See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1269



No. 1020 Session of 2001

           JUNE 21, 2001


                                     AN ACT

     1  Authorizing certain racetrack gaming; providing for
     2     disbursements of revenues; establishing the Racetrack Gaming
     3     Control Board and the State Gaming Fund; imposing duties on
     4     the State Horse Racing Commission; imposing a slot machine
     5     tax; and making an appropriation.

     6                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     7  Section 1.  Short title.
     8  Section 2.  Legislative intent.
     9  Section 3.  Definitions.
    10  Section 4.  Racetrack Gaming Control Board established.
    11  Section 5.  Board's powers.
    12  Section 6.  Authorized slot machine licenses.
    13  Section 7.  Slot machine license application.
    14  Section 8.  Slot machine accounting controls and audits.
    15  Section 9.  Supplier licenses and applications.
    16  Section 10.  Occupation permit and applications.
    17  Section 11.  Additional licenses and permits.
    18  Section 12.  Slot machine tax; State Gaming Fund; distributions
    19                 from fund.

     1  Section 13.  Pennsylvania Standardbred Breeders' Development
     2                 Fund.
     3  Section 14.  Additional revenue disbursements.
     4  Section 15.  Declaration of exemption from Federal laws
     5                 prohibiting slot machines.
     6  Section 16.  State Horse Racing Commission.
     7  Section 17.  Appropriation.
     8  Section 18.  Effective date.
     9     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    10  hereby enacts as follows:
    11  Section 1.  Short title.
    12     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Racetrack
    13  Gaming Act.
    14  Section 2.  Legislative intent.
    15     The General Assembly hereby finds and declares it to be the
    16  public policy of this Commonwealth as follows:
    17         (1)  The General Assembly recognizes that several
    18     neighboring states of this Commonwealth have approved gaming
    19     devices at licensed racetrack facilities.
    20         (2)  This competition is adversely affecting the racing
    21     industry in this Commonwealth, which is a significant
    22     component of this Commonwealth's agricultural industry and a
    23     major contributor to the preservation of 520,000 acres of
    24     open space and agricultural land devoted to breeding, raising
    25     and training horses.
    26         (3)  This competition threatens the 35,000 jobs that
    27     Pennsylvania racing supports.
    28         (4)  This competition jeopardizes the $752,000,000 total
    29     annual economic output and the capital facilities worth an
    30     estimated $1,200,000,000 that Pennsylvania racing produces in
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     1     this Commonwealth.
     2         (5)  The General Assembly believes that permitting
     3     limited gaming by the installation and operation of slot
     4     machines at Pennsylvania's racetracks enhances their existing
     5     business purposes of preserving live racing, wagering,
     6     tourism, entertainment and employment.
     7         (6)  The General Assembly declares the following
     8     objectives:
     9             (i)  Ensure that this Commonwealth's horse racing
    10         industry remains competitive with neighboring states.
    11             (ii)  Positively assist this Commonwealth's horse
    12         racing industry to produce additional tax revenues and to
    13         create new jobs.
    14             (iii)  Promote the further growth of tourism by
    15         offering limited forms of regulated gaming at licensed
    16         racetracks where live horse racing takes place.
    17             (iv)  Strictly monitor and control any limited gaming
    18         activity by the regulation and licensing of all specified
    19         locations, persons, associations, practices and
    20         activities.
    21             (v)  Strictly monitor and control the manufacturers
    22         and distributors of any slot machine installed at
    23         racetracks.
    24             (vi)  Establish strict financial integrity and
    25         eligibility requirements which would include public
    26         disclosure of ownership and interest.
    27             (vii)  Prohibit slot machines at nonprimary locations
    28         without further action by the General Assembly.
    29             (viii)  Take into consideration the social effect of
    30         such gaming and any potential for addictive behavior.
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     1  Section 3.  Definitions.
     2     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
     3  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     4  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     5     "Associated equipment."  Any equipment or mechanical,
     6  electromechanical or electronic contrivance, component or
     7  machine used in connection with gaming, including links which
     8  connect to progressive slot machines, equipment which affects
     9  the proper reporting of gross revenue, computerized systems for
    10  monitoring gaming devices and devices for weighing or counting
    11  money.
    12     "Board."  The Racetrack Gaming Control Board established
    13  under section 4.
    14     "Fund."  The State Gaming Fund established under section 12.
    15     "Gaming employee."  Any employee, including, but not limited
    16  to:
    17         (1)  cashiers;
    18         (2)  change personnel;
    19         (3)  counting room personnel;
    20         (4)  floormen;
    21         (5)  hosts or other persons authorized to extend
    22     complimentary services;
    23         (6)  machine mechanics;
    24         (7)  security personnel; and
    25         (8)  supervisors or managers.
    26  The term also includes employees of a person holding a
    27  supplier's license whose duties are directly involved with
    28  manufacture, repair or distribution of slot machines under this
    29  act. The term does not include bartenders, cocktail servers or
    30  other persons engaged solely in preparing or serving food or
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     1  beverage, secretarial personnel, janitorial, stage, sound and
     2  light technicians and other nongaming personnel.
     3     "Gross revenue."  The total of cash or the cash equivalent
     4  received by a slot machine minus the total of:
     5         (1)  Cash or the cash equivalent paid out to patrons as a
     6     result of playing a slot machine.
     7         (2)  Cash paid to purchase annuities to fund cash paid to
     8     patrons over several years by independent administrators as a
     9     result of playing a slot machine.
    10         (3)  Any personal property distributed to a patron as the
    11     result of playing a slot machine but not travel expenses,
    12     food, refreshments, lodging or services. The term does not
    13     include counterfeit money or tokens, coins of other countries
    14     which are received in slot machines, except to the extent
    15     that they are readily convertible to official currency, cash
    16     taken in fraudulent acts perpetrated against a slot machine
    17     licensee for which the licensee is not reimbursed or cash
    18     received as entry fees for contests or tournaments in which
    19     the patrons compete for prizes.
    20     "Licensed corporations."  Corporations that have obtained a
    21  license from either the State Horse Racing Commission or the
    22  State Harness Racing Commission to conduct thoroughbred or
    23  harness horse race meetings respectively with pari-mutuel
    24  wagering.
    25     "Nonprimary location."  Any facility in which pari-mutuel
    26  wagering is conducted by licensed corporations other than the
    27  racetrack location.
    28     "Person."  A natural person, corporation, organization,
    29  business trust, estate, trust, partnership, association or any
    30  other legal entity.
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     1     "Progressive jackpot."  A prize that increases as one or more
     2  slot machines are connected to a progressive system.
     3     "Progressive system."  A computerized system linking gaming
     4  devices in one or more licensed establishments and offering one
     5  or more common progressive jackpots.
     6     "Race Horse Industry Reform Act."  The act of December 17,
     7  1981 (P.L.435, No.135), known as the Race Horse Industry Reform
     8  Act.
     9     "Racetrack."  The physical facility where a licensed
    10  corporation conducts thoroughbred or harness race meetings
    11  respectively with pari-mutuel wagering.
    12     "Slot machine."  Any mechanical, electrical or other device,
    13  contrivance or machine approved by the board which, upon
    14  insertion of a coin, token or similar object therein or upon
    15  payment of any consideration whatsoever, is available to play or
    16  operate, the play or operation of which, whether by reason of
    17  the skill of the operator or application of the element of
    18  chance, or both, may deliver or entitle the person playing or
    19  operating the machine to receive cash or tokens to be exchanged
    20  for cash or to receive merchandise or any thing of value
    21  whatsoever, whether the payoff is made automatically from the
    22  machine or in any other manner.
    23     "Slot machine license."  A license authorizing a licensed
    24  corporation to place and operate slot machines at its racetrack
    25  pursuant to this act.
    26     "Slot machine licensee."  A licensed corporation which
    27  obtains a slot machine license.
    28     "Supplier."  A person who manufactures, assembles, produces,
    29  programs, sells, leases, markets, offers or otherwise produces,
    30  distributes or makes modifications to any slot machine for use
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     1  or play in this Commonwealth.
     2  Section 4.  Racetrack Gaming Control Board established.
     3     (a)  Board established.--There is hereby established a
     4  Racetrack Gaming Control Board as a departmental administrative
     5  board within the Department of Revenue.
     6     (b)  Membership.--The board shall consist of the following
     7  five members:
     8         (1)  Three members who shall be appointed by the Governor
     9     with the advice and consent of the Senate.
    10         (2)  The chairperson of the State Horse Racing
    11     Commission.
    12         (3)  The chairperson of the State Harness Racing
    13     Commission.
    14  The Secretary of Revenue and Secretary of Agriculture shall
    15  serve as nonvoting ex officio members.
    16     (c)  Compensation.--The Executive Board shall establish the
    17  compensation of the members and employees of the board in
    18  accordance with section 709 of the act of April 9, 1929
    19  (P.L.177, No.175), known as The Administrative Code of 1929. All
    20  members shall be reimbursed for all necessary and actual
    21  expenses.
    22     (d)  Chairman.--The chairman shall be selected by the
    23  Governor to serve a term designated by the Governor.
    24     (e)  Terms.--The governor shall appoint the initial three
    25  appointees within 60 days of the effective date of this act. The
    26  three members of the board appointed by the Governor shall each
    27  serve three-year terms, except that the initial appointees shall
    28  have staggered terms so that one member shall be appointed for a
    29  one-year term, one member shall be appointed for a two-year term
    30  and one member shall be appointed for a three-year term.
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     1     (f)  Qualifications.--The three members of the board
     2  appointed by the Governor shall have the following
     3  qualifications:
     4         (1)  One member shall be a person having a minimum of
     5     five years of responsible administrative experience in public
     6     or business administration and possessing broad management
     7     skills.
     8         (2)  One member shall be a certified public accountant
     9     licensed to practice in this Commonwealth.
    10         (3)  One member shall possess substantial experience of a
    11     senior nature in law enforcement.
    12  Section 5.  Board's powers.
    13     (a)  General powers.--The board shall establish, administer
    14  and ensure the integrity of slot machines at racetracks and
    15  shall have jurisdiction over the location and operation of slot
    16  machines at racetracks. The board shall employ an executive
    17  director, deputies, secretaries, officers and representatives as
    18  it may deem necessary, who shall serve at the board's pleasure.
    19  The board shall also employ other employees as they see fit and
    20  whose duties and compensation shall be prescribed by the board.
    21  Legal counsel for the board shall be appointed in accordance
    22  with the act of October 15, 1980 (P.L.950, No.164), known as the
    23  Commonwealth Attorneys Act. The board shall be subject to the
    24  provisions of the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known
    25  as The Administrative Code of 1929, as to classification and
    26  compensation for all its employees and conduct its activities
    27  consistent with the practices and procedures of Commonwealth
    28  agencies.
    29     (b)  Specific powers.--The board shall have the following
    30  specific powers and duties:
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     1         (1)  Investigate, evaluate and decide upon applications
     2     for all licenses provided for in this act.
     3         (2)  Issue slot machine licenses pursuant to the
     4     provisions of section 6.
     5         (3)  Promulgate regulations as the board deems necessary
     6     to carry out the policy and purposes of this subchapter and
     7     to enhance the credibility and integrity of racetrack gaming
     8     devices in this Commonwealth. Notwithstanding any other
     9     provision of law to the contrary and in order to facilitate
    10     the prompt implementation of this act, regulations
    11     promulgated by the board during the first year of its
    12     existence shall not be subject to notice of proposed
    13     rulemaking pursuant to section 204 of the act of July 31,
    14     1968 (P.L.769, No.240), referred to as the Commonwealth
    15     Documents Law. Regulations adopted after the one-year period
    16     shall be promulgated, adopted and published as provided by
    17     law.
    18         (4)  The board or designated officers, employees or
    19     agents of the board shall have the power to administer oaths,
    20     examine witnesses and may issue subpoenas to compel
    21     attendance of witnesses and production of all relevant and
    22     material reports, books, papers, documents and other
    23     evidence.
    24         (5)  Levy and collect fees from the various licensees and
    25     permittees sufficient to fund all of the operations of the
    26     board. The fees shall be paid to the State Treasury through
    27     the Department of Revenue and credited to the board for its
    28     operations.
    29         (6)  Levy and collect an annual payment by slot machine
    30     licensees of $150 per slot machine in operation as of
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     1     September 1 of each calendar year beginning with September 1
     2     after the effective date of this section. This fee shall be
     3     deposited into a restricted receipts account to be annually
     4     appropriated by the General Assembly for programs designated
     5     by the General Assembly to provide treatment to compulsive
     6     gamblers.
     7         (7)  Provide for the assessment and collection of fines
     8     and penalties for violations of this act. All fines and
     9     penalties shall be credited for deposit to the General Fund.
    10         (8)  Revoke or suspend any license provided for in this
