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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2063



No. 1317 Session of 2006

           SEPTEMBER 20, 2006


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 4 (Amusements) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     2     Statutes, further providing for the powers of the board and
     3     the Pennsylvania State Police and for criminal offenses; and
     4     providing for fingerprints.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7     Section 1.  Sections 1202(b)(1) and (2), 1517(c) and 1518(a)
     8  of Title 4 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes are amended
     9  to read:
    10  § 1202.  General and specific powers.
    11     * * *
    12     (b)  Specific powers.--The board shall have the specific
    13  power and duty:
    14         (1)  To require background investigations [on] of its
    15     prospective and existing employees and prospective or
    16     existing licensees, permittees or persons holding a
    17     controlling interest in any prospective or existing licensee
    18     or permittee under the jurisdiction of the board.

     1         (2)  To enter into an agreement with the Pennsylvania
     2     State Police for the reimbursement of actual costs as
     3     approved by the board to the Pennsylvania State Police for
     4     the [investigations. Investigations] background
     5     investigations. Background investigations shall include
     6     information in the possession of the Attorney General.
     7         * * *
     8  § 1517.  Enforcement.
     9     * * *
    10     (c)  Powers and duties of the Pennsylvania State Police.--The
    11  Pennsylvania State Police shall serve as the primary criminal
    12  and regulatory investigative enforcement arm of the board.
    13  Designated members of the Pennsylvania State Police shall be
    14  assigned to perform background investigations and to provide
    15  regulatory enforcement by monitoring licensed facility gaming
    16  operations. The Pennsylvania State Police shall have the
    17  following powers and duties:
    18         (1)  Promptly investigate all employees of the board,
    19     licensees, permittees and applicants as directed by the board
    20     in accordance with the provisions of section 1202.
    21         (2)  Enforce the rules and regulations promulgated under
    22     this part.
    23         (3)  Initiate proceedings for any violations of this part
    24     or regulations promulgated under this part.
    25         (4)  Provide the board with all information necessary for
    26     all actions under this part for all proceedings involving
    27     enforcement of this part or regulations promulgated under
    28     this part.
    29         (5)  Inspect a licensee's or permittee's person and
    30     personal effects present in a licensed facility under this
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     1     part while that licensee or permittee is present at a
     2     licensed facility.
     3         (6)  Enforce the criminal provisions of this part and all
     4     other criminal laws of the Commonwealth.
     5         (7)  Fingerprint applicants for licenses and permits.
     6         (8)  Exchange fingerprint data with and receive national
     7     criminal history record information from the FBI for use in
     8     investigating applications for any license or permit under
     9     this part.
    10         (9)  Receive and take appropriate action on any referral
    11     from the board relating to criminal conduct.
    12         (10)  Require the production of any information, material
    13     and other data from any licensee, permittee or applicant.
    14         (11)  Conduct administrative inspections on the premises
    15     of licensed racetrack or nonprimary location or licensed
    16     facility to ensure compliance with this part and the
    17     regulations of the board and, in the course of inspections,
    18     review and make copies of all documents and records required
    19     by the inspection through onsite observation and other
    20     reasonable means to assure compliance with this part and
    21     regulations promulgated under this part.
    22         (12)  Conduct audits or verification of information of
    23     slot machine operations at such times, under such
    24     circumstances and to such extent as the bureau determines.
    25     This paragraph includes reviews of accounting, administrative
    26     and financial records and management control systems,
    27     procedures and records utilized by a slot machine licensee.
    28         (13)  A member of the Pennsylvania State Police assigned
    29     to duties of enforcement under this part shall not be counted
    30     toward the complement as defined in the act of December 13,
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     1     2001 (P.L.903, No.100), entitled "An act repealing in part a
     2     limitation on the complement of the Pennsylvania State
     3     Police."
     4     * * *
     5  § 1518.  Prohibited acts; penalties.
     6     (a)  Criminal offenses.--
     7         (1)  The provisions of 18 Pa.C.S. § 4902 (relating to
     8     perjury), 4903 (relating to false swearing) or 4904 (relating
     9     to unsworn falsification to authorities) shall apply to any
    10     person providing information or making any statement, whether
    11     written or oral, to the board, the bureau, the department,
    12     the Pennsylvania State Police or the Office of Attorney
    13     General, as required by this part.
    14         (2)  It is unlawful for a person to willfully:
    15             (i)  fail to report, pay or truthfully account for
    16         and pay over any license fee, tax or assessment imposed
    17         under this part; or
    18             (ii)  attempt in any manner to evade or defeat any
    19         license fee, tax or assessment imposed under this party.
    20         (3)  It is unlawful for any licensed entity, gaming
    21     employee, key employee or any other person to permit a slot
    22     machine to be operated, transported, repaired or opened on
    23     the premises of a licensed facility by a person other than a
    24     person licensed or permitted by the board pursuant to this
    25     part.
    26         (4)  It is unlawful for any licensed entity or other
    27     person to manufacture, supply or place slot machines into
    28     play or display slot machines on the premise of a licensed
    29     facility without the authority of the board.
    30         (5)  Except as provided for in section 1326 (relating to
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     1     license renewals), it is unlawful for a licensed entity or
     2     other person to manufacture, supply, operate, carry on or
     3     expose for play any slot machine after the person's license
     4     has expired and prior to the actual renewal of the license.
     5         (6)  (i)  Except as set forth in subparagraph (ii), it is
     6         unlawful for an individual on the premises of a licensed
     7         facility to knowingly use currency other than lawful coin
     8         or legal tender of the United States or a coin not of the
