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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1219



No. 1047 Session of 1989


           JUNE 12, 1989

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of February 19, 1980 (P.L.15, No.9), entitled
     2     "An act establishing the State Real Estate Commission and
     3     providing for the licensing of real estate brokers and
     4     salesmen," providing for the licensing of real estate
     5     appraisers.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8     Section 1.  Section 201 of the act of February 19, 1980
     9  (P.L.15, No.9), known as the Real Estate Licensing and
    10  Registration Act, amended March 29, 1984 (P.L.162, No.32), is
    11  amended by adding definitions to read:
    12  Section 201.  Definitions.
    13     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    14  have, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the
    15  meanings given to them in this section:
    16     "Appraisal assignment."  An engagement for which an appraiser
    17  is employed or retained to serve, or would be perceived by third
    18  parties or the public as serving, as a disinterested third party
    19  in rendering an unbiased analysis, opinion or conclusion

     1  relating to the nature, quality, value or utility of specified
     2  interests in, or aspects of, identified real estate.
     3     "Appraisal report."  A written analysis, opinion or
     4  conclusion relating to the nature, quality, value or utility of
     5  specified interests in, or aspects of, identified real estate,
     6  including, but not limited to, valuation reports, real estate
     7  counseling reports, real estate tax counseling reports, real
     8  estate offering memoranda, mortgage banking offers, highest and
     9  best use studies, market demand and economic feasibility studies
    10  and all other reports communicating an appraisal analysis,
    11  opinion or conclusion, regardless of title.
    12     * * *
    13     "Certified appraisal."  An appraisal report prepared by a
    14  State-certified real estate appraiser.
    15     * * *
    16     "Real estate appraisal" or "appraisal."  An analysis, opinion
    17  or conclusion relating to the nature, quality, value or utility
    18  of specified interests in, or aspects of, identified real
    19  estate, for or in expectation of compensation.
    20     * * *
    21     "State-certified real estate appraiser."  A natural person
    22  licensed as a real estate broker who also holds a current valid
    23  certificate as an appraiser issued to him under this act.
    24     * * *
    25     Section 2.  Sections 202(a) and 401 of the act, amended or
    26  added March 29, 1984 (P.L.162, No.32), are amended to read:
    27  Section 202.  State Real Estate Commission.
    28     (a)  The State Real Estate Commission is hereby created and
    29  shall consist of the Commissioner of Professional and
    30  Occupational Affairs; the Director of the Bureau of Consumer
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     1  Protection, or his designee; three members who shall be persons
     2  representing the public at large; five other persons, each of
     3  whom shall at the time of his appointment be a licensed and
     4  qualified real estate broker under the existing law of this
     5  Commonwealth, and shall have been engaged in the real estate
     6  business in this Commonwealth for a period of not less than ten
     7  years immediately prior to his appointment; and one other person
     8  who shall have been licensed as a real estate broker, or limited
     9  real estate broker, for a period of at least five years and
    10  shall have been engaged in selling cemetery lots for at least
    11  ten years immediately prior to his appointment. Each of said
    12  members of the commission shall be appointed by the Governor[.]
    13  and confirmed by a majority of the members elected to the
    14  Senate. The Governor shall ensure that at least two broker
    15  members of the commission shall be eligible for certification as
    16  real estate appraisers.
    17     * * *
    18  Section 401.  Duty to issue licenses and registration
    19                 certificates.
    20     It shall be the duty of the department to issue licenses,
    21  appraiser certificates and registration certificates to any
    22  person who shall comply with the provisions of this act.
    23     Section 3.  Chapter 5 of the act is amended by adding a
    24  subchapter to read:
    25                             CHAPTER 5
    27                   AND REGISTRATION CERTIFICATES
    28                                 * * *
    29                            SUBCHAPTER I
    30                       REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS
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     1  Section 581.  Certification.
     2     (a)  The commission shall have the power and its duty shall
     3  be to certify qualified real estate broker licensees to perform
     4  appraisals. To obtain such certification, a licensee shall
     5  submit an application to the commission on a form provided by
     6  the commission showing to the satisfaction of the commission
     7  that the licensee:
     8         (1)  Has successfully completed a course of study of at
     9     least 150 classroom hours approved by the commission.
    10         (2)  Has passed a written examination approved by the
    11     commission, which examination was prepared and administered
    12     by a qualified and approved professional testing organization
    13     in accordance with section 812.1 of the act of April 9, 1929
    14     (P.L.177, No.175), known as "The Administrative Code of
    15     1929."
    16     (b)  The requirements of subsection (a) shall not apply and a
    17  certificate for the appraisal of real property shall be issued
    18  without examination to any person who:
    19         (1)  Is licensed on the effective date of this section as
    20     a real estate broker pursuant to this act.
    21         (2)  Has been certified to perform appraisals by an
    22     organization offering instruction in real estate appraisal
    23     and certification as an appraiser, which certification was
    24     obtained prior to the effective date of this section as a
    25     result of the satisfactory completion of educational courses
    26     and the passing of a written examination.
    27         (3)  Applies for certification within one year of the
    28     effective date of this section.
    29  Section 582.  Renewal.
    30     Certificates shall be renewed biennially for a period of two
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     1  years upon payment of a fee established by the commission by
     2  regulation. All fees required pursuant to this subchapter,
     3  including fees for the issuance of certificates, renewal of
     4  certificates, and examinations, shall be set by the commission
     5  by regulation, subject to the act of June 25, 1982 (P.L.633,
     6  No.181), known as the "Regulatory Review Act."
     7  Section 583.  Classes of certification.
     8     There shall be two classes of certification for certified
     9  real estate appraisers. One class shall consist of those persons
    10  applying for certification relating solely to the appraisal of
    11  residential real property of one to four units, and up to 12
    12  units when a net income capitalization analysis is not required
    13  by the terms of the assignment. The other class of certification
    14  shall consist of those persons applying for a general
    15  certification relating to the appraisal of real property. The
    16  classification of certification desired shall be specified on an
    17  application for examination, for original certification and for
    18  certification renewals.
    19  Section 584.  Examinations.
    20     (a)  An original certification as a State-certified real
    21  estate appraiser shall be issued to any individual licensed as a
    22  real estate broker who demonstrates through a written
    23  examination process that he or she possesses adequate knowledge
    24  of:
    25         (1)  Technical terms commonly used in or related to real
    26     estate appraising, appraisal report writing and economic
    27     concepts applicable to real estate.
    28         (2)  Theories of depreciation, cost estimating, methods
    29     of capitalization and the mathematics of real estate
    30     appraisal.
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     1         (3)  Principles of land economics, real estate appraisal
     2     processes and problems likely to be encountered in the
     3     gathering, interpreting and processing of data in carrying
     4     out appraisal services.
     5         (4)  Standards for the development and communication of
     6     real estate appraisals as determined by the commission.
     7         (5)  Such additional knowledge, skills and competencies
     8     as the commission may determine as necessary for each class
     9     of certification.
    10     (b)  As a prerequisite to taking an examination for
    11  certification as an appraiser or residential appraiser, an
    12  applicant shall present evidence satisfactory to the commission
    13  that he possesses at least three years of full-time experience
    14  in real property appraisal as a real estate broker, acquired
    15  within a period of five years immediately preceding the filing
    16  of the application for certification, and either:
    17         (1)  has a bachelor's degree from an accredited college
    18     or university in a specialty recognized by the commission; or
    19         (2)  has successfully completed not less than 150
    20     classroom hours of academic experience in subject related to
    21     real estate appraisal, and 15 additional classroom hours
    22     related to standards of professional practice.
    23  Section 585.  Disciplinary provisions.
    24     Real estate appraisers certified by the commission shall be
    25  subject to all disciplinary provisions applicable to real estate
    26  brokers. In addition, the commission may refuse, suspend,
    27  revoke, limit, restrict or publicly reprimand a certificate
    28  holder for any of the following:
    29         (1)  Failing to meet the minimum requirements for an
    30     appraisal report as established by the commission by
    19890S1047B1219                  - 6 -

