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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1693



No. 1158 Session of 2004

           TARTAGLIONE AND M. WHITE, JUNE 14, 2004


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of April 12, 1951 (P.L.90, No.21), entitled, as
     2     reenacted, "An act relating to alcoholic liquors, alcohol and
     3     malt and brewed beverages; amending, revising, consolidating
     4     and changing the laws relating thereto; regulating and
     5     restricting the manufacture, purchase, sale, possession,
     6     consumption, importation, transportation, furnishing, holding
     7     in bond, holding in storage, traffic in and use of alcoholic
     8     liquors, alcohol and malt and brewed beverages and the
     9     persons engaged or employed therein; defining the powers and
    10     duties of the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board; providing
    11     for the establishment and operation of State liquor stores,
    12     for the payment of certain license fees to the respective
    13     municipalities and townships, for the abatement of certain
    14     nuisances and, in certain cases, for search and seizure
    15     without warrant; prescribing penalties and forfeitures;
    16     providing for local option, and repealing existing laws,"
    17     further providing for definitions, for general powers of the
    18     Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board, for when sales may be made
    19     at Pennsylvania Liquor Stores, for sales by Pennsylvania
    20     Liquor Stores, for malt and brewed beverages manufacturers',
    21     distributors' and importing distributors' licenses, for
    22     renewal of licenses, for temporary provisions for licensees
    23     in armed service and for limited wineries.

    24     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    25  hereby enacts as follows:
    26     Section 1.  Section 102 of the act of April 12, 1951 (P.L.90,
    27  No.21), known as the Liquor Code, reenacted and amended June 29,
    28  1987 (P.L.32, No.14), is amended by adding a definition to read:

     1     Section 102.  Definitions.--The following words or phrases,
     2  unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, shall have the
     3  meanings ascribed to them in this section:
     4     * * *
     5     "Holiday" shall mean the first day of January, commonly known
     6  as New Year's Day; the third Monday of January, known as Dr.
     7  Martin Luther King, Jr., Day; the third Monday in February,
     8  known as Presidents Day; the last Monday in May, known as
     9  Memorial Day; the fourth day of July, known as Independence Day;
    10  the first Monday of September, known as Labor Day; the fourth
    11  Thursday in November, known as Thanksgiving Day; and the twenty-
    12  fifth day of December, known as Christmas Day.
    13     * * *
    14     Section 2.  Section 207(a) of the act, amended December 30,
    15  2003 (P.L.423, No.59), is amended to read:
    16     Section 207.  General Powers of Board.--Under this act, the
    17  board shall have the power and its duty shall be:
    18     (a)  To buy, import or have in its possession for sale and
    19  sell liquor, alcohol, corkscrews, wine and liquor accessories,
    20  trade publications, gift cards, gift certificates and wine
    21  glasses in the manner set forth in this act: Provided, however,
    22  That all purchases shall be made subject to the approval of the
    23  State Treasurer, or his designated deputy. The board shall buy
    24  liquor and alcohol at the lowest price and in the greatest
    25  variety reasonably obtainable.
    26     * * *
    27     Section 3.  Section 304 of the act, amended December 9, 2002
    28  (P.L.1653, No.212), is amended to read:
    29     Section 304.  When Sales May Be Made at Pennsylvania Liquor
    30  Stores.--(a)  Except as provided for in subsection (b), every
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     1  Pennsylvania Liquor Store shall be open for business week days,
     2  except [legal holidays or any day on which a general, municipal,
     3  special or primary election is being held, during such hours as
     4  the board, in its discretion, shall determine: Provided, That
     5  the Pennsylvania Liquor Stores in the case of a special election
     6  for members of the General Assembly or members of the Congress
     7  of the United States, when such special election is held on
     8  other than a primary, municipal or general election day, shall
     9  be open in those Legislative or Congressional Districts as
    10  though the day were not a special election day.] holidays as
    11  that term is defined in section 102. The board may, with the
    12  approval of the Governor, temporarily close any store in any
    13  municipality.
    14     (b)  Certain Pennsylvania Liquor Stores operated by the board
    15  [shall] may be open for Sunday retail sales [between the hours
    16  of noon and five o'clock postmeridian] during such hours as the
    17  board, in its discretion, shall determine, except that no Sunday
    18  sales shall occur on Easter Sunday or Christmas [day. For a two-
    19  year time period following the effective date of this
    20  subsection, the] Day. The board shall open up to [ten] fifty per
    21  centum of the total number of Pennsylvania Liquor Stores at its
    22  discretion for Sunday sales as provided for in this subsection.
