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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1383



No. 1131 Session of 1999

           OCTOBER 5, 1999


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of December 18, 1987 (P.L.412, No.86), entitled
     2     "An act providing for the repurchase by the wholesaler,
     3     manufacturer or distributor, from dealers or heirs of
     4     dealers, of certain equipment, certain attachments and parts
     5     held for sale upon termination of agreement whereby the
     6     dealer agrees to maintain a stock of such implements,
     7     attachments and parts, and for the repurchase of certain
     8     tools," further providing for definition of "equipment," for
     9     exceptions to dealer agreements and credits to dealer's
    10     accounts; and providing for succession to franchise ownership
    11     and for manufacturer's right of first refusal.

    12     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    13  hereby enacts as follows:
    14     Section 1.  The definition of "equipment" in section 2 of the
    15  act of December 18, 1987 (P.L.412, No.86), known as the
    16  Pennsylvania Fair Dealership Law, is amended to read:
    17  Section 2.  Definitions.
    18     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    19  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    20  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    21     * * *

     1     "Equipment."  Machines designed for or adapted and used for
     2  agriculture, horticulture, floriculture, livestock raising,
     3  silviculture, landscaping and grounds maintenance, industrial
     4  construction equipment, even though incidentally operated or
     5  used upon the highways, including, but not limited to, tractors,
     6  farm implements, loaders, backhoes, lawn mowers, rototillers,
     7  etc., and any business signs purchased by requirement of the
     8  supplier which are less than five years old. The term shall not
     9  include[:
    10         (1)  equipment manufactured solely for the purpose of
    11     industrial construction; or
    12         (2)] all-terrain vehicles as defined in 75 Pa.C.S. § 7702
    13     (relating to definitions).
    14     * * *
    15     Section 2.  Section 3(b)(2) and (c) of the act are amended
    16  and subsection (c) is amended by adding a paragraph to read:
    17  Section 3.  Termination of dealer agreement.
    18     * * *
    19     (b)  Exceptions.--A supplier may terminate, cancel or fail to
    20  renew a dealer agreement if a dealer:
    21         * * *
    22         (2)  Has transferred ownership interest in the dealership
    23     without the manufacturer's or distributor's consent except as
    24     provided in section 15.
    25         * * *
    26     (c)  Other exceptions.--Subject to the provisions of this
    27  subsection, a supplier, including any jobber and wholesaler even
    28  though it may not have been the original supplier of such
    29  equipment, may terminate, cancel or fail to renew a dealer
    30  agreement under such conditions as may be provided for in the
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     1  dealer agreement. When a dealer agreement is terminated or
     2  canceled or has failed to be renewed by the supplier under a
     3  condition provided for in the dealer agreement, other than a
     4  condition set forth in subsection (b), the supplier, upon
     5  written request of the dealer, shall pay to the dealer, or
     6  credit to the dealer's account if the dealer has outstanding any
     7  sums owing the supplier:
     8         (1)  A sum equal to 100% of the net cost of all equipment
     9     that the dealer purchased from the supplier and not
    10     previously sold and put into regular use or service preceding
    11     notification by either party of intent to cancel, terminate
    12     or fail to renew the dealer agreement.
    13         (2)  A sum equal to 100% of the current net price of
    14     repair parts, including superseded repair parts, previously
    15     purchased from the supplier and 75% of the current net price
    16     of specialized repair tools previously purchased pursuant to
    17     the requirements of the supplier and held by the dealer on
    18     the date of termination, cancellation or failure to renew the
    19     dealer agreement. In addition, the supplier shall pay the
    20     dealer, or credit to the dealer's account if the dealer has
    21     outstanding any sums owing the supplier, a sum equal to 5% of
    22     the current net price of all repair parts, excluding incoming
    23     freight cost, and specialized repair tools returned to the
    24     supplier to compensate the dealer for the inventory, packing
    25     and loading of the same to the supplier, provided that the
    26     supplier may perform such inventory, packing and loading in
    27     lieu of paying 5% to the dealer. Upon the payment or
    28     allowance of credit to the dealer's account, as applicable,
    29     in the sum required by this section, all of the dealer's
    30     title and interest in and to the equipment, repair parts and
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     1     specialized repair tools shall pass to the supplier, and the
     2     supplier shall be entitled to the possession of the same.
     3     Payments or allowance of credit to the dealer, as applicable,
     4     required by this section shall be made no later than 90 days
     5     after such termination, cancellation or discontinuance or 60
     6     days after the supplier's receipt of the equipment, repair
     7     parts or specialized repair tools.
     8         (3)  In the event a dealer terminates a dealer agreement,
     9     the obligation of the supplier to repurchase equipment,
    10     repair parts and specialized repair tools shall be governed
    11     by the terms and conditions then in effect in the dealer
    12     agreement between the supplier and the dealer and not by the
    13     provisions of this act.
    14         (4)  A sum equal to 100% of the net cost of all computer
    15     hardware and software including any vehicles equipped with
    16     computer systems and/or diagnostic computers.
    17     * * *
    18     Section 3.  The act is amended by adding sections to read:
    19  Section 3.1.  Succession to franchise ownership.
    20     (a)  Succession of ownership interest.--Notwithstanding the