     1     regulation.
     2         (2)  Accepting an appraisal assignment where employment
     3     or fee is contingent upon reporting a predetermined or
     4     specified value, or is otherwise contingent upon a particular
     5     finding to be reported.
     6         (3)  Making one's fee or compensation contingent upon an
     7     award or recovery in any case where the amount of the award
     8     or recovery would be affected by the appraisal.
     9         (4)  Basing one's fee or compensation on a percentage of
    10     the final estimate of value.
    11         (5)  Contracting for or accepting compensation for
    12     appraisal services in the form of a commission, rebate,
    13     division of brokerage commissions or any other similar form.
    14         (6)  Accepting an appraisal assignment or rendering
    15     appraisal services when the applicant or certificate holder
    16     knows or should have known that his professional expertise or
    17     experience with respect to the subject matter of the
    18     assignment was insufficient to permit completion of the
    19     assignment.
    20         (7)  Delegating appraisal services or activities to an
    21     associate or employee, licensed or unlicensed, when the
    22     certified appraiser knows or has reason to know that the
    23     associate or employee is not qualified by training,
    24     experience or certificate to perform the delegated service or
    25     activity.
    26  Section 586.  Enforcement and implementation of certification
    27                 requirements.
    28     (a)  It shall be unlawful, on or after July 1, 1991, for any
    29  person to hold himself out as or use the title of a certified
    30  real estate appraiser unless that person is a licensed real
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     1  estate broker who has also been certified by the commission to
     2  perform real estate appraisals.
     3     (b)  The commission may promulgate regulations to implement
     4  this subchapter, provided that the commission shall immediately
     5  initiate the repeal or amendment of regulations which are
     6  inconsistent with the provisions of this subchapter.
     7     (c)  The requirements for certification shall not become
     8  effective until July 1, 1991, provided that the board shall
     9  initiate review of applications for certification within 60 days
    10  of the effective of this subchapter.
    11     Section 4.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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