    11     act if the board finds by a preponderance of the evidence
    12     that a licensee under this act, its officers, employees or
    13     agents do not comply with the provisions of this act or the
    14     rules and regulations of the board and that it would be in
    15     the public interest, convenience or necessity to revoke or
    16     suspend the license. None of the licenses provided for in
    17     this act are transferable or assignable in any manner.
    18         (9)  Restrict access to confidential information obtained
    19     under this act and ensure that the confidentiality of
    20     information is maintained and protected.
    21         (10)  Prescribe financial reporting and internal control
    22     requirements for slot machine licensees operating slot
    23     machines pursuant to section 6.
    24         (11)  Prescribe the manner in which gross revenue must be
    25     computed and reported by the slot machine licensee relating
    26     to slot machines.
    27         (12)  Require audits of the financial statements of all
    28     slot machine licensees operating slot machines.
    29         (13)  Require periodic financial reports from each slot
    30     machine licensee consistent with standards and intervals
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     1     prescribed by the board.
     2         (14)  Prescribe the procedures to be followed by slot
     3     machine licensees for cash transactions affecting slot
     4     machines.
     5         (15)  Prescribe criteria and conditions for the operation
     6     of slot machine progressive systems.
     7         (16)  Enforce the prescribed hours for the operation of
     8     slot machines, so that slot machine licensees may operate
     9     slot machines on any day, except Christmas day, between the
    10     hours of 10 a.m. on one day until 2 a.m. the next day.
    11         (17)  Prohibit the offering of free alcohol or free malt
    12     or free brewed beverages to patrons operating or using slot
    13     machines.
    14         (18)  Prohibit wagering by persons under 21 years of age
    15     on slot machines.
    16         (19)  Establish procedures for the inspection and
    17     certification of each slot machine prior to being placed into
    18     use at the racetrack by a slot machine licensee. No slot
    19     machine may be set to pay out less than 87% or more than 95%
    20     of all wagers on an average annual basis unless specifically
    21     approved otherwise by the board.
    22     (c)  Reports.--The following reports shall be required
    23  annually:
    24         (1)  18 months after the effective date of this act and
    25     every year on that date thereafter, the board, in conjunction
    26     with the Department of Revenue shall issue a report to the
    27     Governor and the General Assembly on the general operation of
    28     the board, including, but not limited to, all taxes, fees,
    29     fines and other revenues collected and, where appropriate,
    30     disbursed, all hearings conducted and the results of, and
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     1     other information that the board deems necessary and
     2     appropriate.
     3         (2)  18 months after the effective date of this act and
     4     every year on that date thereafter, the Legislative Budget
     5     and Finance Committee shall issue a report to the General
     6     Assembly analyzing the impact, if any, of this act on the
     7     State Lottery.
     8  Section 6.  Authorized slot machine licenses.
     9     (a)  Eligibility.--A licensed corporation shall be entitled
    10  to receive a slot machine license to place and operate slot
    11  machines at its racetrack if that licensed corporation meets all
    12  of the following:
    13         (1)  The licensed corporation has conducted live racing
    14     or its predecessor has conducted live racing within the two
    15     years immediately preceding the enactment of this act.
    16         (2)  The licensed corporation maintains its license to
    17     conduct racing in good standing with the appropriate
    18     commission.
    19         (3)  The licensed corporation continues to provide for
    20     live horse racing as provided for in the Race Horse Industry
    21     Reform Act.
    22         (4)  The licensed corporation abides by all of the
    23     provisions and regulations of this act.
    24     (b)  Limitations.--The issuance of a slot machine license
    25  shall entitle the licensee to operate slot machines within the
    26  approved facility. Authorization to continue the operation of
    27  slot machines shall be limited to those slot machine licensees:
    28         (1)  That have a written live racing agreement with a
    29     horsemen's organization representing a majority of owners and
    30     trainers at the racetrack where the licensed corporation
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     1     conducts racing dates.
     2         (2)  That have scheduled 95% of the total number of horse
     3     or harness racing days scheduled in 1986 by it or its
     4     predecessor at the racetrack where the licensed corporation
     5     conducts racing dates.
     6         (3)  That, subject to actions or activities beyond the
     7     control of the licensee, conduct not fewer than eight live
     8     races per race date during each meet at the racetrack where
     9     the licensed corporation conducts racing dates, except for
    10     thoroughbred tracks on the day designated as Breeder's Cup
    11     Event Day, when the racetrack shall hold a minimum of five
    12     live races. The horsemen's organizations representing a
    13     majority of owners and trainees at a racetrack may consent to
    14     waiving or modifying the provisions pertaining to the
    15     required number of racing days under subsection (b)(2) and
    16     races per day scheduled in this subsection by the licensed
    17     corporation at that racetrack.
    18         (4)  Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1), in
    19     the event that a written live racing agreement has not been
    20     entered into, permission for any slot machine licensee to
    21     operate slot machines shall be granted provided that the
    22     licensed corporation has continued to conduct live racing or
    23     has scheduled to conduct live racing in accordance with
    24     paragraphs (2) and (3) and keeps its racetrack open to the
    25     general population of owners, trainers and horses currently
    26     stabled there for training and stabling on a regular basis
    27     during the periods when it is normally open for live racing
    28     and during such period pays as purses the applicable
    29     statutory percentages of the licensed corporations' retention
    30     of moneys from pari-mutuel pools or, if the percentages are
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     1     not mandated by statute, pays as purses 50% of the licensed
     2     corporations' retention of moneys from pari-mutuel pools or
     3     50% of the licensed corporations' share of moneys from the
     4     simulcasting of its live races to other locations, plus the
     5     applicable purse revenue for operating a gaming device
     6     license under this section.
     7     (c)  Prohibited.--No applicant that has been convicted, in
     8  any jurisdiction of a felony, crime of moral turpitude or
     9  gambling offense may be issued a slot machine license under this
    10  act.
    11  Section 7.  Slot machine license application.
    12     (a)  Application.--Any licensed corporation which meets the
    13  requirements of section 6 that desires to install slot machines
    14  and operate or alter the number of or location of slot machines
    15  within its racetrack shall file an application form with the
    16  board.
    17     (b)  Form.--Pursuant to subsection (a), an application form
    18  shall be developed by the board.
    19     (c)  Requirements.--The application form for a license shall
    20  include, but not be limited to:
    21         (1)  The name and address of the licensed corporation.
    22         (2)  The proposed location of the gaming devices within
    23     the racetrack facility. No application shall be approved
    24     which contains a request for placement of slot machines in a
    25     hotel, motel or other overnight sleeping facility.
    26         (3)  The number of slot machines requested. An applicant
    27     shall receive approval by the board for the operation of up
    28     to 2,000 slot machines.
    29         (4)  The justification and explanation for the number and
    30     location of the gaming devices within the racetrack facility.
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     1         (5)  The current standing of the licensed corporation's
     2     racetrack license.
     3         (6)  A specified comment section for the respective
     4     commission regulating the applicant to make comments and
     5     suggestions.
     6         (7)  Any other information determined to be essential by
     7     the board.
     8  Section 8.  Slot machine accounting controls and audits.
     9     (a)  Approval.--Each licensed corporation which desires to
    10  install and operate slot machines at its racetrack shall first
    11  obtain approval of its internal control systems and audits from
    12  the board.
    13     (b)  Minimum requirements.--At a minimum, the internal
    14  controls and audits shall consist of:
    15         (1)  The safeguarding of its assets and revenues,
    16     especially the recording of cash and evidences of
    17     indebtedness related to the slot machines.
    18         (2)  The provision of reliable records, accounts and
    19     reports of transactions, operations and events, including
    20     reports to the board related to the slot machines.
    21         (3)  The ensuring that all slot machines within each
    22     racetrack facility are directly connected to each racetrack's
    23     central computerized system and can provide details of all
    24     transactions, including, but not limited to, coin in, coin
    25     out, jackpots, machine door openings and power failures.
    26         (4)  A procedure whereby assets are safeguarded.
    27         (5)  Financial records are accurate and reliable.
    28         (6)  Transactions are performed only in accordance with
    29     the management's general or specific authorization.
    30         (7)  Transactions are recorded adequately to permit
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     1     proper and timely reporting of gaming revenue and of fees and
     2     taxes and to maintain accountability for assets.
     3         (8)  Access to assets is permitted only in accordance
     4     with management's specific authorization.
     5         (9)  Recorded accountability for assets is compared with
     6     actual assets at reasonable intervals and appropriate action
     7     is taken with respect to any discrepancies.
     8         (10)  Functions, duties and responsibilities are
     9     appropriately segregated and performed in accordance with
    10     sound practices by competent, qualified personnel.
    11     (c)  Internal control.--Each licensed corporation which seeks
    12  to operate slot machines at its racetrack shall describe, in the
    13  manner the board may approve or require, its administrative and
    14  accounting procedures in detail in a written system of internal
    15  control. Each licensed corporation which seeks to operate slot
    16  machines at its racetracks shall submit a copy of its written
    17  system to the board. Each written system shall include:
    18         (1)  An organizational chart depicting appropriate
    19     segregation of functions and responsibilities.
    20         (2)  A description of the duties and responsibilities of
    21     each position shown on the organizational chart.
    22         (3)  A detailed narrative description of the
    23     administrative and accounting procedures designed to satisfy
    24     the requirements of subsection (a).
    25         (4)  A written statement signed by the chief financial
    26     officer of the licensed corporation and the chief executive
    27     officer of the licensed corporation attesting that the system
    28     satisfies the requirements of this section.
    29         (5)  Any other item that the board may require.
    30  Section 9.  Supplier licenses and applications.
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     1     (a)  Application.--Any person that desires to supply slot
     2  machines or associated equipment to a slot machine licensee
     3  shall apply to the board for a supplier license.
     4     (b)  Requirements.--The application for a supplier license
     5  shall include, but not be limited to:
     6         (1)  The name and business address of the person.
     7         (2)  The length of time the person has been in the
     8     business related to the application.
     9         (3)  The background and financial standing of the person.
    10         (4)  Details of any supplier license granted by other
    11     jurisdictions where gaming is legal.
    12         (5)  The type of goods and services to be supplied.
    13         (6)  Any other information and details the board may
    14     require.
    15     (c)  License issuance.--
    16         (1)  Any supplier that the board determines is qualified
    17     to receive a supplier license under the provisions of this
    18     section may be issued a license.
    19         (2)  A license shall not be granted unless the board
    20     finds that the applicant satisfies all of the following
    21     criteria:
    22             (i)  The applicant is a person of good character,
    23         honesty and integrity. In making this determination, the
    24         board shall include a review of the applicant's criminal
    25         history as compiled by the Pennsylvania State Police. If
    26         the applicant has been convicted, in any jurisdiction, of
    27         a felony, a crime related to the activities of gambling
    28         or a crime of moral turpitude, then the board shall not
    29         issue a license under this section.
    30             (ii)  The applicant is a person whose prior
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     1         activities, criminal record, if any, reputation, habits
     2         and associations do not pose a threat to the public
     3         interest or to the effective regulation and control of
     4         gaming or create or enhance the dangers of unsuitable,
     5         unfair or illegal practices, methods and activities in
     6         the conduct of gaming or the carrying on of the business
     7         and financial arrangements incidental to it.
     8             (iii)  The applicant in all other respects is
     9         qualified to be licensed or found suitable consistent
    10         with the laws of this Commonwealth.
    11  Section 10.  Occupation permit and applications.
    12     (a)  Application.--Any person that desires to be a gaming
    13  employee shall apply to the board for an occupation permit. A
    14  person may not be employed as a gaming employee unless the
    15  person holds an appropriate occupation permit issued under this
    16  section.
    17     (b)  Requirements.--The application for an occupation permit
    18  shall include, but not be limited to:
    19         (1)  The name and home address of the person.
    20         (2)  The previous employment history of the person.
    21         (3)  Any criminal record of the person.
    22         (4)  The nature and scope of the proposed duties of the
    23     person.
    24         (5)  Any other information and details the board may
    25     require.
    26     (c)  License issuance.--
    27         (1)  Any person that the board determines to be qualified
    28     to receive an occupation permit under the provisions of this
    29     section may be issued a permit.
    30         (2)  A permit shall not be granted unless the board finds
    20010S1020B1269                 - 18 -

