No. 966 Session of 1983

           AND HANKINS, SEPTEMBER 8, 1983

           SEPTEMBER 8, 1983

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of May 23, 1945 (P.L.913, No.367), entitled, as
     2     amended, "An act relating to and regulating the practice of
     3     the profession of engineering; including civil engineering,
     4     mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, mining
     5     engineering, chemical engineering, surveying and constituent
     6     parts and combinations thereof as herein defined; providing
     7     for the licensing and registration of persons practicing said
     8     profession, and the certification of engineers in training,
     9     and the suspension and revocation of said licenses,
    10     registrations and certifications for violation of this act;
    11     prescribing the powers and duties of the State Registration
    12     Board for Professional Engineers, the Department of State and
    13     the courts; prescribing penalties; and repealing existing
    14     laws," reestablishing the State Registration Board for
    15     Professional Engineers; and making a repeal.

    16     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    17  hereby enacts as follows:
    18     Section 1.  The act of May 23, 1945 (P.L.913, No.367), known
    19  as the Professional Engineers Registration Law, is amended by
    20  adding a section to read:
    21     Section 4.1.  State Registration Board for Professional
    22  Engineers.--(a)  The State Registration Board for Professional
    23  Engineers shall consist of the Commissioner of Professional and

     1  Occupational Affairs, two members who shall be persons
     2  representing the public at large, and five members all of whom
     3  shall be registered professional engineers and full corporate
     4  members in good standing in at least one of the following
     5  societies: American Society of Civil Engineers, American
     6  Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, American
     7  Society of Mechanical Engineers, or American Institute of
     8  Electrical Engineers. The professional members of the board
     9  shall be so selected that not more than two of them shall be
    10  members of the same society. Each member of the board shall be a
    11  citizen of the United States and a resident of this
    12  Commonwealth. Each professional member shall have been engaged
    13  in the practice of the profession of engineering for at least
    14  ten years and shall have been in responsible charge of
    15  engineering work for at least five years.
    16     (b)  The terms of members of the board shall be six years.
    17     (c)  Four members of the board shall constitute a quorum.
    18     (d)  The board shall select annually a president from among
    19  its members and shall elect a secretary who need not be a member
    20  of the board.
    21     (e)  Each member of the board, except the Commissioner of
    22  Professional and Occupational Affairs, shall receive thirty
    23  dollars ($30) per diem, when actually attending to the work of
    24  the board, and the secretary shall receive such reasonable
    25  compensation as shall be determined by the board, with the
    26  approval of the Commissioner of Professional and Occupational
    27  Affairs.
    28     (f)  The board is subject to evaluation, review and
    29  termination within the time and in the manner provided in the
    30  act of December 22, 1981 (P.L.508, No.142), known as the "Sunset
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     1  Act."
     2     Section 2.  Section 425 of the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177,
     3  No.175), known as The Administrative Code of 1929, is repealed.
     4     Section 3.  This act reestablishes the State Registration
     5  Board for Professional Engineers in accordance with the
     6  procedures set forth in section 7(a) of the act of December 22,
     7  1981 (P.L.508, No.142), known as the Sunset Act.
     8     Section 4.  The presently confirmed members of the State
     9  Registration Board for Professional Engineers constituted under
    10  section 425 of the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known
    11  as The Administrative Code of 1929, as of December 31, 1983
    12  shall continue to serve as board members until their present
    13  terms of office expire.
    14     Section 5.  Each rule and regulation of the board in effect
    15  on December 31, 1983, shall remain in effect after such date
    16  until repealed or amended by the board.
    17     Section 6.  This act shall be retroactive to December 31,
    18  1983 if enacted finally after that date.
    19     Section 7.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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