    21  terms of any franchise, any owner of a dealership may appoint,
    22  by will or any other written instrument, a designated family
    23  member, the spouse, child or grandchild, spouse of a child or
    24  grandchild, brother, sister or parent of the dealer owner, or
    25  qualified manager, who has been employed at the dealership for
    26  at least two years, to succeed to the ownership interest of such
    27  owner in the dealership.
    28     (b)  Consent to succession on part of manufacturer or
    29  distributor.--Notwithstanding the terms of any franchise, unless
    30  there exists good cause as provided for in section 3(b), to
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     1  withhold consent to succession on the part of the manufacturer
     2  or distributor, any designated family member or qualified
     3  manager of the franchise location in question of a retiring,
     4  deceased or incapacitated owner of a dealership may succeed to
     5  the ownership interest of such owner under the existing
     6  franchise, provided:
     7         (1)  The designated family member or qualified manager
     8     furnishes written notice to the manufacturer or distributor
     9     of his or her intention to succeed to the ownership of the
    10     dealership within 60 days after the owner's retirement, death
    11     or incapacity.
    12         (2)  The designated family member or qualified manager
    13     agrees to be bound by all then existing terms and conditions
    14     of the franchise.
    15     (c)  Submission of personal and financial information.--The
    16  manufacturer or distributor may request, and the designated
    17  family member or qualified manager shall promptly provide, such
    18  personal and financial information as is reasonably necessary to
    19  determine whether the succession will be honored.
    20     (d)  Withholding consent to succession.--If a manufacturer or
    21  distributor believes that good cause exists to withhold consent
    22  to the succession to the ownership of a dealership by a
    23  designated family member or qualified manager of a retiring,
    24  deceased or incapacitated owner of a dealership under the
    25  existing franchise, the manufacturer or distributor must serve
    26  written notice on the designated family member or qualified
    27  manager of its refusal to honor the succession and intent to
    28  discontinue the existing franchise with the dealer. Such notice
    29  shall be served no later than 60 days after the manufacturer's
    30  or distributor's receipt of:
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     1         (1)  notice of the designated family member's or
     2     qualified manager's intent to succeed to the ownership of the
     3     dealer; or
     4         (2)  any personal or financial information requested by
     5     the manufacturer or distributor.
     6     (e)  Notice requirements.--The notice in subsection (d) shall
     7  state the specific grounds to withhold consent to honor the
     8  succession and the manufacturer's or distributor's intent to
     9  discontinue the franchise with the dealer no sooner than 60 days
    10  after the date the notice is served. The reasons given for the
    11  disapproval or any explanation of those reasons by the
    12  manufacturer or distributor shall not subject the manufacturer
    13  or distributor to any civil liabilities unless the reasons given
    14  or explanations made are malicious and published with the sole
    15  intent to cause harm to the dealer or successor. If the notice
    16  of refusal and discontinuance is not timely and properly served,
    17  the franchise shall continue in effect, subject to termination
    18  only as otherwise provided under this act.
    19     (f)  Protest requirements upon withholding of consent.--
    20  Within 30 days after receipt of such notice or within 30 days
    21  after the end of any appeal procedure provided by the
    22  manufacturer or distributor, whichever is greater, the
    23  designated family member or qualified manager may file with the
    24  manufacturer to protest the withholding the consent to honor the
    25  succession. When a protest is filed that manufacturer or
    26  distributor shall not terminate or discontinue the existing
    27  franchise until the manufacturer has held a hearing and issued a
    28  written decision within 120 days of the filing of the protest
    29  nor thereafter.
    30     (g)  Conflicts.--This act shall not preclude the owner of a
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     1  dealership from designating any person as his or her successor
     2  by written instrument filed with the manufacturer or
     3  distributor. In the event of any conflict between such a written
     4  instrument which has not been revoked by written notice from the
     5  owner to the manufacturer or distributor, and this section, the
     6  written instrument shall govern.
     7     (h)  Restriction.--This section shall not apply if the
     8  successor will not agree to comply with an existing agreement
     9  pertaining to transfer of ownership made between the
    10  manufacturer or distributor and the dealer transferor or with a
    11  new agreement containing substantially the same terms.
    12  Section 3.2.  Manufacturer right of first refusal.
    13     A manufacturer or distributor shall be permitted to enact a
    14  right of first refusal to acquire the dealer's assets or
    15  ownership in the event of a proposed change of all or
    16  substantially all ownership or transfer of all or substantially
    17  all dealership assets if all of the following requirements are
    18  met:
    19         (1)  To exercise its right of first refusal, the
    20     manufacturer or distributor must notify the dealer in writing
    21     within the 60-day or 75-day time limitations established
    22     under this act.
    23         (2)  The exercise of the right of first refusal will
    24     result in the dealer and dealer's owners receiving the same
    25     or greater consideration as they have contracted to receive
    26     in connection with the proposed change of all or
    27     substantially all ownership or transfer of all or
    28     substantially all dealership assets.
    29         (3)  The proposed change of all or substantially all
    30     ownership or transfer of all or substantially all dealership
    19990S1131B1383                  - 7 -

