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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1643



No. 1253 Session of 2001

           DECEMBER 26, 2001


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Titles 3 (Agriculture) and 75 (Vehicles) of the
     2     Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for
     3     agricultural fuels development grants; establishing the
     4     Agricultural Fuels Development Fund and the Agricultural
     5     Fuels Capital Investment Account; imposing powers and duties
     6     on the Department of Agriculture; further providing for
     7     alternative fuels definitions, for the Alternative Fuels
     8     Incentive Grant Fund and for alternative fuels reports;
     9     providing for a phase-out of certain fuel and for a penalty;
    10     further providing for liquid fuels and fuels tax definitions;
    11     and providing for an agricultural fuels tax credit.

    12     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    13  hereby enacts as follows:
    14     Section 1.  Title 3 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes
    15  is amended by adding a chapter to read:
    16                             CHAPTER 43
    17                         AGRICULTURAL FUELS
    18  Subchapter
    19    A.  Preliminary Provisions
    20    B.  Fuels Development
    21    C.  Capital Investment
    22                            SUBCHAPTER A

     1                       PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS
     2  Sec.
     3  4301.  Definitions.
     4  4302.  Department.
     5  4303.  Fund.
     6  4304.  Account.
     7  4305.  Expiration.
     8  § 4301.  Definitions.
     9     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
    10  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    11  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    12     "Account."  The Agricultural Fuels Capital Investment Account
    13  established in section 4304 (relating to account).
    14     "Agricultural fuel."  Any of the following:
    15         (1)  Bioethanol.
    16         (2)  Biodiesel.
    17         (3)  Liquid fuel other than bioethanol or biodiesel
    18     which:
    19             (i)  is derived from agricultural or renewable
    20         biological products; and
    21             (ii)  meets American Society for Testing and
    22         Materials Specifications.
    23     "Base products."  Includes:
    24         (1)  Agricultural products. This paragraph includes
    25     potatoes, cereal, grains, oilseeds, cheese whey and sugar
    26     beets.
    27         (2)  Forest products.
    28         (3)  Recycled vegetable oils, animal fats and spent
    29     restaurant grease.
    30         (4)  Starch or sugar residues resulting from food
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     1     processing.
     2         (5)  Other renewable resources.
     3     "Biodiesel."  Simple Alykl Ester which:
     4         (1)  is derived from base products; and
     5         (2)  meets American Society for Testing and Materials
     6     Specification PS121.
     7     "Bioethanol."  Fermentation ethyl alcohol which:
     8         (1)  is derived from base products;
     9         (2)  meets the specifications in American Society for
    10     Testing and Materials Specifications D4806-01; and
    11         (3)  is denatured as specified in 27 CFR Pts. 20
    12     (relating to distribution and use of denatured alcohol and
    13     rum) and 21 (relating to formulas for denatured alcohol and
    14     rum).
    15     "Capital investment."  Includes money used to purchase
    16  manufacturing machinery, fixtures, equipment, tools, land and
    17  other items, which are related to production.
    18     "Controlling interest."  Ownership of:
    19         (1)  a sole proprietorship; or
    20         (2)  at least 5% of the voting stock in a corporation.
    21     "Farmer."  A person that is engaged in agricultural
    22  production for commercial purposes.
    23     "Fund."  The Agricultural Fuels Development Fund established
    24  in section 4303 (relating to fund).
    25     "Producer."  An entity which produces an agricultural fuel in
    26  this Commonwealth.
    27  A person that holds a controlling interest in more than one
    28  production plant is a single producer.
    29  § 4302.  Department.
    30     The department has the following powers and duties:
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     1         (1)  Administer this chapter.
     2         (2)  Promulgate regulations to implement this chapter.
     3         (3)  Utilize the fund under section 4311 (relating to
     4     payments).
     5         (4)  Utilize the money under 75 Pa.C.S. § 7202(b)(1)(i)
     6     (relating to alternative fuels incentive grant fund) for
     7     grants under section 4321 (relating to grants).
     8  § 4303.  Fund.
     9     (a)  Establishment.--The Agricultural Fuels Development Fund
    10  is established as a separate fund in the State Treasury.
    11     (b)  Source.--The sources of the fund are as follows:
    12         (1)  Appropriations.
