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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1278



No. 955 Session of 2005

           OCTOBER 26, 2005


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of April 14, 1972 (P.L.233, No.64), entitled
     2     "An act relating to the manufacture, sale and possession of
     3     controlled substances, other drugs, devices and cosmetics;
     4     conferring powers on the courts and the secretary and
     5     Department of Health, and a newly created Pennsylvania Drug,
     6     Device and Cosmetic Board; establishing schedules of
     7     controlled substances; providing penalties; requiring
     8     registration of persons engaged in the drug trade and for the
     9     revocation or suspension of certain licenses and
    10     registrations; and repealing an act," further providing for
    11     schedules of controlled substances, for professional
    12     prescription administration and dispensing, for prohibited
    13     acts and penalties, for prohibitions relating to liquefied
    14     ammonia gas, precursors and chemicals and for effect on local
    15     ordinances.

    16     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    17  hereby enacts as follows:
    18     Section 1.  Section 4(5) of the act of April 14, 1972
    19  (P.L.233, No.64), known as The Controlled Substance, Drug,
    20  Device and Cosmetic Act, amended July 3, 1985 (P.L.138, No.39),
    21  is amended to read:
    22     Section 4.  Schedules of Controlled Substances.--The
    23  following schedules include the controlled substances listed or
    24  to be listed by whatever official name, common or usual name,

