A.
    11     (8)  As a condition of participation in the medical
    12  assistance program, before any county or non-public nursing
    13  facility increases the number of medical assistance certified
    14  beds in its facility or in the medical assistance program,
    15  whether as a result of an increase in beds in an existing
    16  facility or the enrollment of a new provider, the facility must
    17  seek and obtain advance written approval of the increase in
    18  certified beds from the department. The following shall apply:
    19     (i)  Before July 1, 2009, the department shall propose
    20  regulations that would establish the process and criteria to be
    21  used to review and respond to requests for increases in medical
    22  assistance certified beds including whether an increase in the
    23  number of certified beds is necessary to assure that long-term
    24  living care and services under the medical assistance program
    25  will be provided in a manner consistent with applicable Federal
    26  and State law, including Title XIX of the Social Security Act.
    27     (ii)  Pending adoption of regulations, a nursing facility's
    28  request for advance written approval for an increase in medical
    29  assistance certified beds shall be submitted and reviewed in
    30  accordance with the process and guidelines contained in the
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     1  statement of policy published in 28 Pa.B.138.
     2     (iii)  The department may publish amendments to the statement
     3  of policy if the department determines that changes to the
     4  process and guidelines for reviewing and responding to requests
     5  for approval of increases in medical assistance certified beds
     6  will facilitate access to medically necessary nursing facility
     7  services or are required to assure that long-term living care
     8  and services under the medical assistance program will be
     9  provided in a manner consistent with applicable Federal and
    10  State law, including Title XIX of the Social Security Act. The
    11  department shall publish the proposed amendments in the
    12  Pennsylvania Bulletin and solicit public comments for thirty
    13  days. After consideration of the comments it receives, the
    14  department may proceed to adopt the amendments by publishing an
    15  amended statement of policy in the Pennsylvania Bulletin which
    16  shall include its responses to the public comments that it
    17  received concerning the proposed amendments.
    18     (iv)  This subparagraph shall apply to any requests for
    19  approval of an increase in medical assistance certified beds
    20  pending or submitted on or after the effective date of this
    21  subparagraph.  This subparagraph shall expire upon the
    22  department's adoption of final regulations or September 30,
    23  2011, whichever occurs first.
    24     Section 2.  Sections 801-A, 802-A, 804-A, 813-A, 814-A and
    25  815-A of the act, added September 30, 2003 (P.L.169, No.25), are
    26  amended to read:
    27     Section 801-A.  Definitions.--As used in this article--
    28     "Assessment" means the fee implemented pursuant to this
    29  article on every nursing facility.
    30     "County nursing facility" means a long-term care nursing
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     1  facility that is licensed by the Department of Health under the
     2  act of July 19, 1979 (P.L.130, No.48), known as the "Health Care
     3  Facilities Act" and controlled by the county institution
     4  district or county government if no county institution district
     5  exists. The term does not include intermediate care facilities
     6  for the mentally retarded controlled by the county institution
     7  district or county government.
     8     "Medical assistance provider" means a person or entity
     9  enrolled by the Department of Public Welfare as a provider of
    10  services in the medical assistance program.
    11     "Nursing facility" means a non-Federal, nonpublic long-term
    12  care nursing facility licensed by the Department of Health
    13  pursuant to the act of July 19, 1979 (P.L.130, No.48), known as
    14  the "Health Care Facilities Act." The term does not include
    15  intermediate care facilities for the mentally retarded.
    16     "Program" means the medical assistance program.
    17     Section 802-A.  Authorization.--In order to generate
    18  additional revenues for medical assistance recipients to have
    19  access  to medically necessary nursing facility services, the
    20  department shall implement a monetary assessment on each nursing
    21  facility and, beginning July 1, 2007, may implement a monetary
    22  assessment on each county nursing facility subject to the
    23  conditions and requirements specified in this article[.] and any
    24  approved Federal waiver obtained under section 812-A. In each
    25  year in which the department implements an assessment on county
    26  nursing facilities, any requirement or obligation imposed on or
    27  relating to nursing facilities in sections 803-A, 804-A, 805-A,
    28  806-A, 807-A, 808-A, 809-A, 810-A, 811-A, 812-A, 813-A and 814-A
    29  shall be deemed to apply equally to county nursing facilities.
    30     Section 804-A.  Amount.--The aggregate amount of the
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     1  assessment and the assessment rate shall be determined in
     2  accordance with this article and implemented on an annual basis
     3  by the secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of the
     4  Budget, and shall be approved by the Governor.  In each year in
     5  which the assessment is implemented, the assessment rate shall
     6  be fixed so as to generate at least fifty million dollars
     7  ($50,000,000) in additional revenue subject to the maximum
     8  aggregate amount that may be assessed [pursuant to the six
     9  percent (6%) indirect guarantee threshold set forth in] under 42
    10  CFR 433.68(f)(3)(i) (relating to permissible health care-related
    11  taxes after the transition period) or any other maximum
    12  established under Federal law.