     1     that the applicant satisfies all of the following criteria:
     2             (i)  The applicant is a person of good character,
     3         honesty and integrity. In reviewing remaining criminal
     4         convictions, the board shall evaluate the seriousness and
     5         nature of the offense, the date of the offense and the
     6         applicant's evidence of rehabilitation and the occupation
     7         for which the applicant seeks a permit in making its
     8         determination under this section.
     9             (ii)  The applicant is a person whose prior
    10         activities, criminal record, if any, reputation, habits
    11         and associations do not pose a threat to the public
    12         interest or to the effective regulation and control of
    13         gaming or create or enhance the dangers of unsuitable,
    14         unfair or illegal practices, methods and activities in
    15         the conduct of gaming or the carrying on of the business
    16         and financial arrangements incidental to it.
    17             (iii)  The applicant is in all other respects
    18         qualified to be licensed or found suitable consistent
    19         with the laws of this Commonwealth.
    20  Section 11.  Additional licenses and permits.
    21     (a)  Suitability.--The board may determine the suitability of
    22  any person who furnishes services or property to a slot machine
    23  licensee related to slot machines at its racetrack under any
    24  arrangements under which that person receives payments based
    25  directly or indirectly on earnings, profits or receipts from the
    26  slot machines. The board may require any person to comply with
    27  the requirements of this act and the regulations of the board.
    28     (b)  Requirements.--The board may require a license or permit
    29  from any person who satisfies any one of the following criteria:
    30         (1)  The person does business on the premises.
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     1         (2)  The person does business with a slot machine
     2     licensee as a ticket purveyor, a tour operator, the operator
     3     of a bus program, or the operator of any other type of travel
     4     program or promotion related to slot machines.
     5         (3)  The person provides any goods or services to a slot
     6     machine licensee related to slot machines at the racetrack
     7     for a compensation which the board finds to be
     8     disproportionate to the value of the goods or services.
     9     (c)  Agreement.--Any agreement which entitles a person to
    10  conduct a business with a slot machine licensee relating to slot
    11  machines is subject to the approval of the board. Every
    12  agreement shall be in writing and include a provision for its
    13  termination without liability on the part of the slot machine
    14  licensee upon a finding by the board that the agreement is not
    15  approved or that it is terminated. Failure to expressly include
    16  this condition in the agreement is not a defense in any action
    17  brought under this section to terminate the agreement.
    18  Section 12.  Slot machine tax; State Gaming Fund; distributions
    19                 from fund.
    20     (a)  Fund established.--There is hereby established the State
    21  Gaming Fund.
    22     (b)  Tax.--All slot machine licensees shall pay a tax in the
    23  amount of 30% of the gross revenue arising from the operation of
    24  the slot machines.
    25     (c)  Payment and credit.--The tax imposed by this section
    26  shall be paid by the slot machine licensees through the
    27  department for credit to the fund monthly on or before the 20th
    28  day of the month next succeeding the month in which the tax
    29  accrues.
    30     (d)  Distribution.--The board shall distribute moneys from
    20010S1020B1269                 - 20 -

