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under the
same topic
        PRIOR PRINTER'S NOS. 1250, 1334               PRINTER'S NO. 1373



No. 1061 Session of 1997



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of October 11, 1984 (P.L.876, No.171), entitled
     2     "An act establishing a system for the collection of municipal
     3     liens and tax claims in cities of the second class through
     4     the sale of real property encumbered by such liens and
     5     claims; abolishing the office of solicitor for liens for
     6     delinquent taxes, rates, claims and charges in cities of the
     7     second class; authorizing the treasurer to conduct
     8     treasurer's sales and granting the treasurer certain powers
     9     in connection therewith; providing a structure for the
    10     conduct of the sale; setting up a system whereby the
    11     properties at treasurer's sales are acquired, administered,
    12     maintained and resold for the benefit of cojurisdictional
    13     taxing bodies; providing for the redemption of the property
    14     within 90 days of sale; providing a means for establishing
    15     title to real property taken at treasurer's sale; providing
    16     for cooperation among cojurisdictional taxing bodies; and
    17     preserving rights not specifically repealed," further
    18     providing for the sale of property in cities of the second
    19     class.

    20     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    21  hereby enacts as follows:
    22     Section 1.  Sections 305(c) and 306 of the act of October 11,
    23  1984 (P.L.876, No.171), known as the Second Class City
    24  Treasurer's Sale and Collection Act, are amended to read:
    25  Section 305.  Report and confirmation of sale.
    26     * * *

     1     (c)  Sale below minimum price.--The report shall list
     2  separately those properties for which the minimum price was not
     3  met. This portion of the report shall set forth that:
     4         (1)  Properties which may have been retained by the city
     5     as agent for coexisting taxing bodies may be put up for
     6     private sale under Chapter 5 or held for public purposes.
     7         (2)  Properties which the city has retained as agent
     8     shall be the subject of a petition to the court to clear
     9     title in favor of the city [under section 406, if necessary].
    10     * * *
    11  Section 306.  Excess over upset price.
    12     If the amount paid for the property by the purchaser is
    13  greater than the total of claims and costs which gave rise to
    14  the sale of the property, after the order of confirmation has
    15  been entered by the court, the excess shall be held for the
    16  person who owned the property just prior to the treasurer's
    17  sale, that person's heirs, assigns or other legal
    18  representatives or lien holders of record at the time of the
    19  treasurer's sale. If a properly qualified party fails to make a
    20  written and verified demand to the treasurer within [two years]
    21  one year from the date of the sale, the treasurer shall cause
    22  the excess to be placed in the agency fund established under
    23  section 403(b).
    24     Section 2.  Section 307 of the act is amended by adding
    25  subsections to read:
    26  Section 307.  Deed to purchaser.
    27     * * *
    28     (d)  Restrictions on purchases.--
    29         (1)  Deeds for any real property exposed for any tax or
    30     municipal lien sale in a second class city shall not be
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     1     exchanged any sooner than 90 days nor later than 120 days
     2     after any sale.
     3         (2)  A city of the second class may, within 15 days of
     4     any tax or municipal lien sale of real estate, petition the
     5     court of common pleas to prohibit the transfer of any deed
     6     for any property exposed for any tax or municipal lien sale
     7     which is located in that city to any purchaser who is proven
     8     to meet any of the criteria set forth in the city's petition.
     9         (3)  The petition of the city of the second class shall,
    10     at a minimum, allege that the purchaser has over the last
    11     three years preceding the filing of the petition exhibited a
    12     course of conduct which demonstrates that the purchaser:
    13             (i)  permitted an uncorrected housing code violation
    14         to continue unabated after being convicted of such
    15         violation;
    16             (ii)  failed to maintain the property owned by that
    17         purchaser in a reasonable manner such that it posed a
    18         threat to health, safety or property;
    19             (iii)  permitted the use of property in an unsafe,
    20         illegal or unsanitary manner such that it posed a threat
    21         to health, safety or property; or
    22             (iv)  acted as an agent for a purchaser who sought to
    23         avoid the limitations placed on the purchase of property
    24         by this act.
    25     Allegations under this paragraph shall be proved by a
    26     preponderance of the evidence.
    27         (4)  A change of name or business status shall not defeat
    28     the purpose of this section.
    29         (5)  Nothing in this section shall supersede any
    30     regulation promulgated under the authority of section 601.
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     1     (e)  Definitions.--As used in this section, the following
     2  words and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this
     3  subsection:
     4     "Purchaser."  Any individual, partner, shareholder, trust,
     5  partnership, limited partnership, corporation or any other
     6  business association, or any trust, partnership, limited
     7  partnership or corporation of, CORPORATION OR any other business  <--
     8  association that HAS ANY INDIVIDUAL AS PART OF THE BUSINESS       <--
     9  ASSOCIATION WHO had any ownership interest or rights in the
    10  property.
    11     "Uncorrected housing code violation."  Any conviction of a
    12  violation of the building, housing, property maintenance or fire
    13  code of a second class city which is not remedied within six
    14  months of conviction.
    15     "Violation."  Any conviction under a building, housing,
    16  property maintenance or fire code which posed a threat to
    17  health, safety or property, but not a conviction deemed by a
    18  court to be de minimis.
    19     Section 3.  Section 503 of the act is amended to read:
    20  Section 503.  Issuance of deed.
    21     When the requirements of the prior sections of this chapter
    22  have been complied with, the treasurer shall deliver to the
    23  purchaser, as grantee, a deed for the resold property. The deed
    24  shall be acknowledged by the treasurer and entered and recorded
    25  by the [prothonotary in the treasurer's deed book] recorder of
    26  deeds of the county wherein the property is situated. The
    27  property shall be taxable in the year following its sale by the
    28  city.
    29     Section 4.  This act shall apply to all sales conducted on or
    30  after the effective date of this act.
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     1     Section 5.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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