    13     Section 813-A.  Repayment.--No nursing facility shall be
    14  directly guaranteed a repayment of its assessment in derogation
    15  of 42 CFR 433.68(f) (relating to permissible health care-related
    16  taxes after the transition period): Provided, however, That in
    17  each fiscal year in which an assessment is implemented, the
    18  department shall use the State revenue collected from the
    19  assessment and any Federal funds received by the Commonwealth as
    20  a direct result of the assessments to maintain and increase
    21  program payments to medical assistance nursing facility
    22  providers to the extent permissible under Federal and State law
    23  or regulation and without creating an indirect guarantee to hold
    24  harmless, as those terms are used in 42 CFR 433.68(f)[(i)
    25  (relating to permissible health care-related taxes after the
    26  transition period)]. If the department implements an assessment
    27  on county nursing facilities, the department shall allocate
    28  assessment revenues available to maintain and increase program
    29  payments to both county and non-county nursing facilities in a
    30  manner that is consistent with Federal law and without creating
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     1  a direct or an indirect guarantee to hold any nursing facility
     2  harmless. The secretary shall submit any State Medicaid plan
     3  amendments to the United States Department of Health and Human
     4  Services that are necessary to make the payment increases.
     5     Section 814-A.  Regulations.--(a)  The department may issue
     6  such regulations and  orders as may be necessary to implement
     7  the nursing facility assessment program in accordance with the
     8  requirements of this article.
     9     (b)  During each fiscal year in which an assessment is
    10  implemented pursuant to this article, the department shall not
    11  adopt new regulations or revise existing regulations that limit,
    12  restrict or reduce eligibility for medical assistance nursing
    13  facility services or program participation or reimbursement for
    14  medical assistance nursing facility providers without publishing
    15  a notice of proposed rulemaking and adopting a final-form
    16  regulation after public notice and comment in accordance with 45
    17  Pa.C.S. (relating to legal notices) and the act of July 31, 1968
    18  (P.L.769, No.240), known as the "Commonwealth Documents Law,"
    19  and subject to review pursuant to the act of June 25, 1982
    20  (P.L.633, No.181), known as the "Regulatory Review Act." Notice
    21  of proposed rule making shall not be omitted pursuant to section
    22  204 of the "Commonwealth Documents Law," and no final-form
    23  regulation subject to this section may take effect pursuant to
    24  emergency certification by the Governor under section 6(d) of
    25  the "Regulatory Review Act."
    26     (c)  (1)  Notwithstanding subsection (b), the department may
    27  proceed to adopt regulations under section 6(d) of the
    28  "Regulatory Review Act" if all of the following apply:
    29     (i)  New regulations are necessary to comply with changes in
    30  applicable Federal law or regulations relating to eligibility
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     1  for medical assistance nursing facility services or to program
     2  participation or reimbursement for medical assistance nursing
     3  facility providers.
     4     (ii)  A delay in adoption of regulations will result either
     5  in the loss of Federal funds or replacement of Federal funds
     6  with State funds in an amount in excess of one million dollars
     7  ($1,000,000).
     8     (2)  Before proceeding under section 6(d) of the "Regulatory
     9  Review Act," the department shall publish advance notice in the
    10  Pennsylvania Bulletin announcing its intent to adopt regulations
    11  under section 6(d) of the "Regulatory Review Act" and soliciting
    12  public comment for at least fourteen days. After consideration
    13  of the comments it receives, the department may proceed to adopt
    14  the regulations under section 6(d) of the "Regulatory Review
    15  Act". In adopting the regulations, the department shall publish
    16  its responses to the comments that it received during the public
    17  comment period.
    18     Section 815-A.  Time periods.--The assessment authorized in
    19  this article shall not be imposed prior to July 1, 2003, or
    20  after June 30, [2007] 2012.
    21     Section 3.  The act is amended by adding an article to read:
    22                           ARTICLE VIII-D
    24  Section 801-D.  Definitions.
    25     The following words and phrases when used in this article
    26  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    27  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    28     "Commission."  The Senior Care and Services Study Commission.
    29  Section 802-D.  Senior Care and Services Study Commission.
    30     (a)  Declaration of policy.--The General Assembly recognizes
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     1  that the health care needs of Pennsylvania's current and future
     2  senior population should be assessed.
     3     (b)  Establishment.--There is established a Senior Care and
     4  Services Study Commission.
     5     (c)  Purpose.--The purpose of the commission shall be all of
     6  the following:
     7         (1)  Reviewing the current care and service offerings and
     8     resources available for Commonwealth residents over the age
     9     of 65 years.
