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        PRIOR PRINTER'S NO. 1538                      PRINTER'S NO. 1622



No. 1042 Session of 2004

           AND KASUNIC, APRIL 13, 2004

           AMENDED, MAY 12, 2004

                                     AN ACT

     1  Establishing the Pennsylvania Pollution Reduction and Prevention
     2     Program; establishing the Office of Pollution Reduction and
     3     Prevention within the Department of Environmental Protection;
     4     establishing a Pollution Prevention Index; providing an
     5     Environmental Report Card; establishing the Rachel Carson
     6     Environmental Excellence Award; providing for the disposition  <--
     7     of certain fines and penalties; and making an appropriation.

     8     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     9  hereby enacts as follows:
    10  Section 1.  Short title.
    11     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Pennsylvania
    12  Pollution Reduction and Prevention Act.
    13  Section 2.  Declaration of policy.
    14     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
    15         (1)  It is the goal of the Commonwealth to achieve zero
    16     discharge of pollutants into our air, water and land through
    17     pollution reduction and prevention.
    18         (2)  Traditional end-of-pipe pollution control techniques
    19     fail to provide permanent pollution reductions and often

     1     result in the transfer of pollutants from one environmental
     2     medium to another. Reducing pollution and waste at its source
     3     is the only way to achieve continued and sustainable
     4     improvements in the environment.
     5         (3)  Pollution reduction and prevention programs not only
     6     improve and restore the environment, but the cost savings
     7     that many times result from these practices and new
     8     technologies help make businesses more competitive, save jobs
     9     and create new economic opportunity in this Commonwealth.
    10         (4)  Education programs are the key to letting
    11     individuals and businesses know the best practices available
    12     that will reduce and prevent pollution and conserve energy
    13     and our natural resources.
    14         (5)  Helping individuals, businesses and farmers comply
    15     with Federal and State environmental statutes and regulations
    16     helps to reduce and eliminate pollution that may otherwise
    17     occur if violations are left uncorrected.
    18         (6)  Tracking the results of pollution reduction programs
    19     allows the public to see the progress made in restoring our
    20     environment and provides measuring sticks for environmental
    21     program managers to use to make program improvements.
    22         (7)  Reporting on the number and kinds of environmental
    23     violations that occur will help in the design of education
    24     programs needed to prevent future violations and result in
    25     better managed environmental programs.
    26         (8)  Providing public recognition of individuals,
    27     businesses, farmers and others for going beyond the minimum
    28     environmental standards provides examples of success that
    29     will inspire others to reduce and prevent pollution.
    30  Section 3.  Definitions.
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     1     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
     2  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     3  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     4     "Department."  The Department of Environmental Protection of
     5  the Commonwealth.
     6     "Office."  The Office of Pollution Reduction and Prevention
     7  in the Department of Environmental Protection.
     8     "Small business."  A business entity which has 150 or fewer
     9  employees.
    10  Section 4.  Office of Pollution Reduction and Prevention.
    11     (a)  Establishment.--There is hereby established in the
    12  department an Office of Pollution Reduction and Prevention
    13  headed by a deputy secretary which shall be responsible for
    14  developing and coordinating the implementation of programs to
    15  reduce and prevent pollution, promote energy efficiency and
    16  facilitate the development and use of green sources of energy.
    17     (b)  Duties.--The duties of the office shall include the
    18  following:
    19         (1)  Developing and promoting methods and technologies
    20     for reducing pollution affecting the air, land and water at
    21     its source.
    22         (2)  Developing educational materials in a variety of
    23     media and implementing training programs and workshops, both
    24     in person and online, for small businesses and the public on
    25     techniques and methods for reducing and preventing pollution
    26     and promoting energy efficiency.
    27         (3)  Providing technical assistance to small businesses
    28     and the public on how to comply with environmental statutes
    29     and regulations.
    30         (4)  Promoting the beneficial use, reuse and reclamation
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     1     of solid waste AND LIQUID WASTES by business and industry.     <--
     2         (5)  Developing and promoting the best practices in the
     3     reduction and prevention of pollution and in energy
     4     efficiency to achieve sustainable businesses and communities.
     5         (6)  Promoting the adopting of comprehensive
     6     environmental management systems by businesses, local
     7     governments and other organizations.
     8         (7)  Establishing an audit program to assist small
     9     businesses and local governments in developing strategies for
    10     reducing pollution, energy use and waste at its source.
    11         (8)  Serving as the coordinating office for State energy
    12     programs related to the United States Department of Energy
    13     and promoting the expansion of green and renewable sources of