     1     assets does not involve the transfer of assets or the
     2     transfer or issuance of stock by the dealer or one or more
     3     dealer owners to a designated family member or members, the
     4     spouse, child or grandchild, spouse of a child or grandchild,
     5     brother, sister or parent of the dealer owner, of one or more
     6     dealer owners or to a qualified manager or to a partnership
     7     or corporation controlled by such persons.
     8         (4)  The manufacturer or distributor agrees to pay the
     9     reasonable expenses, including reasonable attorney fees which
    10     do not exceed the usual, customary and reasonable fees
    11     charged for similar work done for other clients, incurred by
    12     the proposed new owner and transferee prior to the
    13     manufacturer's or distributor's exercise of its right of
    14     first refusal in negotiating and implementing the contract
    15     for the proposed change of all or substantially all ownership
    16     or transfer of all or substantially all dealership assets.
    17     Notwithstanding the foregoing, no payment of such expenses
    18     and attorney fees shall be required if the dealer has not
    19     submitted or caused to be submitted an accounting of those
    20     expenses within 60 days of the dealer's receipt of the
    21     manufacturer's or distributor's written request for such an
    22     accounting. Such an accounting may be requested by a
    23     manufacturer or distributor before exercising its right of
    24     first refusal.
    25  Section 10.1.  Unlawful acts by manufacturers or distributors.
    26     (a)  Unlawful coercive acts.--It shall be a violation for any
    27  manufacturer, factory branch, distributor, field representative,
    28  officer, agent or any representative whatsoever of such
    29  manufacturer, factory branch or distributor licensed under this
    30  act to require, attempt to require, coerce or attempt to coerce
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     1  any dealer in this Commonwealth to:
     2         (1)  Refrain from participation in the management of,
     3     investment in or the acquisition of any other line of related
     4     products. This paragraph does not apply unless the dealer
     5     maintains a reasonable line of credit for each make or line
     6     of equipment, the equipment dealer remains in compliance with
     7     the franchise agreement and any reasonable facilities
     8     requirements of the manufacturer or distributor, and no
     9     change is made in the principal management of the dealer. The
    10     reasonable facilities requirements shall not include any
    11     requirement that a dealer establish or maintain exclusive
    12     facilities, personnel or display space when such requirements
    13     or any of them would be unreasonable in light of economic
    14     conditions and would not otherwise be justified by reasonable
    15     business considerations. Nothing in this paragraph shall
    16     permit the addition of a line-make to the dealership
    17     facilities without the written consent of the manufacturer or
    18     distributor. Any consent required from the manufacturer or
    19     distributor with regard to dualizing of two or more
    20     franchises shall be granted or denied within 60 days of
    21     receipt of a written request from the dealer.
    22         (2)  Expand, construct or significantly modify facilities
    23     without assurances that the manufacturer or distributor will
    24     provide a reasonable supply of equipment within a reasonable
    25     time so as to justify such an expansion in light of the
    26     market and economic conditions or require a separate facility
    27     for the sale or service of a line-make of a new line if the
    28     market and economic conditions do not clearly justify the
    29     separate facility.
    30     Section 4.  This act shall take effect immediately.
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