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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1429



No. 1148 Session of 2001

           OCTOBER 12, 2001


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of April 23, 1956 (1955 P.L.1510, No.500),
     2     entitled, as amended, "An act providing for the prevention
     3     and control of communicable and non-communicable diseases
     4     including venereal diseases, fixing responsibility for
     5     disease prevention and control, requiring reports of
     6     diseases, and authorizing treatment of venereal diseases, and
     7     providing for premarital and prenatal blood tests; amending,
     8     revising and consolidating the laws relating thereto; and
     9     repealing certain acts," further providing for the prevention
    10     and control of tuberculosis.

    11     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    12  hereby enacts as follows:
    13     Section 1.  Section 7 of the act of April 23, 1956 (1955
    14  P.L.1510, No.500), known as the Disease Prevention and Control
    15  Law of 1955, amended September 11, 1959 (P.L.865, No.343), is
    16  amended to read:
    17     Section 7.  Examination and Diagnosis of Persons Suspected of
    18  Being Infected with Venereal Disease[, Tuberculosis] or any
    19  other Communicable Disease, or of Being a Carrier.--
    20     Whenever the secretary or a local qualified medical health
    21  officer has reasonable grounds to suspect any person of being

     1  infected with a venereal disease[, tuberculosis] or any other
     2  communicable disease, or of being a carrier, he shall require
     3  the person to undergo a medical examination and any other
     4  approved diagnostic procedure, to determine whether or not he is
     5  infected with a venereal disease[, tuberculosis] or any other
     6  communicable disease, or is a carrier. In the event that the
     7  person refuses to submit to the examination, the secretary or
     8  the local qualified medical health officer may (1) cause the
     9  person to be quarantined until it is determined that he is not
    10  infected with a venereal disease[, tuberculosis] or any other
    11  communicable disease, or of being a carrier, or (2) file a
    12  petition in the court of common pleas of the county in which the
    13  person is present, which petition shall have appended thereto a
    14  statement, under oath, by a physician duly licensed to practice
    15  in the Commonwealth, that such person is suspected of being
    16  infected with venereal disease[, tuberculosis] or any other
    17  communicable disease, or that such person is suspected of being
    18  a carrier. Upon filing of such petition, the court shall, within
    19  twenty-four hours after service of a copy thereof upon the
    20  respondent, hold a hearing, without a jury, to ascertain whether
    21  the person named in the petition has refused to submit to an
    22  examination to determine whether he or she is infected with
    23  venereal disease[, tuberculosis] or any other communicable
    24  disease, or that such person is a carrier. Upon a finding that
    25  the person has refused to submit to such examination and that
    26  there was no valid reason for such person so to do, the court
    27  shall forthwith order such person to submit to the examination.
    28  The certificate of the physician appended to the petition shall
    29  be received in evidence and shall constitute prima facie
    30  evidence that the person therein named is suspected of being
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     1  infected with venereal disease[, tuberculosis] or any other
     2  communicable disease, or that such person is a carrier. The
     3  examination ordered by the court may be performed by a physician
     4  of his own choice at his own expense. The examination shall
     5  include physical and laboratory tests performed in a laboratory
     6  approved by the secretary, and shall be conducted in accordance
     7  with accepted professional practices, and the results thereof
     8  shall be reported to the local health board or health department
     9  on forms furnished by the Department of Health. Any person
    10  refusing to undergo an examination, as herein provided, may be
    11  committed by the court to an institution in this Commonwealth
    12  determined by the Secretary of Health to be suitable for the
    13  care of such cases.
    14     Section 2.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
    15     Section 7.1.  Tuberculosis.--
    16     (a)  (1)  A person shall submit to an examination to detect
    17  an active case of tuberculosis whenever, in the opinion of an
    18  officer of the department, an examination is necessary to
    19  preserve and protect the public health.
    20     (2)  An examination under this section shall be by written
    21  order of the officer of the department and shall include the
    22  name of the person to be examined and the time and place of the
    23  examination. The person to be examined shall be personally
    24  served with a copy of the order within a reasonable time before
    25  the examination is scheduled to take place. An examination under
    26  this section shall be conducted by a physician licensed in this
    27  Commonwealth.
    28     (b)  (1)  A physician who detects an active case of
    29  tuberculosis shall report such case to the department.
    30     (2)  An officer of the department shall take steps to ensure
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     1  that an infected person is meeting all the requirements of a
     2  physician's direction for treatment.
     3     (3)  For the purposes of this section, it is understood that
     4  treatment approved by the department or by a local board shall
     5  include treatment by an accredited practitioner of a well
     6  recognized church or religious denomination which relies on
     7  prayer or spiritual means alone for healing if requirements
     8  relating to sanitation, isolation or quarantine are satisfied.
     9     (4)  If upon inspection, an officer of the department finds
    10  that an infected person is not fulfilling the infected person's
    11  treatment provision, the officer may by written order isolate
    12  the infected person in an appropriate facility for a period not
    13  to exceed ninety-six hours. The infected person shall be
    14  personally served with a copy of such order.
    15     (5)  In conjunction with that order the officer of the
    16  department may also file a petition in the court of common pleas
    17  to have an infected person committed for treatment in an
    18  appropriate facility for a period not to exceed six months. The
    19  infected person shall be personally served with a copy of that
    20  petition and any related judicial order that results from that
    21  petition.
    22     (c)  (1)  The costs for examination and treatment as ordered
    23  in subsections (a) and (b) of this section shall be borne by the
    24  infected person. If the person is deemed unable to pay, the
    25  department shall provide and pay for any services after any
    26  insurance, workers' compensation, retirement plan or other
    27  benefits accruing to the patient has been exhausted.
    28     (2)  The diagnosis, control and treatment of tuberculosis
    29  shall be under the supervision and authority of the department
    30  and shall be available to all persons, regardless of their
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     1  ability to pay.
     2     (3)  The department shall request a separate appropriation to
     3  cover any costs incurred in the enforcement of this section.
     4     (d)  (1)  An employe of a public or private elementary
     5  school, secondary school or licensed day care center shall be
     6  tested annually to detect active cases of tuberculosis.
     7     (2)  Any such employe who refuses to submit to the test shall
     8  be suspended until the employe has been tested.
     9     (3)  The district superintendent, principal, day care center
    10  director, or chief administrative officer shall collect the
    11  results of those tests and shall forward a report to the
    12  department.
    13     (e)  The department shall promulgate regulations concerning
    14  the testing methods and reporting methods necessary for the
    15  enforcement of this section. The regulations may prescribe
    16  reasonable exceptions to this section and shall designate or
    17  describe the procedure for designating the isolation or
    18  treatment facilities provided for under clauses (4) and (5) of
    19  subsection (b) of this section.
    20     (f)  A person commits a misdemeanor of the third degree if
    21  that person refuses to comply with an order issued pursuant to
    22  this section.
    23     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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