     1  the fund together with the interest earned thereon at least once
     2  annually on September 1, 1999, and each September 1 thereafter
     3  to the State Treasurer for deposit in the following manner:
     4         (1)  50% shall be directed to funding public education
     5     programs in all 501 school districts in this Commonwealth and
     6     distributed in accordance with the formula set forth in
     7     section 2502 of the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14),
     8     known as the Public School Code of 1949. Of this 50%, the sum
     9     of $5,000,000 shall be allocated to fund the temporary
    10     special aid to school districts suffering loss of tax revenue
    11     due to reduction in assessed valuation of taxable property
    12     pursuant to section 2502.30 of the Public School Code of
    13     1949.
    14         (2)  6% shall be transferred to the State Fire
    15     Commissioner in order to establish and fund the Volunteer
    16     Fire Company Grant Program. This program shall operate under
    17     the guidelines and procedures promulgated by an oversight
    18     board composed of the State Fire Commissioner and one member
    19     appointed by each of the following: the President pro tempore
    20     of the Senate, the Minority Leader of the Senate, the Speaker
    21     of the House of Representatives and the Minority Leader of
    22     the House of Representatives.
    23         (3)  29% shall be transferred to the Department of Aging
    24     for augmentation of the PACE program.
    25         (4)  5% shall be distributed among the counties hosting a
    26     racetrack which operates slot machines based upon the
    27     licensed corporation's percentage of contribution to the
    28     fund. If the racetrack is located in two or more counties,
    29     the amount available shall be distributed on a pro rata basis
    30     determined by the percentage of acreage located in each
    20010S1020B1269                 - 21 -

