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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1119



No. 917 Session of 1999


           MAY 11, 1999

                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for the licensing of home inspectors; establishing the
     2     Home Inspectors Advisory Committee; and further providing for
     3     the State Registration Board for Professional Engineers, Land
     4     Surveyors and Geologists.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7  Section 1.  Short title.
     8     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Home
     9  Inspectors Professional Company Licensing Act.
    10  Section 2.  Definitions.
    11     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    12  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    13  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    14     "Associate home inspector."  A person who is employed by a
    15  licensed home inspector to conduct a home inspection of a
    16  residential building under the direct supervision of the
    17  licensed home inspector and is licensed pursuant to this act.
    18     "Board."  The State Registration Board for Professional

     1  Engineers, Land Surveyors and Geologists established pursuant to
     2  the act of May 23, 1945 (P.L.913, No.367), known as the
     3  Engineer, Land Surveyor and Geologist Registration Law.
     4     "Client."  A person who engages, or seeks to engage, the
     5  services of a home inspector for the purpose of obtaining an
     6  inspection of and a written report on the condition of a
     7  residential building.
     8     "Committee."  The Home Inspectors Advisory Committee
     9  established under section 3.
    10     "Home inspection."  An inspection and written evaluation of
    11  the following components of a residential building: heating
    12  system, cooling system, plumbing system, electrical system,
    13  structural components, foundation, roof, masonry structure,
    14  exterior and interior components or any other related
    15  residential housing component as determined by the board by
    16  regulation after consultation with the committee.
    17     "Home inspector."  A person licensed as a home inspector
    18  pursuant to this act.
    19     "Residential building."  A structure consisting of from one
    20  to four family dwelling units that has been occupied as such
    21  prior to the time when a home inspection is requested or
    22  contracted for in accordance with this act. The term does not
    23  include any such structure that is newly constructed and is not
    24  previously occupied.
    25  Section 3.  Advisory committee.
    26     (a)  Establishment.--
    27         (1)  The Home Inspector Advisory Committee is hereby
    28     established as an advisory committee to the board. The
    29     committee shall consist of five members who shall be
    30     residents of Pennsylvania and who shall be licensed home
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     1     inspectors, actively engaged in the practice of home
     2     inspection in Pennsylvania for at least five years
     3     immediately preceding their appointment.
     4         (2)  For a period of one year after the effective date of
     5     this act, and notwithstanding any other provisions of this
     6     act to the contrary, the first five home inspectors appointed
     7     as members of the committee, or any home inspector appointed
     8     to fill a vacancy during that first year, shall not be
     9     required, at the time of their first appointment, to be
    10     licensed to practice home inspection.
    11     (b)  Appointment and terms of office.--The Governor shall
    12  appoint each committee member for a term of three years, except
    13  that, of the members first appointed, two shall serve for terms
    14  of three years, two shall serve for terms of two years and one
    15  shall serve for a term of one year. Each member shall hold
    16  office until his successor has been qualified. Any vacancy in
    17  the membership of the committee shall be filled for the
    18  unexpired term in the manner provided for the original
    19  appointment. No member of the committee may serve more than two
    20  successive terms in addition to any unexpired term to which he
    21  has been appointed.
    22     (c)  Officers and meetings.--The committee shall annually
    23  elect from among its members a chairman and a vice chairman and
    24  may appoint a secretary who need not be a member of the
    25  committee. The committee shall meet at least twice a year and
    26  may hold additional meetings as necessary to discharge its
    27  duties.
    28     (d)  Compensation, expenses and administrative assistance.--
    29  The members of the committee shall receive $60 per diem when
    30  actually attending to the work of the committee and shall also
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     1  receive the amount of reasonable traveling, hotel and other
     2  necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.
     3  The board shall provide the committee with office and meeting
     4  facilities and personnel as required for the proper conduct of
     5  the committee.
     6     (e)  Powers and duties.--
     7         (1)  The committee shall advise the board on the
     8     following:
     9             (i)  Administering and enforcing this act.
    10             (ii)  Issuing and renewing licenses to home