    10         (2)  Projecting future need for the various levels of
    11     senior care and services through 2025.
    12         (3)  Evaluating the ability of the current assessment and
    13     delivery systems to meet the projected service needs.
    14         (4)  Projecting the resources necessary to meet the
    15     projected need and making policy recommendations as to how
    16     the projected need can best be met considering the resource
    17     limitations that may exist at the time the commission
    18     completes its work under this article.
    19     (d)  Composition.--
    20         (1)  The commission shall consist of all of the following
    21     members:
    22             (i)  The Secretary of the Budget or a designee.
    23             (ii)  The Secretary of Health or a designee.
    24             (iii)  The Secretary or a designee.
    25             (iv)  The Secretary of Aging or a designee.
    26             (v)  One member appointed by the President pro
    27         tempore of the Senate.
    28             (vi)  One member appointed by the Minority Leader of
    29         the Senate.
    30             (vii)  One member appointed by the Speaker of the
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     1         House of Representatives.
     2             (viii)  One member appointed by the Minority Leader
     3         of the House of Representatives.
     4             (ix)  The following members appointed by the
     5         Governor:
     6                 (A)  Two Commonwealth residents age 65 or older
     7             who use long-term living services.
     8                 (B)  One individual representing non-profit
     9             nursing facilities.
    10                 (C)  One individual representing for-profit
    11             nursing facilities.
    12                 (D)  One individual representing county nursing
    13             facilities.
    14                 (E)  One individual representing hospital-based
    15             nursing facilities.
    16                 (F)  One individual representing home and
    17             community-based service providers.
    18                 (G)  One individual representing area agencies on
    19             aging.
    20                 (H)  One representative of an organized labor
    21             group representing employees providing long-term
    22             living services.
    23                 (I)  One physician whose practice is focused in
    24             long-term care settings.
    25                 (J)  One individual representing other long-term
    26             living stakeholders as may be determined by the
    27             Governor.
    28         (2)  Appointments under paragraphs (1)(v), (vi), (vii),
    29     (viii) and (ix) shall be made within 60 days of the effective
    30     date of this section.
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     1         (3)  Upon appointment of the last member under paragraph
     2     (2), the commission shall transmit notice to the Legislative
     3     Reference Bureau for publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin
     4     of the date of the last appointment. The date of the last
     5     appointment shall be considered the date of the establishment
     6     of the commission.
     7     (e)  Election of chairperson.--The members of the commission
     8  shall elect a chairperson of the commission from among
     9  themselves.
    10     (f)  Terms of members.--
    11         (1)  The terms of those members who serve by virtue of
    12     the public office they hold shall be concurrent with their
    13     service in the office from which they derive their
    14     membership.
    15         (2)  Except as provided in paragraph (1), members shall
    16     serve until their successors are appointed, if they represent
    17     the interest of the membership class for which they were
    18     appointed.
    19     (g)  Meetings.--The first meeting of the commission shall be
    20  held within 30 days of establishment of the commission.
    21  Subsequent meetings shall be held at least quarterly but more
    22  frequent meetings may be convened either at the call of the
    23  chairperson or by request of a simple majority of the commission
    24  members.
    25     (h)  Initial review.--The commission shall complete the
    26  initial review required under subsection (c)(1) within three
    27  months of its establishment.
    28     (i)  Public input sessions.--Within three months of issuing
    29  the findings under subsection (h), the commission shall hold no
    30  fewer than three public input sessions across the Commonwealth
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     1  for the purpose of receiving public comment on current or
     2  proposed programs serving seniors.
     3     (j)  Projections.--The commission shall obtain the
     4  projections under subsection (c)(2) and (4) no later than one
     5  year from its establishment. Nothing in this subsection shall
     6  prohibit the commission, if a majority of the members agree,
     7  from using a Commonwealth procured study initiated prior to the
     8  establishment of the commission to obtain this information.
     9     (k)  Final report.--The commission shall publish a final
    10  report as required under subsection (c)(1), (2), (3) and (4) no
    11  later than 18 months following its establishment and shall
    12  submit the report to the Governor and the General Assembly. The
    13  final report of the commission and any information and data
    14  compiled by the commission in accordance with this article shall
    15  be made available on the publicly accessible Internet website
    16  operated by the Department of Aging when the commission submits
    17  its final report to the Governor and the General Assembly.
    18     (l)  Expenses.--The commission is authorized to incur
    19  expenses deemed necessary to implement this article.
    20  Section 803-D.  Expiration.
    21     The commission shall expire following issuance of its report
    22  under subsection (k) or three years after the establishment of
    23  the commission, whichever occurs sooner.
    24     Section 4.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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