    23  [At the expiration of the two-year time period, the board shall
    24  conduct a review and determine whether the stores shall be
    25  closed or whether additional stores shall be opened for these
    26  Sunday sales.] The board shall submit yearly reports to the
    27  Appropriations and the Law and Justice Committees of the Senate
    28  and the Appropriations and the Liquor Control Committees of the
    29  House of Representatives summarizing the total dollar value of
    30  sales under this section.
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     1     Section 4.  Section 305(h) of the act, amended July 17, 2003
     2  (P.L.63, No.15), is amended and the section is amended by adding
     3  a subsection to read:
     4     Section 305.  Sales by Pennsylvania Liquor Stores.--* * *
     5     * * *
     6     (h)  Every Pennsylvania Liquor Store shall sell gift
     7  certificates and gift cards which may be redeemed for [liquor]
     8  any product sold by the board. In addition, the board may sell
     9  corkscrews, wine and liquor accessories, trade publications and
    10  wine sleeves at Pennsylvania Liquor Stores.
    11     (i)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the
    12  contrary, the board may sell wine in containers having a
    13  capacity of six liters or less.
    14     Section 5.  Section 431(d)(2) of the act, amended December
    15  20, 1996 (P.L.1513, No.196), is amended to read:
    16     Section 431.  Malt and Brewed Beverages Manufacturers',
    17  Distributors' and Importing Distributors' Licenses.--* * *
    18     (d)  * * *
    19     (2)  After January 1, 1980, no manufacturer shall enter into
    20  any agreement with more than one distributor or importing
    21  distributor for the purpose of establishing more than one
    22  agreement for designated brand or brands of malt or brewed
    23  beverages in any one territory. Each franchise territory which
    24  is granted by a manufacturer shall not be required to be
    25  geographically contiguous.  All importing distributors shall
    26  maintain sufficient records to evidence compliance of this
    27  section. With regard to any territorial distribution authority
    28  granted to an importing distributor by a manufacturer of malt or
    29  brewed beverages after January 1, 1996, the records shall
    30  establish that each and every case of a brand of malt or brewed
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     1  beverages for which the importing distributor is assigned was
     2  sold, resold, stored, delivered or transported by the importing
     3  distributor, either from a point or to a point with the assigned
     4  [geographically contiguous] geographical territory, to any
     5  person or persons, whether such person or persons are licensed
     6  by this act or not licensed by this act.
     7     * * *
     8     Section 6.  Section 470(a.1) and (b) of the act, amended
     9  December 21, 1998 (P.L.1202, No.155), are amended and the
    10  section is amended by adding a subsection to read:
    11     Section 470.  Renewal of Licenses; Temporary Provisions for
    12  Licensees in Armed Service.--* * *
    13     (a.1)  The Director of the Bureau of Licensing may object to
    14  and the board may refuse a properly filed license application:
    15     (1)  if the licensee, its shareholders, directors, officers,
    16  association members, servants, agents or employes have violated
    17  any of the laws of this Commonwealth or any of the regulations
    18  of the board;
    19     [(2)  if the licensee has one or more adjudicated citations;]
    20     (2)  if the licensee, its shareholders, directors, officers,
    21  association members, servants, agents or employes have one or
    22  more adjudicated citations under this or any other license
    23  issued by the board or were involved in a license whose renewal
    24  was objected to by the Bureau of Licensing under this section;
    25     (3)  if the licensed premises no longer meets the
    26  requirements of this act or the board's regulations; or
    27     [(4)  due to the manner in which the licensed premises is
    28  being operated, the board can consider activity occurring on or
    29  about the licensed premises or in areas under licensee's control
    30  if the activity occurs when the premises is open for operation
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     1  and if there is a relationship between the activity outside the
     2  premises and the manner in which the licensed premises is
     3  operated. The board may take into consideration whether the
     4  licensee has taken any substantial steps to address the activity
     5  occurring on or about the premises when the premises is open for
     6  operation.]