    11         inspectors and associate home inspectors pursuant to this
    12         act.
    13             (iii)  Establishing standards for the continuing
    14         education of home inspectors.
    15             (iv)  Adopting and publishing a code of ethics and
    16         standards of practice for licensed home inspectors.
    17             (v)  Establishing, prescribing or changing the fees
    18         for examination, licensure, renewal and other services
    19         performed pursuant to this act.
    20         (2)  The committee shall have the power to issue,
    21     suspend, revoke or refuse to renew the license of a home
    22     inspector or an associate home inspector pursuant to this
    23     act. If the committee decides not to issue, or to suspend,
    24     revoke or refuse to renew a license, the aggrieved person
    25     shall have the right to appeal the committee's decision to
    26     the board in the manner provided for under section 4(c).
    27  Section 4.  Licensure.
    28     (a)  Home inspectors.--No person shall provide, nor present,
    29  call or represent himself as able to provide a home inspection
    30  for compensation unless licensed in accordance with this act. To
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     1  be eligible for licensure as a home inspector, an applicant
     2  shall fulfill the following requirements:
     3         (1)  Be of good moral character.
     4         (2)  Have successfully completed high school or its
     5     equivalent.
     6         (3)  Have been engaged as a licensed associate home
     7     inspector for not less than one year and have performed not
     8     less than 250 home inspections for compensation.
     9         (4)  Have passed the examination offered by the American
    10     Society of Home Inspectors or an equivalent examination
    11     approved by the board after consultation with the committee.
    12     An examination passed prior to the effective date of this act
    13     shall satisfy this requirement.
    14     (b)  Associate home inspectors.--To be eligible for licensure
    15  as an associate home inspector, an applicant shall fulfill the
    16  following requirements:
    17         (1)  Be of good moral character.
    18         (2)  Have successfully completed high school or its
    19     equivalent.
    20         (3)  Have passed an approved course of study, as
    21     prescribed by the board after consultation with the
    22     committee.
    23         (4)  Have performed not less than 50 home inspections in
    24     the presence of a licensed home inspector.
    25         (5)  Have passed the examination offered by the American
    26     Society of Home Inspectors or an equivalent examination
    27     approved by the board after consultation with the committee.
    28     An examination passed prior to the effective date of this act
    29     shall satisfy this requirement.
    30     (c)  Appeal procedure.--
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     1         (1)  If the committee refuses to issue or suspends,
     2     revokes or refuses to renew a license, the committee shall
     3     notify the aggrieved person in writing by certified mail.
     4         (2)  The aggrieved person shall be given a hearing by the
     5     board if within 60 days after receiving the notice, the
     6     person files with the board a written request for a hearing
     7     on the committee's decision to refuse to issue or to suspend,
     8     revoke or refuse to renew the license.
     9         (3)  Within 60 days after the hearing, the board shall
    10     notify the aggrieved person of its decision in writing by
    11     certified mail.
    12  Section 5.  Persons exempt from act.
    13     This act shall not apply to:
    14         (1)  A person who is employed as a code enforcement
    15     official by the Commonwealth or a political subdivision when
    16     acting within the scope of that government employment.
    17         (2)  A person making home inspections under the
    18     supervision of a licensed home inspector for the purpose of
    19     meeting the requirements of section 4(b) to qualify for
    20     licensure as an associate home inspector.
    21         (3)  Any of the following persons when acting within the
    22     scope of their profession:
    23             (i)  Architect licensed under the act of December 14,
    24         1982 (P.L.1227, No.281), known as the Architects
    25         Licensure Law.
    26             (ii)  Professional engineer licensed under the act of
    27         May 23, 1945 (P.L.913, No.367), known as the Engineer,
    28         Land Surveyor and Geologist Registration Law.
    29             (iii)  Real estate broker or salesperson licensed
    30         under the act of February 19, 1980 (P.L.15, No.9), known
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     1         as the Real Estate Licensing and Registration Act.
     2             (iv)  Real estate appraiser licensed under the act of
     3         July 10, 1990 (P.L.404, No.98), known as the Real Estate
     4         Appraisers Certification Act.
     5             (v)  Public adjuster licensed under the act of
     6         December 20, 1983 (P.L.260, No.72), referred to as the
     7         Public Adjuster Licensing Law.
     8             (vi)  Certified applicator licensed under the act of
     9         March 1, 1974 (P.L.90, No.24), known as the Pennsylvania
    10         Pesticide Control Act of 1973.
