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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1867



No. 1235 Session of 2004

           PILEGGI AND C. WILLIAMS, OCTOBER 15, 2004

           OCTOBER 15, 2004

                                     AN ACT

     1  Relating to crane operator licensure; creating the State Board
     2     of Crane Operators; conferring powers and imposing duties;
     3     making an appropriation; and imposing penalties.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6  Section 1.  Short title.
     7     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Crane
     8  Operator Licensure Act.
     9  Section 2.  Definitions.
    10     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    11  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    12  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    13     "Board."  The State Board of Crane Operators.
    14     "Crane."  A power-operated hoisting machine that has a power-
    15  operated winch, load line and boom moving laterally by the
    16  rotation of the machine on a carrier or base and has a
    17  manufacturer-rated lifting capacity of ten tons or more. The
    18  term shall not include a forklift, digger derrick truck,

     1  aircraft, bucket truck or any vehicle or machine not having a
     2  power-operated winch and load line.
     3     "Crane operator."  An individual duly licensed by the State
     4  Board of Crane Operators to engage in the operation of a crane.
     5     "Crane operator trainee."  An individual who has not been
     6  issued a license under this act but who is authorized to perform
     7  the duties of a crane operator under the immediate supervision
     8  of a licensed crane operator.
     9     "Crane-related experience."  Operating, inspecting, training
    10  and maintenance experience which is acceptable to the State
    11  Board of Crane Operators.
    12     "Department."  The Department of Labor and Industry of the
    13  Commonwealth.
    14     "Immediate supervision."  Circumstances in which the
    15  supervising crane operator is in the immediate area of the
    16  trainee and within visual sighting distance and able to
    17  effectively communicate with the trainee. When performing direct
    18  supervision, the supervising crane operator shall have no other
    19  duties than to observe the operation of the crane by the
    20  trainee.
    21     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Labor and Industry of the
    22  Commonwealth.
    23  Section 3.  State Board of Crane Operators.
    24     (a)  Establishment.--The State Board of Crane Operators is
    25  hereby established as a departmental administrative board in the
    26  Department of Labor and Industry. The board shall consist of
    27  seven members who are residents of this Commonwealth, including
    28  the secretary or his designee, two members appointed by the
    29  Governor who shall be members of the public at large and four
    30  members appointed by the Governor who shall have been actively
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     1  engaged in crane-related operations in this Commonwealth for at
     2  least five years immediately preceding their appointment. The
     3  board shall meet within 30 days after the appointment of its new
     4  members and set up operating procedures and develop application
     5  forms for licensing crane operators. It shall be the
     6  responsibility of the board to circulate these forms and educate
     7  the public to the requirements of licensing in order to hold
     8  oneself out as a licensed crane operator within this
     9  Commonwealth.
    10     (b)  Membership.--Professional and public members shall be
    11  appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the
    12  Senate for terms of four years, except that of the members first
    13  appointed, three shall serve for terms of four years, two shall
    14  serve for terms of three years and one shall serve for a term of
    15  two years. The professional members of the board initially
    16  appointed pursuant to this subsection need not be licensed at
    17  the time of appointment but, at the time of appointment, must
    18  have satisfied the eligibility requirements for licensure as
    19  crane operators as provided in this act.
    20     (c)  Term of office.--Each board member shall continue in
    21  office until a successor is duly appointed and qualified but no
    22  longer than six months after the expiration of the term. In the
    23  event that a board member shall die, resign or otherwise become
    24  disqualified during the term of office, a successor shall be
    25  appointed in the same way and with the same qualifications as
    26  set forth in this section and shall hold office for the
    27  unexpired portion of the unexpired term.
    28     (d)  Eligibility.--No board member shall be eligible for
    29  appointment to serve more than two consecutive four-year terms.
    30     (e)  Forfeiture of membership.--A board member who fails to
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     1  attend three consecutive meetings shall forfeit his or her seat
     2  unless the commissioner, upon written request from the member,
     3  finds that the member should be excused from a meeting because
     4  of illness or the death of a family member.