    14     energy, reducing overall energy use and promoting the
    15     development of domestic energy sources.
    16         (9)  Administering the Alternative Fuels Incentive Grant
    17     Program provided for by 75 Pa.C.S. Ch. 72 (relating to
    18     alternative fuels).
    19     (c)  Technical assistance program.--
    20         (1)  There shall be established a program to provide
    21     direct, confidential assistance to small businesses to help
    22     them comply with environmental statutes and regulations and
    23     to assist in the preparation of strategies for reducing
    24     pollution, energy use and waste at its source with an
    25     emphasis on providing those services through private and
    26     third-party sources.
    27         (2)  The department shall maintain a catalog of private
    28     pollution reduction and prevention and energy efficiency
    29     service providers, including environmental auditors and
    30     assessors, and make that catalog available to individuals and
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     1     small businesses in an up-to-date form.
     2     (d)  Financial assistance.--
     3         (1)  The office shall establish a program to provide
     4     grants of up to $5,000 to small businesses for the purpose of
     5     preparing strategies for reducing pollution, energy use and
     6     waste at its source and implementing those strategies. A
     7     grant recipient shall report to the department on the
     8     measures adopted from the strategy and the permanent
     9     reductions achieved.
    10         (2)  The office shall coordinate with the Department of
    11     Community and Economic Development on the administration of
    12     the Pollution Prevention Assistance Accounts provided for by
    13     12 Pa.C.S. Ch. 23 (relating to small business first).
    14     (e)  Pollution reduction index.--
    15         (1)  The department shall establish the Pollution
    16     Reduction Index to track the permanent pollution reductions,
    17     natural resource and energy conservation results achieved by
    18     businesses, individuals and local governments in this
    19     Commonwealth that go beyond minimum regulatory requirements.
    20         (2)  The index shall include the results from voluntary
    21     programs promoted by the Commonwealth, Federal agencies and
    22     private and nonprofit groups.
    23         (3)  The department shall provide a copy of the Pollution
    24     Reduction Index to the General Assembly and the public
    25     covering each calendar year at the time the department
    26     submits its annual budget request.
    27     (f)  Environmental report card.--
    28         (1)  The department shall provide an Environmental Report
    29     Card to the General Assembly and the public annually on the
    30     number of companies, individuals and local governments in
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     1     compliance with department regulations in each of its major
     2     program areas. The report shall identify the top five types
     3     of violations in each major program and outline the steps the
     4     agency will take to reduce those violations in the future
     5     through education, enforcement or other actions.
     6         (2)  The Environmental Report Card shall cover each
     7     calendar year and shall be submitted at the time the
     8     department submits its annual budget request.
     9  Section 5.  Rachel Carson Environmental Excellence Award.
    10     (a)  Establishment.--There is hereby established a Rachel
    11  Carson Environmental Excellence Award to be presented to those
    12  individuals, businesses, local officials and nonprofit and other
    13  organizations that exemplify the highest commitment to restoring
    14  and protecting the environment in this Commonwealth.
    15     (b)  Categories.--The award shall recognize excellence in
    16  resource protection, watershed stewardship, education and
    17  outreach, land use and energy efficiency and other appropriate
    18  areas of environmental achievement.
    19     (c)  Honorarium.--Each award shall include an honorarium of
    20  $1,000 to be used by the recipient directly or for a designee to
    21  better the environment of this Commonwealth.
    22  Section 6.  Pollution Reduction and Prevention Fund.              <--
    23     (a)  Establishment.--There is hereby established a special
    24  nonlapsing fund in the State Treasury to be known as the
    25  Pollution Reduction and Prevention Fund. An amount equal to 20%
    26  of the moneys collected annually from fines, penalties and
    27  natural resource damage settlements deposited in special funds
    28  or restricted revenue accounts administered by the department
    29  shall be deposited in this fund. This annual allocation amount
    30  shall be based upon the amounts collected in the previous fiscal
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     1  year. All moneys placed in the fund and the interest it accrues
     2  are hereby appropriated, upon authorization by the Governor, to
     3  the department to accomplish the purposes of this act.
     4     (b)  Allocation.--Fifty percent of the moneys in the fund
     5  shall be used for the technical assistance programs established
     6  in section 4 and the remainder for the financial assistance
     7  programs established in section 4 and the awards program
     8  established in section 5.
     9     (c)  Appropriation.--There is hereby appropriated $3,200,000
    10  SECTION 6.  APPROPRIATION.                                        <--
    11     THE SUM OF $3,200,000 IS HEREBY APPROPRIATED to the
    12  Department of Environmental Protection for the purposes outlined
    13  in this act for the Office of Pollution Reduction and
    14  Prevention.
    15  Section 7.  Effective date.
    16     This act shall take effect July 1, 2004, OR IMMEDIATELY,       <--

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