     1     county to the total acreage in all counties occupied by the
     2     racetrack.
     3         (5)  5% shall be distributed among the municipalities
     4     hosting a racetrack which operates slot machines based upon
     5     the licensed corporation's percentage of contribution to the
     6     fund. If the racetrack is located in two or more
     7     municipalities, the amount available shall be distributed on
     8     a pro rata basis determined by the percentage of acreage
     9     located in each municipality to the total acreage in all
    10     municipalities occupied by the racetrack.
    11         (6)  5% shall be distributed equally among the school
    12     districts hosting a racetrack which operates slot machines
    13     based upon the licensed corporation's percentage of
    14     contribution to the fund. If the racetrack is located in two
    15     or more school districts, the amount available shall be
    16     distributed on a pro rata basis determined by the percentage
    17     of acreage located in each school district to the total
    18     acreage in all school districts occupied by the racetrack.
    19     (e)  Tax reconciliation.--If the amount of tax required to be
    20  reported and paid pursuant to this section is later determined
    21  to be greater or less than the amount actually reported and paid
    22  by the licensed corporation, the board shall:
    23         (1)  assess and collect the additional tax determined to
    24     be due with interest thereon until paid; or
    25         (2)  provide for a refund of any overpayment, with
    26     interest thereon, to the licensed corporation.
    27  Section 13.  Pennsylvania Standardbred Breeders' Development
    28                 Fund.
    29     (a)  Account created.--There is hereby created a restricted
    30  account in the State Racing Fund to be known as the Pennsylvania
    20010S1020B1269                 - 22 -