    13         (2)  Interest.
    14     (c)  Utilization.--The department shall utilize the fund as
    15  follows:
    16         (1)  To make payments under section 4311 (relating to
    17     payments).
    18         (2)  To administer Subchapter B (relating to fuels
    19     development). No more than 10% of the money in the fund may
    20     be used under this paragraph in a single fiscal year.
    21     (d)  Continuing appropriation.--
    22         (1)  The money in the fund is continuously appropriated
    23     to the fund. Except as set forth in paragraph (2), this
    24     appropriation shall not lapse at the end of any fiscal year.
    25         (2)  Money in the fund which is not encumbered on the
    26     date set forth in section 4305 (relating to expiration) is
    27     hereby appropriated to the Alternative Fuels Incentive Grant
    28     Fund.
    29  § 4304.  Account.
    30     (a)  Establishment.--The Agricultural Fuels Capital
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     1  Investment Account is established as a separate account in the
     2  Alternative Fuels Incentive Grant Fund.
     3     (b)  Source.--The sources of the account are as follows:
     4         (1)  Appropriations.
     5         (2)  Interest.
     6     (c)  Utilization.--The department shall utilize the account
     7  as follows:
     8         (1)  To make payments under section 4321 (relating to
     9     grants).
    10         (2)  To administer Subchapter C (relating to capital
    11     investment). No more than 10% of the money in the account may
    12     be used under this paragraph for a single project.
    13     (d)  Continuing appropriation.--
    14         (1)  The money in the account is continuously
    15     appropriated to the account. Except as set forth in paragraph
    16     (2), this appropriation shall not lapse at the end of any
    17     fiscal year.
    18         (2)  Money in the account which is not encumbered on the
    19     date set forth in section 4305 (relating to expiration) is
    20     hereby appropriated to the Alternative Fuels Incentive Grant
    21     Fund.
    22  § 4305.  Expiration.
    23     This chapter shall expire June 30, 2015.
    24                            SUBCHAPTER B
    25                         FUELS DEVELOPMENT
    26  Sec.
    27  4311.  Payments.
    28  § 4311.  Payments.
    29     (a)  Authorization.--The department may make payments from
    30  the fund to producers that have commenced production before July
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     1  1, 2005, for each gallon of agricultural fuel produced before
     2  the later of:
     3         (1)  July 1, 2006; or
     4         (2)  ten years after production commences.
     5     (b)  Amount.--The amount of a payment to a producer of
     6  agricultural fuel is as follows:
     7         (1)  For the first 15,000,000 gallons, 20¢ per gallon.
     8         (2)  For the next 10,000,000 gallons, 10¢ per gallon.
     9         (3)  For production beyond 25,000,000 gallons, no
    10     payment.
    11         (4)  A payment to a single producer under this paragraph
    12     may not exceed $4,000,000 in a single fiscal year.
    13         (5)  Total payments under this paragraph may not exceed
    14     $24,000,000 in a single fiscal year.
    15     (c)  Eligibility.--To be eligible for payment under
    16  subsection (b), a producer must be:
    17         (1)  a farmer;
    18         (2)  an entity in which one or more farmers hold a
    19     controlling interest; or
    20         (3)  a producer.
    21     (d)  Application.--
    22         (1)  For each quarter, a claim for payment must be filed
    23     with the department by the last business day of the first
    24     month after the quarter ends.
    25         (2)  A claim must include all of the following:
    26             (i)  Identification of producer by name, type of
    27         business and location.
    28             (ii)  Quantity for which payment is sought.
    29             (iii)  Other information required by regulation of
    30         the department.
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     1     (e)  Determination.--
     2         (1)  Within 30 days of receipt of the claim, the
     3     department shall grant or deny the claim based on all of the
     4     following:
     5             (i)  The criteria set forth in subsections (a), (b)
     6         and (c).
     7             (ii)  The amount of money in the fund. If there is
     8         not sufficient money for full payments, proportionate
     9         payments may be made.
    10         (2)  Failure to act within the time period shall be
    11     deemed a grant of the claim.
    12         (3)  Denial of a claim is subject to 2 Pa.C.S. Ch. 7
    13     Subch. A (relating to judicial review of Commonwealth agency
    14     action).