     5     (f)  Compensation.--Each member of the board, except the
     6  secretary, shall receive per diem compensation at the rate of
     7  $60 per diem when actually attending to the work of the board.
     8  Members shall also receive reasonable travel, hotel and other
     9  necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties
    10  in accordance with Commonwealth regulations.
    11     (g)  Forfeiture.--A public member who fails to attend two
    12  consecutive statutorily mandated training seminars in accordance
    13  with section 813(e) of the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177,
    14  No.175), known as The Administrative Code of 1929, shall forfeit
    15  his or her seat unless the secretary, upon written request from
    16  the public member, finds that the public member should be
    17  excused from a meeting because of illness or the death of a
    18  family member.
    19     (h)  Quorum.--A majority of the members of the board serving
    20  in accordance with law shall constitute a quorum for purposes of
    21  conducting the business of the board. Except for votes
    22  pertaining to temporary and automatic suspensions, a member may
    23  not be counted as part of a quorum or vote on any issue unless
    24  he or she is physically in attendance at the meeting.
    25     (i)  Meetings.--The board shall meet at least four times a
    26  year in the city of Harrisburg.
    27     (j)  Notice.--Reasonable notice of all meetings shall be
    28  given in conformity with the former act of July 3, 1986
    29  (P.L.388, No.84), known as the Sunshine Act.
    30  Section 4.  Powers and functions of board.
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     1     The board shall have the power to do any of the following:
     2         (1)  Administer and enforce the provisions of this act.
     3         (2)  Issue and renew licenses to crane operators.
     4         (3)  Suspend, revoke or fail to renew the license of a
     5     crane operator.
     6         (4)  Adopt standards for certification that are
     7     consistent with applicable certification requirements of one
     8     or more established and nationally recognized crane operator
     9     certification programs recognized by the Federal Occupational
    10     Safety and Health Administration.
    11         (5)  Adopt and publish a code of ethics and standards of
    12     practice for licensed crane operators.
    13         (6)  Prescribe and charge reasonable fees to support
    14     program costs associated with examinations, licenses,
    15     renewals and other services performed pursuant to this act.
    16         (7)  Create any subcommittee the board deems necessary to
    17     assist in the performance of its duties.
    18         (8)  Implement a schedule establishing penalties for
    19     violations of this act or any regulations under this act.
    20  Section 5.  Licensure of crane operators.
    21     (a)  General rule.--No person shall engage in the operation
    22  of a crane or offer himself for employment as a crane operator
    23  unless licensed as such under the provisions of this act.
    24     (b)  Specialties.--A crane operator's license shall be valid
    25  only in conjunction with a current certification and only in the
    26  specialty or specialties for which the crane operator is
    27  certified. The specialties shall include tower crane lattice
    28  boom crawler, lattice boom truck, telescopic boom cranes with a
    29  capacity of more than 17.5 tons and all rotating cab-mounted
    30  machines, telescopic boom cranes with a capacity of less than
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     1  17.5 tons and all fixed cab-mounted machines and such other
     2  specialties as may be designated by the board.
     3  Section 6.  Crane operator trainee.
     4     For the purpose of obtaining at least 1,000 hours of crane-
     5  related experience as required by section 7(3), an individual
     6  who has met the requirements of section 7(1) and (4) may perform
     7  the duties of a crane operator under the immediate supervision
     8  of a licensed crane operator.
     9  Section 7.  Eligibility for licensure as crane operator.
    10     To be eligible for a license as a crane operator, an
    11  applicant shall fulfill the following requirements:
    12         (1)  Be at least 18 years of age.
    13         (2)  Receive certification from the National Commission
    14     for the Certification of Crane Operators or any other
    15     organization found by the board to offer an equivalent
    16     testing and certification program meeting the requirements of
    17     the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) B30.5 and
    18     the accreditation requirements of the National Commission for
    19     Certifying Agencies (NCCA) or the American National Standards
    20     Institute (ANSI).
    21         (3)  Have at least 1,000 hours of documented crane-
    22     related experience.
    23         (4)  Be medically and physically capable of performing
    24     the responsibilities of operating a crane.
    25  Section 8.  Application, fee, issuance of license.
    26     Upon payment of a fee and the submission of a written
    27  application provided by the board, the board shall issue a crane