    11             (vii)  New home builder participating in a voluntary
    12         mediation proceeding under an agreement with the buyer of
    13         a new home in a dispute between the new homebuyer and the
    14         buyer's home builder. If the mediation proceeding
    15         involves an inspection of the new home, any fee paid
    16         shall be for the mediation services and not for the
    17         inspection.
    18  Section 6.  Other states and professions.
    19     Upon payment to the board of a fee and the submission of a
    20  written application provided by the board after consultation
    21  with the committee, the committee shall issue a home inspector
    22  license to any person who:
    23         (1)  Holds a valid license issued by another state, the
    24     District of Columbia or another possession or territory of
    25     the United States which has standards substantially
    26     equivalent to those of this State as determined by the
    27     committee.
    28         (2)  Is licensed in this State to practice architecture
    29     or professional engineering, or both, provided that the
    30     person meets the requirements of section 4(a)(1), (2) and
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     1     (4).
     2  Section 7.  Persons engaged in home inspections on effective
     3                 date.
     4     During the first 360 days after the effective date of this
     5  act, the committee shall issue to any individual upon
     6  application a home inspector license, provided that the
     7  applicant:
     8         (1)  Meets the requirements of section 4(a)(1), (2) and
     9     (4).
    10         (2)  Has been engaged in the practice of home inspections
    11     for compensation for not less than three years prior to the
    12     effective date of this act.
    13         (3)  Has performed not less than 300 home inspections for
    14     compensation.
    15  Section 8.  Fees.
    16     (a)  Established by board.--The board shall by regulation
    17  establish, prescribe or change the fees for licenses, renewal of
    18  licenses or other services provided by the board or the
    19  committee pursuant to this act. Licenses shall be issued for a
    20  period of two years and shall be renewable biennially.
    21     (b)  Fees limited.--The fees shall be established, prescribed
    22  or changed by the board to the extent necessary to defray all
    23  proper expenses incurred by the board or the committee and any
    24  staff employed to administer this act. The fees shall not be
    25  fixed at a level that will raise amounts in excess of the amount
    26  estimated to be so required.
    27     (c)  Fund.--All fees charged by the board shall be paid to
    28  the board and deposited in the Professional Licensure
    29  Augmentation Account created by section 301 of the act of July
    30  1, 1978 (P.L.700, No.124), known as the Bureau of Professional
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     1  and Occupational Affairs Fee Act.
     2  Section 9.  Other reasons for refusal, revocation or suspension.
     3     In addition to the provisions of section 4, the committee may
     4  refuse to issue or may suspend, revoke or refuse to renew a home
     5  inspector license or associate home inspector license upon proof
     6  to the satisfaction of the committee that the licensee has:
     7         (1)  Disclosed any information concerning the results of
     8     the home inspection without approval of a client or the
     9     client's representative.
    10         (2)  Accepted compensation from more than one interested
    11     party for the same service without consent of all interested
    12     parties.
    13         (3)  Accepted commissions or allowances, directly or
    14     indirectly, from other parties dealing with their client in
    15     connection with work for which the licensee is responsible.
    16         (4)  Failed to disclose promptly to a client information
    17     about any business interest of the licensee that may affect
    18     the client in connection with the home inspection.
    19         (5)  Engaged in any conduct in connection to a home
    20     inspection that demonstrates bad faith, dishonesty or
    21     untrustworthiness.
    22  Section 10.  Error and omissions policy.
    23     (a)  Coverage required.--Every licensed home inspector and
    24  associate home inspector who is engaged in home inspection shall
    25  secure, maintain and file with the board proof of a certificate
    26  of an error and omissions policy, which shall be in a minimum
    27  amount of $300,000 per occurrence.
    28     (b)  Cancellation or nonrenewal.--The department shall
    29  receive at least ten days' notice of any intention to cancel or
    30  to not renew an error and omissions policy.
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     1  Section 11.  Application of other laws.
     2     Except as specifically provided in this act to the contrary,
     3  the provisions of the act of May 23, 1945 (P.L.913, No.367),
     4  known as the Engineer, Land Surveyor and Geologist Registration
     5  Law, including, but not limited to, the provisions relating to
     6  the procedure for license suspension and revocation, penalties
     7  and injunctions against unlawful practice, shall apply to the
     8  licensure of home inspectors and associate home inspectors.
     9  Section 12.  Effective date.
    10     This act shall take effect in 90 days.

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