     7     (4)  due to the manner in which this or another licensed
     8  premises was operated while the licensee, its shareholders,
     9  directors, officers, association members, servants, agents or
    10  employes were involved with that license. When considering the
    11  manner in which this or another licensed premises was being
    12  operated, the board may consider activity that occurred on or
    13  about the licensed premises or in areas under licensee's control
    14  if the activity occurred when the premises was open for
    15  operation and if there was a relationship between the activity
    16  outside the premises and the manner in which the licensed
    17  premises was operated. The board may take into consideration
    18  whether any substantial steps were taken to address the activity
    19  occurring on or about the premises.
    20     * * *
    21     (a.3)  If the objection to the application is based on the
    22  reputation, criminal history, citation history or activity of
    23  one or more of the applicant's shareholders, directors,
    24  officers, association members, servants, agents or employes, and
    25  not on the reputation, criminal history, citation history or
    26  activity attributable to the applicant, the board shall order
    27  the divestiture of the shareholders, directors, officers,
    28  association members, servants, agents or employes in question,
    29  in lieu of refusing the application. If such divestiture does
    30  not occur within thirty (30) days of the board's order, then the
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     1  board may refuse the application.
     2     (b)  [In cases where a licensee or his servants, agents or
     3  employes are arrested, charged with violating any of the laws of
     4  this Commonwealth relating to liquor, alcohol or malt or brewed
     5  beverages, and where the board has on file in such cases reports
     6  of enforcement officers or investigators of the enforcement
     7  bureau or from other sources that a licensee or his servants,
     8  agents or employes have violated any of the aforementioned laws
     9  and a proceeding to revoke such licensee's license is or is
    10  about to be instituted, and such arrest occurs or report of
    11  violations is received or revocation proceeding instituted or
    12  about to be instituted during the time a renewal application of
    13  such license is pending before the board, the board may, in its
    14  discretion, renew the license, notwithstanding such alleged
    15  violations, but such renewal license may be revoked if and when
    16  the licensee or any of his servants, agents or employes are
    17  convicted of or plead guilty to violations under the previous
    18  license, as aforesaid, or if and when such previous license is
    19  for any reason revoked.] In cases where a licensee or its
    20  servants, agents or employes are arrested or charged with
    21  violating any of the laws of this Commonwealth or if a licensee
    22  has one or more unadjudicated citations pending against the
    23  licensee at the time a renewal application for the license is
    24  pending before the board, the board may, in its discretion,
    25  renew the license; however, the renewed license may be
    26  subsequently revoked by the board if and when the licensee or
    27  its servants, agents or employes are convicted of the pending
    28  criminal charges or when the citation issued against the license
    29  is adjudicated by the Office of Administrative Law Judge.
    30     In the event [such] the renewal license is revoked by the
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     1  board, neither the license fee paid for [such] the license nor
     2  any part thereof shall be returned to the licensee.
     3     * * *
     4     Section 7.  Section 505.2 of the act, amended November 10,
     5  1999 (P.L.514, No.47), December 9, 2002 (P.L.1653, No.212),
     6  December 16, 2002 (P.L.1806, No.221) and July 17, 2003 (P.L.63,
     7  No.15), is amended to read:
     8     Section 505.2.  Limited Wineries.--(a)  In the interest of
     9  promoting tourism and recreational development in Pennsylvania,
    10  holders of a limited winery license may:
    11     (1)  Produce alcoholic ciders, wines and wine coolers,
    12  subject to the exceptions provided under this section, only from
    13  fruits grown in Pennsylvania.
    14     (2)  Sell alcoholic cider, wine and wine coolers produced by
    15  the limited winery or purchased in bulk in bond from another
    16  Pennsylvania limited winery on the licensed premises, under such
    17  conditions and regulations as the board may enforce, to the
    18  board, to individuals and to brewery, hotel, restaurant, club
    19  and public service liquor licensees, and to Pennsylvania winery
    20  licensees: Provided, That a limited winery shall not, in any
    21  calendar year, purchase alcoholic cider or wine produced by
    22  other limited wineries in an amount in excess of fifty per
    23  centum of the alcoholic cider or wine produced by the purchasing
    24  limited winery in the preceding calendar year. In addition, the
    25  holder of a limited winery license may purchase wine in bottles
    26  from another Pennsylvania limited winery if these wines undergo
    27  a second fermentation process. Such wine may be sold in bottles
    28  bearing the purchasing limited winery's label or the producing
    29  limited winery's label. Such wines, if sold by the board, may be
    30  sold by the producing limited winery to the purchasing limited
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     1  winery at a price lower than the price charged by the board.