    15                            SUBCHAPTER C
    16                         CAPITAL INVESTMENT
    17  Sec.
    18  4321.  Grants.
    19  § 4321.  Grants.
    20     (a)  Authorization.--The department may make grants to
    21  producers for capital investments used in the production of
    22  agricultural fuel.
    23     (b)  Amount.--
    24         (1)  Subject to paragraphs (2) and (3), the amount of a
    25     grant may be up to 100% of the capital investment by the
    26     producer during the prior year.
    27         (2)  A grant to a single producer may not exceed
    28     $1,500,000 in a single fiscal year.
    29         (3)  Total grants under this subsection may not exceed
    30     $18,500,000 in a single fiscal year.
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     1     (c)  Eligibility.--To be eligible for a grant, a producer
     2  must be:
     3         (1)  a farmer;
     4         (2)  an entity in which one or more farmers hold a
     5     controlling interest; or
     6         (3)  a producer.
     7     (d)  Application.--
     8         (1)  By the last business day of January, a request must
     9     be filed with the department for a grant for the prior year.
    10         (2)  A request must include all of the following:
    11             (i)  Identification of producer by name, type of
    12         business and location.
    13             (ii)  Description of capital investments for which
    14         the grant is requested.
    15             (iii)  Other information required by regulation of
    16         the department.
    17     (e)  Determination.--
    18         (1)  Within 30 days of receipt of the request, the
    19     department shall grant or deny the request based on all of
    20     the following:
    21             (i)  The criteria set forth in subsections (a), (b)
    22         and (c).
    23             (ii)  The amount of money in the account. If there is
    24         not sufficient money for full payments, proportionate
    25         payments may be made.
    26         (2)  Failure to act within the time period shall be
    27     deemed a grant of the request.
    28         (3)  Denial of a request is subject to 2 Pa.C.S. Ch. 7
    29     Subch. A (relating to judicial review of Commonwealth agency
    30     action).
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     1     Section 2.  The definition of "alternative fuels" in section
     2  7201 of Title 75 is amended and the section is amended by adding
     3  definitions to read:
     4  § 7201.  Definitions.
     5     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
     6  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     7  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     8     "Agricultural fuel."  Any of the following:
     9         (1)  Bioethanol.
    10         (2)  Biodiesel.
    11         (3)  Liquid fuel other than bioethanol or biodiesel
    12     which:
    13             (i)  is derived from agricultural or biological
    14         products; and
    15             (ii)  meets American Society for Testing and
    16         Materials Specifications.
    17     * * *
    18     "Alternative fuels."  Motor vehicle fuels and fuel systems
    19  which when compared to conventional gasoline or reformulated
    20  gasoline, will result in lower emissions of oxides of nitrogen,
    21  volatile organic compounds, carbon monoxide or particulates or
    22  any combination thereof. These shall include compressed natural
    23  gas (CNG), liquified natural gas (LNG), liquid propane gas
    24  (LPG), alcohols (ethanol - e85 and methanol - m85), agricultural
    25  fuels, hydrogen, hythane (a combination of CNG and hydrogen) and
    26  electricity.
    27     "Base products."  Any of the following:
    28         (1)  Agricultural products. This paragraph includes
    29     potatoes, cereal, grains, oilseeds, cheese whey and sugar
    30     beets.
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     1         (2)  Forest products.
     2         (3)  Recycled vegetable oils, animal fats and spent
     3     restaurant grease.
     4         (4)  Starch or sugar residues resulting from food
     5     processing.
     6         (5)  Other renewable resources.
     7     "Biodiesel."  Simple Alykl Ester which:
     8         (1)  is derived from base products; and
     9         (2)  meets American Society for Testing and Materials
    10     Specification PS121.
    11     "Bioethanol."  Fermentation ethyl alcohol which:
    12         (1)  is derived from base products;
    13         (2)  meets the specifications in American Society for
    14     Testing and Materials Specification D4806-01; and
    15         (3)  is denatured as specified in 27 CFR Pts. 20
    16     (relating to distribution and use of denatured alcohol and
    17     rum) and 21 (relating to formulas for denatured alcohol and
    18     rum).
    19     * * *
    20     "MTBE."  The gasoline additive methyl tertiary butyl ether.
