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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1817



No. 1213 Session of 2004

           AUGUST 30, 2004


                                     AN ACT

     1  Establishing the Clean Indoor Air Act; imposing duties upon the
     2     Department of Health; imposing penalties; and making a
     3     related repeal.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6  Section 1.  Short title.
     7     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Clean Indoor
     8  Air Act.
     9  Section 2.  Legislative findings and purpose.
    10     (a)  Findings.--The General Assembly finds as follows:
    11         (1)  The use of tobacco products is dangerous not only to
    12     the person smoking, but also to nonsmokers who must breathe
    13     the contaminated air.
    14         (2)  The Environmental Protection Agency has classified
    15     second-hand tobacco smoke as a Class A carcinogen, a
    16     classification reserved for the most lethal environmental
    17     hazards, such as asbestos, benzene, formaldehyde and radon.
    18         (3)  Approximately 53,000 nonsmokers in the United States

     1     die annually from lung and heart disease due to exposure to
     2     passive smoke.
     3         (4)  Three hundred thousand children exposed to tobacco
     4     smoke have increased frequency of lower respiratory
     5     infections, such as pneumonia and bronchitis.
     6         (5)  Tobacco smoke is also responsible for up to
     7     1,000,000 attacks of asthma, 8,000 to 26,000 new cases of
     8     asthma and significant reduction in lung function, and causes
     9     serious middle ear infections among children each year.
    10     (b)  Purpose.--By enactment of this legislation, the General
    11  Assembly intends to provide a uniform Statewide policy to
    12  protect the public health, the comfort of all persons and the
    13  environment by prohibiting smoking in public places and
    14  workplaces.
    15  Section 3.  Definitions.
    16     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    17  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    18  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    19     "Department."  The Department of Health of the Commonwealth.
    20     "Public meeting."  Any meeting open to the public including
    21  any meeting open to the public pursuant to 65 Pa.C.S. Ch. 7
    22  (relating to open meetings).
    23     "Public place."  Any enclosed area to which the public is
    24  invited or in which the public is permitted, including any place
    25  listed in section 5.
    26     "Restaurant."  Any eating establishment which offers food for
    27  sale to the public.
    28     "Service line."  Any line at which one or more persons are
    29  waiting for or receiving service of any kind, whether or not
    30  such service involves the exchange of money.
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     1     "Smoking."  The carrying by a person of a lighted cigar,
     2  cigarette, pipe or other lighted smoking device.
     3     "Sports arena."  A sports stadium, sports pavilion,
     4  exhibition hall, gymnasium, health spa, boxing arena, swimming
     5  pool, roller or ice rink, bowling alley or similar place where
     6  members of the general public assemble to engage in physical
     7  exercise, participate in athletic competition or witness sports
     8  events.
     9     "Tobacco shop."  Any business establishment the main purpose
    10  of which is the sale of tobacco products including cigars, pipe
    11  tobacco and smoking accessories.
    12     "Workplace."  An indoor area serving as a place of
    13  employment, occupation, business, trade, craft, profession or
    14  volunteer activity.
    15  Section 4.  Prohibition.
    16     No person shall smoke in a public place or in a workplace.
    17  Section 5.  Public place.
    18     The following enclosed areas are examples of public places:
    19         (1)  A place in which a public meeting is held.
    20         (2)  An educational facility.
    21         (3)  A school bus.
    22         (4)  A health facility.
    23         (5)  An auditorium.
    24         (6)  An arena.
    25         (7)  A theater.
    26         (8)  A museum.
    27         (9)  A restaurant.
    28         (10)  A bar or tavern.
    29         (11)  A concert hall.
    30         (12)  A commercial establishment.
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     1         (13)  A retail store.
     2         (14)  A service line.
     3         (15)  A grocery store.
     4         (16)  A bingo hall.
     5         (17)  A waiting room or area.
     6         (18)  A hallway.
     7         (19)  A polling place.
     8         (20)  A restroom.
     9         (21)  A sports arena.
    10         (22)  A convention hall.
    11         (23)  An elevator.
    12         (24)  Public transit.
    13         (25)  A public food assistance program and facility.
    14         (26)  A shopping mall.
    15         (27)  An exhibition hall.
    16         (28)  A rotunda or lobby.
    17  Section 6.  Exception.
    18     This act shall not apply to the following places:
    19         (1)  A private residence, except for a private residence
    20     licensed as a child-care facility.
    21         (2)  A private social function where the area utilized is
    22     under the control of the sponsor and not the proprietor,
    23     except where the area utilized is owned, leased or operated
    24     by a State or local governmental agency.
    25         (3)  A wholesale or retail tobacco shop.
    26  Section 7.  Retaliation prohibited.
    27     No person or employer shall discharge, refuse to hire or in
    28  any manner retaliate against any employee or applicant for
    29  employment because the employee or applicant exercises any right
    30  to a smoke-free environment required by this act.
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     1  Section 8.  Enforcement.
     2     The Department of Health, a local board or department of
     3  health or any affected party may institute an action in any
     4  court with jurisdiction to enjoin a violation of the provisions
     5  of this act.
     6  Section 9.  Penalty.
     7     Any person who smokes in a public place or in a workplace or
     8  violates any other provision of this act commits a summary
     9  offense and shall pay:
    10         (1)  A fine not exceeding $100 for a first violation.
    11         (2)  A fine not exceeding $200 for a second violation
    12     that occurs within one year.
    13         (3)  A fine not exceeding $500 for each additional
    14     violation that occurs within one year.
    15  Section 10.  Rules and regulations.
    16     The Department of Health shall promulgate and adopt rules and
    17  regulations as are necessary and reasonable to implement the
    18  provisions of this act. The department shall also engage in a
    19  continuing program to explain and clarify the purposes and
    20  requirements of this act to persons affected by it and to guide
    21  owners, operators and managers in their compliance with it. The
    22  programs may include publication of a brochure for affected
    23  businesses and individuals explaining the provisions of this
    24  act.
    25  Section 11.  Construction.
    26     In any dispute arising under the provisions of this act, the
    27  authority adjudicating the dispute shall construe the provisions
    28  of this act in favor of the health concerns of persons who do
    29  not engage in smoking and whose concerns shall represent the
    30  public interest.
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     1  Section 12.  Repeal.
     2     Section 10.1 of the act of April 27, 1927 (P.L.465, No.299),
     3  referred to as the Fire and Panic Act, is repealed.
     4  Section 13.  Effective date.
     5     This act shall take effect January 1, 2005.

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