     2     (3)  Separately or in conjunction with other limited
     3  wineries, sell alcoholic cider, wine and wine coolers produced
     4  by the limited winery on no more than five (5) board-approved
     5  locations other than the licensed premises, with no bottling or
     6  production requirement at those additional board-approved
     7  locations and under such conditions and regulations as the board
     8  may enforce, to the board, to individuals and to brewery, hotel,
     9  restaurant, club and public service liquor licensees. If two or
    10  more limited wineries apply to operate an additional board-
    11  approved location in conjunction with each other, the wineries
    12  need only have one board-approved manager for the location, need
    13  only pay one application fee and need not designate specific or
    14  distinct areas for each winery's licensed area. Each limited
    15  winery must file an application for such an additional board-
    16  approved location, and such location shall count as one of the
    17  five permitted for each limited winery. Each limited winery is
    18  responsible for keeping only its own complete records. A limited
    19  winery may be cited for a violation of the recordkeeping
    20  requirements of sections 512 and 513 pertaining to its own
    21  records only.
    22     (4)  At the discretion of the board, obtain a special permit
    23  to participate in alcoholic cider, wine and food expositions off
    24  the licensed premises. A special permit shall be issued upon
    25  proper application and payment of a fee of thirty dollars ($30)
    26  per day for each day of permitted use, not to exceed five (5)
    27  consecutive days. The total number of days for all the special
    28  permits may not exceed forty (40) days in any calendar year. A
    29  special permit shall entitle the holder to engage in the sale by
    30  the glass, by the bottle or in case lots of alcoholic cider or
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     1  wine produced [by the bottle or in case lots] by the permittee
     2  under the authority of a limited winery license. Holders of
     3  special permits may provide tasting samples of wines in
     4  individual portions not to exceed one fluid ounce. Samples at
     5  alcoholic cider, wine and food expositions may be sold or
     6  offered free of charge. Except as provided herein, limited
     7  wineries utilizing special permits shall be governed by all
     8  applicable provisions of this act as well as by all applicable
     9  regulations or conditions adopted by the board.
    10     For the purposes of this clause, "alcoholic cider, wine and
    11  food expositions" are defined as affairs held indoors or
    12  outdoors with the primary intent of educating those in
    13  attendance of the availability, nature and quality of
    14  Pennsylvania-produced alcoholic ciders and wines in conjunction
    15  with suitable food displays, demonstrations and sales. Alcoholic
    16  cider, wine and food expositions may also include activities
    17  other than alcoholic cider, wine and food displays, including
    18  arts and crafts, musical activities, cultural exhibits,
    19  agricultural exhibits and similar activities.
    20     (5)  Apply for and hold a hotel liquor license, a restaurant
    21  liquor license or a malt and brewed beverages retail license to
    22  sell for consumption at the restaurant or limited winery on the
    23  licensed winery premises, liquor, wine and malt or brewed
    24  beverages regardless of the place of manufacture under the same
    25  conditions and regulations as any other hotel liquor license,
    26  restaurant liquor license or malt and brewed beverages retail
    27  license.
    28     (6)  (i)  Secure a permit from the board to allow the holder
    29  of a limited winery license to use up to twenty-five per centum
    30  permitted fruit, not wine, in the current year's production.
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     1  Each permit is valid only for the calendar year in which it is
     2  issued.
     3     (ii)  The fee for a permit to import and use permitted fruit
     4  shall be in an amount to be determined by the board.
     5     (iii)  The purpose of this section is to increase the
     6  productivity of limited wineries while at the same time
     7  protecting the integrity and unique characteristics of wine
     8  produced from fruit primarily grown in this Commonwealth.
     9  Prevailing climatic conditions have a significant impact on the
    10  character of the fruit. Accordingly, "permitted fruit" shall
    11  mean fruit grown or juice derived from fruit grown within three
    12  hundred fifty (350) miles of the winery.
    13     (iv)  The department is authorized to promulgate regulations
    14  requiring the filing of periodic reports by limited wineries to
    15  ensure compliance with the provisions of this section.
    16     (v)  This clause shall expire on December 31, 2004.
    17     (6.1)  Operate a restaurant on the licensed premises and sell
    18  by the glass only wine and alcoholic ciders that may otherwise
    19  be sold by the bottle.
    20     [(7)] (b)  The total production of alcoholic ciders, wine and
    21  wine coolers by a limited winery may not exceed two hundred
    22  thousand (200,000) gallons per year.
    23     Section 8.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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