     1  chemical name, or trade name designated.
     2     * * *
     3     (5)  Schedule V--In determining that a substance comes within
     4  this schedule, the secretary shall find: a low potential for
     5  abuse relative to the substances listed in Schedule IV;
     6  currently accepted medical use in the United States; and limited
     7  physical dependence and/or psychological dependence liability
     8  relative to the substances listed in Schedule IV. The following
     9  controlled substances are included in this schedule:
    10     (i)  Any compound, mixture, or preparation containing limited
    11  quantities of any of the following narcotics or any of their
    12  salts, which shall include one or more nonnarcotic active
    13  medicinal ingredients in sufficient proportion to confer upon
    14  the compound, mixture, or preparation, valuable medicinal
    15  qualities other than those possessed by the narcotic alone:
    16     1.  Not more than 200 milligrams of codeine, or any of its
    17  salts, per 100 milliliter or per 100 grams and not more than 10
    18  milligrams per dosage unit.
    19     2.  Not more than 100 milligrams of dihydrocodeine, or any of
    20  its salts, per 100 milliliters or per 100 grams and not more
    21  than 5 milligrams per dosage unit.
    22     3.  Not more than 100 milligrams of ethylmorphine, or any of
    23  its salts, per 100 milliliters or per 100 grams and not more
    24  than 5 milligrams per dosage unit.
    25     4.  Not more than 2.5 milligrams of diphenoxylate and not
    26  less than 25 micrograms of atropine sulfate per dosage unit.
    27     5.  Not more than 100 milligrams of opium per 100 milliliters
    28  or per 100 grams, or not more than 5 milligrams per dosage unit.
    29     6.  Any detectable quantity of ephedrine, its salts or
    30  optical isomers, or salts of optical isomers, except for
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     1  pediatric products in liquid form that:
     2     (A)  are labeled pursuant to Federal regulation primarily
     3  intended for administration to children under 12 years of age
     4  according to label instructions; and
     5     (B)  according to label instructions do not exceed 15
     6  milligrams of ephedrine per 5 milliliters of liquid product.
     7     7.  Any detectable quantity of psuedoephedrine, its salts or
     8  optical isomers, or salts of optical isomers, except for
     9  pediatric products in liquid form that:
    10     (A)  are labeled pursuant to Federal regulation primarily
    11  intended for administration to children under 12 years of age
    12  according to label instructions; and
    13     (B)  according to label instructions do not exceed 15
    14  milligrams of ephedrine per 5 milliliters of liquid product.
    15     (ii)  Buprenorphine.
    16     Section 2.  Section 11(c) of the act is amended to read:
    17     Section 11.  Professional Prescription, Administration, and
    18  Dispensing.--
    19     * * *
    20     (c)  (1)  No controlled substance in Schedule V may be
    21  distributed or dispensed for other than a medicinal purpose.
    22     (2)  If a substance described in section 4(5)(i)6 or 7 of
    23  this act is dispensed, sold or distributed in a pharmacy:
    24     (i)  The substance shall be dispensed, sold or distributed
    25  only by a licensed pharmacist or a licensed pharmacy technician.
    26     (ii)  The substance shall not be dispensed, sold or
    27  distributed to any person under 18 years of age.
    28     (iii)  Any person purchasing, receiving or otherwise
    29  acquiring the substance shall:
    30     (A)  Produce a government-issued photo identification showing
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     1  the date of birth of the person.
     2     (B)  Sign a written log or receipt showing the date of the
     3  transaction, the name of the person and the name and the amount
     4  of the substance purchased, received or otherwise acquired.
     5     (3)  (i)  No person shall purchase, receive or otherwise
     6  acquire more than 7.5 grams of a substance described in section
     7  4(5)(i)6 or 7 of this act within any 30-day period.
     8     (ii)  No licensed pharmacist or licensed pharmacy technician
     9  shall dispense, sell or distribute more than 7.5 grams of the
    10  substances described in section 4(5)(i)6 or 7 of this act within
    11  any 30-day period.
    12     (iii)  The limits described in subclauses (i) and (ii) shall
    13  not apply to any quantity of the substance dispensed under a
    14  valid prescription.
    15     (4)  The secretary, upon application of a manufacturer of a
    16  drug product, may exempt the product from section 4(5)(i)6 and 7
    17  of this act if the secretary determines that the product has
    18  been formulated in such a way as to effectively prevent the
    19  conversion of the active ingredient into methamphetamine.
    20     * * *
    21     Section 3.  Section 13(a) of the act is amended by adding
    22  clauses and the section is amended by adding a subsection to
    23  read:
    24     Section 13.  Prohibited Acts; Penalties.--(a)  The following
    25  acts and the causing thereof within the Commonwealth are hereby
    26  prohibited:
    27     * * *
    28     (39) The knowing or intentional dispensing, sale or
    29  distribution of a substance in violation of section 11(c).
    30     (40)  The knowing or intentional entry of false information
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     1  in the log required under section 11(c)(2)(iii)(B).
     2     * * *
     3     (q)  Any person who violates subsection (a)(39) or (40) shall
     4  be guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree and shall, upon
     5  conviction, be sentenced to imprisonment not exceeding five
     6  years or to pay a fine not exceeding ten thousand ($10,000), or
     7  both.
     8     Section 4.  Section 13.1 of the act, added July 15, 2004
     9  (P.L.729, No.84), is amended to read:
    10     Section 13.1.  Liquefied Ammonia Gas; Precursors and
    11  Chemicals.--(a)  The following acts are prohibited:
    12     (1)  Possessing or transporting liquefied ammonia gas:
    13     (i)  for any purpose other than legitimate agricultural or
    14  industrial use; or
    15     (ii)  in a container not approved by the Department of
    16  Agriculture or the Department of Transportation or both.
    17     (2)  Possessing or transporting liquefied ammonia gas with
    18  intent to manufacture a controlled substance.
    19     (3)  Possessing red phosphorous, hypophosphoric acid,
    20  ammonium sulfate, phosphorous, iodine, hydriodic acid,
    21  ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, lithium, sodium, potassium,
    22  sassafras oil, safrole oil or other oil containing safrole or
    23  equivalent, whether in powder or liquid form, with intent to
    24  manufacture a controlled substance.
    25     (4)  Possessing or transporting a substance containing any
    26  detectable quantity of ephedrine, its salts or optical isomers,
    27  or salts of optical isomers, or any detectable quantity of
    28  pseudoephedrine, its salts or optical isomers, or salts of
    29  optical of optical isomers, in a vehicle with knowledge or
    30  intent it will be used to manufacture a controlled substance.
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     1     (b)  A person who violates subsection (a)(1) commits a
     2  misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be sentenced to
     3  imprisonment not exceeding five years and to pay a fine not
     4  exceeding ten thousand dollars ($10,000).
     5     (c)  A person who violates subsection (a)(2) or (3) commits a
     6  felony and upon conviction shall be sentenced to imprisonment
     7  not exceeding seven years and to pay a fine not exceeding
     8  fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000).
     9     (d)  A person who violates subsection (a)(4) commits a felony
    10  of the second degree and shall be sentenced to a term of
    11  imprisonment not exceeding ten years or a fine not exceeding
    12  twenty-five thousand ($25,000), or both.
    13     Section 5.  Section 41.1 of the act, added December 4, 1980
    14  (P.L.1093, No.186), is amended to read:
    15     Section 41.1.  Effect on Local Ordinances.--(a)  Nothing in
    16  this act relating to drug paraphernalia shall be deemed to
    17  supersede or invalidate any consistent local ordinance,
    18  including zoning and nuisance ordinances, relating to the
    19  possession, sale or use of drug paraphernalia.
    20     (b)  The provisions of section 11 of this act shall preempt
    21  any inconsistent local ordinance, including zoning and nuisance
    22  ordinances, relating to the disbursement, sale or distribution
    23  of ephedrine or pseudoephedrine.
    24     Section 6.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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