    28  operator license to any person who meets the eligibility
    29  requirements of section 7. Applicants who can show proof of
    30  certification pursuant to section 7(2) prior to the effective
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     1  date of this act shall be exempt from the requirements of
     2  section 7(3), provided that such certification is active on the
     3  effective date of this act.
     4  Section 9.  Fees established by rule; use.
     5     (a)  Fees.--The board shall by rule or regulation establish,
     6  prescribe or change the fees for licenses, renewals of licenses
     7  or other services provided by the board pursuant to the
     8  provisions of this act. Licenses shall be issued for a period of
     9  five years and may be renewed when the applicant provides proof
    10  that certification required pursuant to section 7(2) has been
    11  maintained, except that the board may provide that those
    12  licenses first issued or renewed after the effective date of
    13  this act shall expire or become void on the expiration date of
    14  the certification.
    15     (b)  Payment.--All fees and any fines imposed by the board
    16  shall be paid to the department and shall be directly applied
    17  toward enforcement and administrative costs of the board.
    18     (c)  Insufficient revenues.--If the revenues generated by
    19  fees, fines and civil penalties imposed in accordance with the
    20  provisions of this act are not sufficient to match expenditures
    21  over a two-year period, the board shall increase those fees by
    22  regulation, subject to review in accordance with the act of June
    23  25, 1982 (P.L.633, No.181), known as the Regulatory Review Act,
    24  such that the projected revenues will meet or exceed projected
    25  expenditures.
    26  Section 10.  Refusal, suspension or revocation of license.
    27     (a)  General rule.--The board shall refuse to issue a license
    28  to any person and, after notice and hearing in accordance with
    29  rules and regulations, may suspend or revoke the license of any
    30  person who has done any of the following:
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     1         (1)  Attempted to or obtained licensure by fraud or
     2     misrepresentation.
     3         (2)  Fraudulently or deceitfully performed work for which
     4     a license is required under this act.
     5         (3)  Within the prior 24 months been convicted of a
     6     felony in a Federal court or in the courts of this
     7     Commonwealth or any other state, territory or country.
     8     Conviction, as used in this paragraph, shall include a
     9     finding or verdict of guilt, an admission of guilt or a plea
    10     of nolo contendere.
    11         (4)  Habitually indulged in the use of narcotics or other
    12     habit-forming drugs or excessively indulged in the use of
    13     alcoholic liquors.
    14         (5)  Committed an act of gross negligence.
    15         (6)  Falsely advertised.
    16         (7)  Acted in a manner which demonstrates incompetence.
    17         (8)  Caused or contributed in a negligent manner conduct
    18     that directly or indirectly resulted in an injury to a person
    19     or damage to property.
    20         (9)  Had his or her license to operate a crane revoked or
    21     suspended or had other disciplinary action taken or had his
    22     or her application for a license refused, revoked or
    23     suspended by the proper licensing authority of another state,
    24     territory or country.
    25         (10)  Made misleading, deceptive, untrue or fraudulent
    26     representations in violation of this act or otherwise in the
    27     practice of the profession.
    28     (b)  Appeal.--All actions of the board shall be taken subject
    29  to the right of notice, hearing and adjudication and the right
    30  of appeal therefrom in accordance with 2 Pa.C.S. (relating to
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     1  administrative law and procedure).
     2     (c)  Reinstatement.--Unless ordered to do so by a court, the
     3  board shall not reinstate the license of a person to operate a
     4  crane which has been revoked, and such person shall be required
     5  to apply for a license after a five-year period if he or she
     6  desires to operate a crane at any time after such revocation.
     7  Section 11.  Reporting of multiple licensure.
     8     Any licensee of the board who is also licensed to practice in
     9  any other state, territory or country shall report this
    10  information to the board on the license renewal application. Any
    11  disciplinary action taken in any other state, territory or
    12  country shall be reported to the board on the license renewal
    13  application or within 90 days of disposition, whichever is
    14  sooner. Multiple licensure shall be noted by the board on the
    15  licensee's record, and such state, territory or country shall be
    16  notified by the board of any disciplinary actions taken against
    17  the licensee in this Commonwealth.
    18  Section 12.  Surrender of suspended or revoked license.
    19     The board shall require a person whose license has been
    20  suspended or revoked to return the license in such manner as the
    21  board directs. Failure to do so shall constitute a misdemeanor