    21     * * *
    22     Section 3.  Section 7202(a), (b)(1) and (c) of Title 75 are
    23  amended and the section is amended by adding a subsection to
    24  read:
    25  § 7202.  Alternative Fuels Incentive Grant Fund.
    26     (a)  Establishment.--There is hereby established a separate
    27  account in the State Treasury to be known as the Alternative
    28  Fuels Incentive Grant Fund. This fund shall be administered
    29  jointly by the [PEO] Department of Agriculture and the
    30  Department of Environmental Protection. The fund shall consist
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     1  of that portion of revenues collected under the utilities gross
     2  receipts tax as set forth in section 7204 (relating to
     3  appropriation).
     4     (b)  Expenditures.--
     5         (1)  [Moneys] Money from the fund shall be expended by
     6     the [PEO] Department of Agriculture and the Department of
     7     Environmental Protection as grants in equal amounts:
     8             (i)  Grants shall be made by the Department of
     9         Agriculture under 3 Pa.C.S. § 4321 (relating to grants).
    10             (ii)  Grants shall be made to school districts,
    11         municipal authorities, political subdivisions, nonprofit
    12         entities and corporations or partnerships incorporated or
    13         registered in this Commonwealth and to residents of this
    14         Commonwealth to meet 60% of the expenses relative to
    15         retrofitting vehicles to operate on alternative fuels as
    16         either a bi-fuel, dual-fuel or dedicated vehicle,
    17         including the incremental cost of purchase of dedicated
    18         vehicles and to meet 60% of the cost to install the
    19         necessary fueling equipment. Two years after the
    20         effective date of this chapter and for every two-year
    21         period thereafter, the grant funding amount offered by
    22         the [PEO] Department of Environmental Protection shall be
    23         reduced 10% until it reaches 20% of the retrofit cost
    24         where it will remain until economic or other conditions
    25         warrant it be changed.
    26         * * *
    27     (c)  Regulatory powers.--[The PEO] Except as set forth in
    28  subsection (d), the Department of Agriculture shall promulgate
    29  regulations necessary to carry out the provisions of this
    30  chapter which shall include a method by which grant applications
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     1  will be prioritized according but not limited to the following
     2  goals and/or criteria:
     3         (1)  The improvement of this Commonwealth's air quality.
     4         (2)  The fulfillment of the State's requirements under
     5     the Clean Air Act (Public Law 95-95, 42 U.S.C. § 7401 et
     6     seq.).
     7         (3)  The protection of this Commonwealth's natural
     8     environment, including land, water and wildlife.
     9         (4)  The advancement of economic development in this
    10     Commonwealth and the promotion of this Commonwealth's
    11     indigenous resources.
    12         (5)  The reduction of this Commonwealth's dependence on
    13     imported crude oil and other petroleum products.
    14         (6)  The most cost-effective use of private and public
    15     funding.
    16         (7)  The transfer and commercialization of innovative
    17     energy technologies.
    18     (d)  Department of Environmental Protection.--The Department
    19  of Environmental Protection shall promulgate regulations to
    20  implement subsection (b)(1)(ii).
    21     Section 4.  Section 7203 of Title 75 is amended to read:
    22  § 7203.  Reports.
    23     (a)  Annual report.--The [PEO] Department of Agriculture and
    24  the Department of Environmental Protection shall annually make a
    25  report to the General Assembly on the activities undertaken
    26  pursuant to this chapter, including the number of grants awarded
    27  and other expenditures from the fund.
    28     (b)  Special report.--The Department of Revenue, in
    29  consultation with the [PEO] Department of Agriculture, the
    30  Department of Environmental Protection and the Department of
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     1  Transportation, shall submit a report to the General Assembly
     2  within two years after the effective date of this chapter which
     3  analyzes the impact of alternatively fueled vehicles on revenue
     4  from State taxes on motor fuels at the time and projected five
     5  years into the future and make recommendations on mechanisms to
     6  replace any revenue losses.
     7     Section 5.  Title 75 is amended by adding a section to read:
     8  § 7206.  Phasing out of MTBE.
     9     (a)  Program.--
    10         (1)  The department, in conjunction with the Pennsylvania
    11     Petroleum Institute, shall develop and implement a three-year
    12     plan to phase out the use of the gasoline additive MTBE.