     1  Standardbred Breeders' Development Fund which shall consist of
     2  the money appropriated under the provisions of section 15 and
     3  which shall be administered by the State Harness Racing
     4  Commission.
     5     (b)  Awards.--After the deduction of expenses related to the
     6  administration and development of the Pennsylvania Standardbred
     7  Breeders' Development Fund program incurred by the Pennsylvania
     8  Standardbred Breeders' Association, the State Harness Racing
     9  Commission shall, by rule or regulation, provide for
    10  Pennsylvania Stallion Award, Pennsylvania Bred Award and
    11  Pennsylvania Sired and Bred Award as follows:
    12         (1)  The Pennsylvania Stallion Award as calculated in
    13     subsection (c)(2) shall be paid to the owner or, if
    14     applicable, the syndicate manager to be distributed to the
    15     owners of a standardbred stallion standing in Pennsylvania
    16     based upon the winnings of any standardbred horse sired by
    17     the standardbred stallion standing in Pennsylvania in any
    18     Pennsylvania pari-mutuel or fair race. The total winnings by
    19     all Pennsylvania-sired standardbred horses in all
    20     Pennsylvania pari-mutuel or fair races shall bear a weight
    21     factor of one in the distribution formula set forth in
    22     subsection (c)(2).
    23         (2)  The Pennsylvania Bred Award as calculated in
    24     subsection (c)(2) shall be paid to the breeder of record of a
    25     Pennsylvania-bred standardbred horse. A Pennsylvania bred
    26     standardbred horse shall be a standardbred horse foaled and
    27     remaining in Pennsylvania at least 90 consecutive days after
    28     foaling but sired by a stallion standing outside
    29     Pennsylvania. The award shall be paid to the breeder of
    30     record of a Pennsylvania-bred standardbred horse based upon
    20010S1020B1269                 - 23 -