    22  of the third degree.
    23  Section 13.  Penalties.
    24     (a)  Criminal penalties.--A person who violates this act
    25  commits a misdemeanor of the third degree and shall, upon
    26  conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of up to $1,000 or to
    27  imprisonment for not more than 90 days, or both.
    28     (b)  Civil penalty.--In addition to any other civil remedy or
    29  criminal penalty provided for in this act, the board, by a vote
    30  of the majority of the maximum number of the authorized
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     1  membership of the board as provided by law or by a vote of the
     2  majority of the duly qualified and confirmed membership or a
     3  minimum of three members, whichever is greater, may levy a civil
     4  penalty of up to $1,000 on any current licensee who violates any
     5  provision of this act or on any person who holds himself or
     6  herself out as a licensed crane operator without being so
     7  licensed pursuant to this act. The board shall levy this penalty
     8  only after affording the accused party the opportunity for a
     9  hearing, as provided in 2 Pa.C.S. (relating to administrative
    10  law and procedure).
    11     (c)  Unlicensed operation.--Other than for training purposes,
    12  it shall be a violation of this act for any person to direct or
    13  require an individual to operate a crane without the license
    14  required under this act.
    15     (d)  Disposition.--All fines and civil penalties imposed in
    16  accordance with this section shall be paid to the department.
    17  Section 14.  Subpoenas.
    18     (a)  Power to issue.--The board shall have the authority to
    19  issue subpoenas, upon application of an attorney responsible for
    20  representing the Commonwealth in disciplinary matters before the
    21  board, for the purpose of investigating alleged violations of
    22  the disciplinary provisions administered by the board. The board
    23  shall have the power to subpoena witnesses, to administer oaths,
    24  to examine witnesses and to take such testimony or compel the
    25  production of such books, records, papers and documents as it
    26  may deem necessary or proper in and pertinent to any proceeding,
    27  investigation or hearing held or had by it. The court may impose
    28  such limitations on the scope of the subpoena as are necessary
    29  to prevent unnecessary intrusion into client confidential
    30  information. The board is authorized to apply to Commonwealth
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     1  Court to enforce its subpoenas.
     2     (b)  Notification of board.--An attorney responsible for
     3  representing the Commonwealth in disciplinary matters before the
     4  board shall notify the board immediately upon receiving
     5  notification of an alleged violation of this act. The board
     6  shall maintain current records of all reports of alleged
     7  violations and periodically review the records for the purpose
     8  of determining that each alleged violation has been resolved in
     9  a timely manner.
    10  Section 15.  Unlawful practice.
    11     (a)  Prohibition.--It shall be unlawful for any person to
    12  hold himself or herself out as a licensed crane operator without
    13  possessing a valid, unexpired, unrevoked and unsuspended license
    14  issued under this act.
    15     (b)  Injunction.--Unlawful practice may be enjoined by the
    16  courts upon petition of the secretary or the board. In any
    17  proceeding under this section, it shall not be necessary to show
    18  that any person is individually injured by the actions
    19  complained of. If the court finds that the respondent has
    20  violated this section, it shall enjoin him or her from so
    21  practicing until he or she has been duly licensed. Procedure in
    22  such cases shall be the same as in any other injunction suit.
    23     (c)  Remedy cumulative.--The injunctive remedy provided in
    24  this section shall be in addition to any other civil or criminal
    25  prosecution and punishment.
    26  Section 16.  Appropriation.
    27     The sum of $85,000 or as much thereof as may be necessary is
    28  hereby appropriated from the General Fund to the Department of
    29  Labor and Industry for the payment of costs of processing
    30  licenses and renewals, for the operation of the board and for
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     1  other general costs of operations relating to this act. The
     2  appropriation granted shall be repaid by the board within three
     3  years of the beginning of issuance of licenses by the board.
     4  Section 17.  Severability.
     5     The provisions of this act are severable. If any provision of
     6  this act or its application to any person or circumstance is
     7  held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions
     8  or applications of this act which can be given effect without
     9  the invalid provision or application.
    10  Section 18.  Effective date.
    11     This act shall take effect as follows:
    12         (1)  Sections 5 and 15 shall take effect in 18 months.
    13         (2)  The remainder of this act shall take effect in 60
    14     days.

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