    13         (2)  The department shall submit an annual report on the
    14     program under this subsection, beginning six months after the
    15     effective date of this section, to the Environmental
    16     Resources and Energy Committee of the Senate and the
    17     Environmental Resources and Energy Committee of the House of
    18     Representatives.
    19     (b)  Prohibition.--
    20         (1)  MTBE may not be used as a gasoline additive.
    21         (2)  MTBE may not be discharged.
    22     (c)  Penalty.--
    23         (1)  Except as set forth in paragraph (2), a person that
    24     violates subsection (b)(2) commits a misdemeanor of the
    25     second degree. Each day of violation constitutes a separate
    26     offense.
    27         (2)  A person that, after being sentenced under paragraph
    28     (1) violates subsection (b)(2), commits a misdemeanor of the
    29     second degree. Each day of violation constitutes a separate
    30     offense.
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     1     Section 6.  The definition of "alternative fuels" in section
     2  9002 of Title 75 is amended and the section is amended by adding
     3  definitions to read:
     4  § 9002.  Definitions.
     5     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
     6  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     7  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     8     "Agricultural fuel."  Any of the following:
     9         (1)  Bioethanol.
    10         (2)  Biodiesel.
    11         (3)  Liquid fuel other than bioethanol or biodiesel
    12     which:
    13             (i)  is derived from agricultural or renewable
    14         biological products; and
    15             (ii)  meets American Society for Testing and
    16         Materials Specifications.
    17     "Alternative fuels."  Natural gas[,]; compressed natural gas
    18  (CNG)[,]; liquified natural gas (LNG)[,]; liquid propane gas and
    19  liquified petroleum gas (LPG)[,]; alcohols, gasoline-alcohol
    20  mixtures containing at least 85% alcohol by volume, hydrogen,
    21  hythane, electricity; agricultural fuels; and any other fuel
    22  used to propel motor vehicles on the public highways which is
    23  not taxable as fuels or liquid fuels under this chapter.
    24     * * *
    25     "Base products."  Any of the following:
    26         (1)  Agricultural products. This paragraph includes
    27     potatoes, cereal, grains, oilseeds, cheese whey and sugar
    28     beets.
    29         (2)  Forest products.
    30         (3)  Recycled vegetable oils, animal fats and spent
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     1     restaurant grease.
     2         (4)  Starch or sugar residues resulting from food
     3     processing.
     4         (5)  Other renewable resources.
     5     "Biodiesel."  Simple Alykl Ester which:
     6         (1)  is derived from base products; and
     7         (2)  meets American Society for Testing and Materials
     8     Specification PS121.
     9     "Bioethanol."  Fermentation ethyl alcohol which:
    10         (1)  is derived from base products;
    11         (2)  meets the specifications in American Society for
    12     Testing and Materials Specification D4806-01; and
    13         (3)  is denatured as specified in 27 CFR Pts. 20
    14     (relating to distribution and use of denatured alcohol and
    15     rum) and 21 (relating to formulas for denatured alcohol and
    16     rum).
    17     * * *
    18     Section 7.  Title 75 is amended by adding a section to read:
    19  § 9017.1.  Tax credit for agricultural fuels.
    20     (a)  General rule.--For three years from the effective date
    21  of this section, a distributor shall be reimbursed from the
    22  General Fund the amount of tax imposed under section 9004(d)
    23  (relating to imposition of tax, exemptions and deductions) on
    24  agricultural fuel produced in this Commonwealth, in the
    25  following manner:
    26         (1)  for the first year, the entire amount of tax
    27     imposed;
    28         (2)  for the second year, two-thirds of the tax imposed;
    29     and
    30         (3)  for the third year, one-third of the tax imposed.
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     1     (b)  Intent.--It is the intent of this section that all
     2  proceeds from the tax paid on agricultural fuels used within
     3  this Commonwealth be paid without the diminution of the Motor
     4  License Fund. The tax relief received by a distributor on
     5  agricultural fuels shall be passed on to the retailer.
     6     Section 8.  This act shall take effect as follows:
     7         (1)  This section shall take effect immediately.
     8         (2)  The addition of 75 Pa.C.S. § 7206(b) shall take
     9     effect in three years.
    10         (3)  The remainder of this act shall take effect July 1,
    11     2002, or immediately, whichever is later.

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