     1     the winnings of the Pennsylvania-bred standardbred horse in
     2     any Pennsylvania pari-mutuel or fair race. The total winnings
     3     by all Pennsylvania-bred standardbred horses in all
     4     Pennsylvania pari-mutuel or fair races shall bear a weight
     5     factor of two in the distribution formula set forth in
     6     subsection (c)(2).
     7         (3)  The Pennsylvania Sired and Bred Award as calculated
     8     in subsection (c)(2) shall be paid to the breeder of record
     9     of a Pennsylvania-sired and Pennsylvania-bred standardbred
    10     horse. A Pennsylvania-sired and Pennsylvania-bred
    11     standardbred horse shall be a standardbred horse foaled and
    12     remaining in Pennsylvania at least 90 consecutive days after
    13     foaling and sired by a stallion standing in Pennsylvania. The
    14     award shall be paid to the breeder of record of a
    15     Pennsylvania-sired and Pennsylvania-bred standardbred horse
    16     based upon the winnings of the Pennsylvania-sired and
    17     Pennsylvania-bred standardbred horse in any Pennsylvania
    18     pari-mutuel or fair race. The total winnings by all
    19     Pennsylvania-sired and Pennsylvania-bred standardbred horses
    20     in all Pennsylvania pari-mutuel or fair races shall bear a
    21     weight factor of seven in the distribution formula set forth
    22     in subsection (c)(2).
    23     (c)  Adjustment factor.
    24         (1)  The adjustment factor shall be calculated as
    25     provided in this subsection. At the end of each calendar
    26     year, the total purses won in Pennsylvania pari-mutuel or
    27     fair races by horses qualifying under each of the categories
    28     in subsection (b) shall be determined. After the total purses
    29     won by horses in each category are determined, the weighting
    30     factors described in subsection (b) shall be applied to the
    20010S1020B1269                 - 24 -

     1     total amount in each category, resulting in a weighted total
     2     amount for each category. The weighted total amount in each
     3     category shall be aggregated into a weighted grand total. The
     4     total amount in the Pennsylvania Standardbred Breeders'
     5     Development Fund at the end of each year, after deduction of
     6     expenses described in subsection (e), shall be divided by the
     7     weighted grand total, resulting in an adjustment factor.
     8         (2)  The total category awards and individual awards
     9     shall be calculated as provided in this subsection. The
    10     adjustment factor determined in subsection (c)(1) shall be
    11     multiplied by the weighted total amount described in
    12     subsection (c)(1) for each award category to determine the
    13     total amount available for awards in each category. In order
    14     to determine individual awards for each of the categories
    15     described in subsection (b), the amount of money won in the
    16     Pennsylvania pari-mutuel or fair race by the qualifying
    17     standardbred horse shall be multiplied by the weighting
    18     factor attributable to the particular category and the
    19     adjustment factor.
    20     (d)  Award calculations.--The individual awards for each
    21  category under subsection (b) shall be paid after calculation of
    22  the foregoing amounts, which payment shall be made during the
    23  calendar year following the year in which the applicable purses
    24  were won.
    25     (e)  Registration.--The Pennsylvania Standardbred Breeders'
    26  Association shall be the sole responsible body for the
    27  registration and records of Pennsylvania stallions, Pennsylvania
    28  bred and Pennsylvania sired and bred. The Pennsylvania
    29  Standardbred Breeders' Association shall advise the State
    30  Harness Racing Commission, when called upon, and shall determine
    20010S1020B1269                 - 25 -