     9         same denomination as the coin intended to be used in the
    10         slot machine.
    11             (ii)  In the playing of a slot machine, it is lawful
    12         for an individual to use gaming billets, tokens or
    13         similar objects issued by the licensed gaming entity
    14         which are approved by the board.
    15         (7)  (i)  Except as set forth in subparagraph (ii), it is
    16         unlawful for an individual on the premises of a licensed
    17         facility to use or possess a cheating or thieving device,
    18         counterfeit or altered billet, ticket, token or similar
    19         objects accepted by a slot machine or counterfeit or
    20         altered slot machine-issued tickets or vouchers.
    21             (ii)  An authorized employee of a licensee or an
    22         employee of the board may possess and use a cheating or
    23         thieving device, counterfeit or altered billet, ticket,
    24         token or similar objects accepted by a slot machine or
    25         counterfeit or altered slot machine-issued tickets or
    26         vouchers only in performance of the duties of employment.
    27             (iii)  As used in this paragraph, the term "cheating
    28         or thieving device" includes, but is not limited to, a
    29         device to facilitate the alignment of any winning
    30         combination or to remove from any slot machine money or
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     1         other contents. The term includes, but is not limited to,
     2         a tool, drill, wire, coin or token attached to a string
     3         or wire and any electronic or magnetic device.
     4         (8)  (i)  Except as set forth in subparagraph (ii), it is
     5         unlawful for an individual to knowingly possess or use
     6         while on the premises of a licensed facility a key or
     7         device designed for the purpose of and suitable for
     8         opening or entering any slot machine or coin box.
     9             (ii)  An authorized employee of licensee or a member
    10         of the board may possess and use a device referred to in
    11         subparagraph (i) only in the performance of the duties of
    12         employment.
    13         (9)  It is unlawful for a person or licensed entity to
    14     possess any device, equipment or material which the person or
    15     licensed entity knows has been manufactured, distributed,
    16     sold, tampered with or serviced in violation of this part.
    17         (10)  It is unlawful for an individual to work or be
    18     employed in a position the duties of which would require
    19     licensing or permitting under the provisions of this part
    20     without first obtaining the requisite license or permit as
    21     provided for in this part.
    22         (11)  It is unlawful for a licensed gaming entity that is
    23     a licensed racing entity and that has lost the license issued
    24     to it by either the State Horse Racing Commission or the
    25     State Harness Racing Commission under the Race Horse Industry
    26     Reform Act or that has had that license suspended to operate
    27     slot machines at the racetrack for which its license was
    28     issued unless the license will be subsequently reissued or
    29     reinstated within 30 days after the loss or suspension.
    30         (12)  It is unlawful for a licensed entity to employ or
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     1     continue to employ in a position the duties of which require
     2     a license or permit under the provisions of this part:
     3             (i)  An individual not licensed or permitted under
     4         the provisions of this part.
     5             (ii)  An individual who is prohibited from accepting
     6         employment from a licensee.
     7         (13)  It is unlawful for any person under 18 years of age
     8     to be permitted in the area where slot machines are operated.
     9         (14)  It is a felony of the third degree for any person
    10     who is seeking a gaming license or occupational permit to
    11     submit to the board, the Pennsylvania State Police or its
    12     agents an application which contains false or misleading
    13     information.
    14         (15)  It is a felony of the third degree for any person
    15     to provide to the board, the Pennsylvania State Police or its
    16     agents false or misleading information regarding a person or
    17     business entity during the course of a background
    18     investigation which is being conducted in accordance with
    19     section 1202(b)(1) (relating to general and specific powers).
    20     * * *
    21     Section 2.  Title 4 is amended by adding a section to read:
    22  § 1806.  Fingerprinting.
    23     (a)  Central repository.--The Pennsylvania State Police
    24  central repository shall store and maintain fingerprint records
    25  for all board licensees, occupation permittees, gaming employees
    26  and contract employees and any other gaming-related persons
    27  designated by the board. This fingerprint record retention shall
    28  be for the purposes of arrest notifications and periodic arrest
    29  inquiries as well as other purposes as set forth in this title
    30  for all persons enumerated in this section. The Pennsylvania
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     1  State Police shall notify the board and commissions upon receipt
     2  of information on the arrest of any of these persons.
     3  Fingerprint records listed in this section shall be maintained
     4  by the Pennsylvania State Police only for the time period that
     5  the person is licensed or possesses an occupation permit by the
     6  board or is employed directly or as a contract employee or is
     7  designated as a gaming-related person by the board. The board
     8  shall immediately notify the Pennsylvania State Police when any
     9  license or occupation permit is revoked or the renewal period
    10  has expired or when the employment or contract employment or
    11  gaming-related person designation is revoked, expired or
    12  terminated so the fingerprint record can be purged.
    13     (b)  Waiver form.--All applicants to the board for licenses
    14  or occupation permits or applicants for gaming employment or for
    15  contract employment or those persons designated as gaming-
    16  related persons by the board shall as part of the application
    17  process sign a waiver form for fingerprint record retention by
    18  the Pennsylvania State Police.
    19     (c)  Funding.--The board shall provide funding for all of the
    20  necessary upgrades and equipment required by the Pennsylvania
    21  State Police central respository to perform this function.
    22     (d)  Notification of arrest.--Any person licensed or
    23  permitted by the board who is arrested for any criminal
    24  violation of any Federal, Pennsylvania or other state law shall
    25  immediately notify the board of the arrest. Any person who fails
    26  to comply with this requirement shall have his license or
    27  occupational permit suspended or revoked by the board.
    28     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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