     1  the qualifications for Pennsylvania stallions, Pennsylvania bred
     2  and Pennsylvania sired and bred. Its registration and records
     3  are hereby declared official Pennsylvania records. At the close
     4  of each calendar year, the Pennsylvania Standardbred Breeders'
     5  Association shall submit to the State Harness Racing Commission
     6  for its approval an itemized budget of projected expenses for
     7  the ensuring year relating to the administration and development
     8  of the Pennsylvania Standardbred Breeders' Development Fund
     9  program. The State Harness Racing Commission on no more than a
    10  quarterly basis shall reimburse from the fund the Pennsylvania
    11  Standardbred Breeders' Association for those expenses actually
    12  incurred in the administration and development of the
    13  Standardbred Breeders' Development Fund program.
    14  Section 14.  Additional revenue disbursements.
    15     (a)  Disbursements.--Each slot machine licensee, after the
    16  monthly payment of the slot machine tax, shall distribute from
    17  the balance of the monthly gross revenues arising from the
    18  operation of the slot machines of that licensee the following
    19  amounts indicated in subsection (b).
    20     (b)  Two thousand or fewer slot machines.--If an average of
    21  2,000 or fewer slot machines are operated by the slot machine
    22  licensee at its racetrack during the month such gaming revenues
    23  are received:
    24         (1)  14% of the balance under subsection (a) is to be
    25     used as additional moneys to fund the purses for the live
    26     races at that racetrack, in addition to existing purse
    27     agreements.
    28         (2)  (i)  From licensed corporations that operate gaming
    29         devices at thoroughbred racetracks, 3.5% of the balance
    30         under subsection (a) is to be paid into the Pennsylvania
    20010S1020B1269                 - 26 -

     1         Breeding Fund as described in section 223 of the Race
     2         Horse Industry Reform Act and distributed as directed
     3         therein; or
     4             (ii)  from licensed corporations that operate gaming
     5         devices at standardbred racetracks:
     6                 (A)  1/2 of 3.5% of the balance under subsection
     7             (a) is to be paid to the Pennsylvania Sire Stakes
     8             Fund as described in section 224 of the Race Horse
     9             Industry Reform Act and distributed as directed
    10             therein.
    11                 (B)  1/2 of 3.5% of the balance under subsection
    12             (a) is to be paid to the Pennsylvania Standardbred
    13             Breeders' Development Fund established in section 13
    14             and distributed to the Pennsylvania Stallion Awards,
    15             Pennsylvania Bred Awards and Pennsylvania Sired and
    16             Bred Awards as directed therein.
    17         (3)  1/2% of the balance under subsection (a) is to be
    18     used to fund health and pension benefits for the members of
    19     the horsemen's organizations representing the owners and
    20     trainers at the racetrack of that licensed corporation and,
    21     also to fund health insurance and benefits to active and
    22     disabled thoroughbred jockeys or standardbred drivers who are
    23     or were members of the thoroughbred jockeys' or standardbred
    24     drivers' organization at the racetrack of that licensed
    25     corporation as follows:
    26             (i)  $250,000 annually from each licensed corporation
    27         is to be paid to the thoroughbred jockeys' or
    28         standardbred drivers' organization at the racetrack of
    29         that licensed corporation for health insurance, life
    30         insurance or other benefits to active and disabled
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     1         thoroughbred jockeys or standardbred drivers in
     2         accordance with the rules of that organization for
     3         eligibility for such benefits.
     4             (ii)  The balance of the 0.5% after the annual
     5         payment under subparagraph (i) is to be paid to the
     6         horsemen's organization at the racetrack of that licensed
     7         corporation for health and pension benefits for its
     8         members in accordance with the rules of that organization
     9         for eligibility for such benefits.
    10  Section 15.  Declaration of exemption from Federal laws
    11                 prohibiting slot machines.
    12     (a)  Declaration.--Pursuant to section 2 of the act of
    13  January 2, 1951 (64 Stat. 1134, 15 U.S.C. § 1172), the
    14  Commonwealth declares that it is exempt from section 1134 of
    15  that act.
    16     (b)  Legal shipments.--All shipments of slot machines, into
    17  this Commonwealth, the registering, recording and labeling of
    18  which has been effected by the supplier of those devices, in
    19  accordance with sections 5 and 7 of the act of January 2, 1951
    20  (64 Stat. 1134, 15 U.S.C. §§ 1175 and 1177), shall be deemed
    21  legal shipments of slot machines into this Commonwealth.
    22  Section 16.  State Horse Racing Commission.
    23     The commission shall insure that:
    24         (1)  Each licensed thoroughbred corporation's racing
    25     secretary or designated official for developing the condition
    26     book for that corporation shall provide at least once a month
    27     conditions of restricted entry to registered Pennsylvania
    28     breds. The three bottom level claiming and nonclaiming
    29     conditions at said corporation's facility shall be written
    30     into the condition book or as an overnight extra condition so
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     1     as to effectuate the intent of this paragraph.
     2         (2)  Any Pennsylvania bred which advances through any
     3     restricted registered Pennsylvania bred condition, as set
     4     forth in paragraph (1) shall, notwithstanding restricted
     5     entry victory, be eligible for nonmaiden conditions in
     6     similar open claiming and nonclaimimg allowance events of
     7     Pennsylvania-licensed corporations and said corporations
     8     shall write their condition books and overnight extra
     9     conditions to reflect the same.
    10         (3)  Notwithstanding any statute, regulation or agreement
    11     to the contrary, paragraphs (1) and (2) shall not be violated
    12     or waived by any licensed corporation or other statutorily
    13     authorized agency or body.
    14  Section 17.  Appropriation.
    15     The sum of $2,000,000 is hereby appropriated to the Racetrack
    16  Gaming Control Board for the fiscal year July 1, 2001, to June
    17  30, 2002, to implement and administer the provisions of this
    18  act.
    19  Section 18.  Effective date.
    20     This act shall take effect immediately.

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