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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1909



No. 1340 Session of 2008

           FOLMER, APRIL 3, 2008


                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for the establishment of investment trusts for certain
     2     postemployment benefits offered by certain governmental
     3     entities; and imposing powers and duties on the Board of
     4     Finance and Revenue.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7  Section 1.  Short title.
     8     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Other
     9  Postemployment Benefit Trust Act.
    10  Section 2.  Definitions.
    11     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    12  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    13  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    14     "Annual required contribution" or "ARC."  A dollar amount
    15  determined annually by adding:
    16         (1)  the normal cost, using the entry age normal cost
    17     method; and
    18         (2)  the portion of the unfunded actuarial accrued

     1     liability to be amortized in the current period, where the
     2     unfunded actuarial accrued liability is amortized over a
     3     period of time not to exceed the working lifetime of the work
     4     force.
     5     "Board."  The Board of Finance and Revenue.
     6     "Commonwealth agency."  The Governor and any department,
     7  board, commission, authority and any other officer and agency of
     8  the Commonwealth. The term includes any court or other officer
     9  or agency of the unified judicial system, the General Assembly
    10  and its officers and agencies and any independent agency and
    11  State-affiliated entity.
    12     "Entity."  Any of the following:
    13         (1)  A Commonwealth agency.
    14         (2)  A political subdivision.
    15         (3)  A trust.
    16     "Entry age normal cost method."  An actuarial cost method
    17  designed to fund a member's total plan benefit over the course
    18  of the member's career and that is designed to produce stable
    19  employer contributions in amounts that increase at the same rate
    20  as the employer's payroll.
    21     "GASB Statement 43."  Statement 43, or its successor, issued
    22  by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board.
    23     "GASB Statement 45."  Statement 45, or its successor, issued
    24  by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board.
    25     "Governing body."  The governing body of a political
    26  subdivision.
    27     "Independent agency."  A board, commission and other agency
    28  and officer of the Commonwealth that is not subject to the
    29  policy supervision and control of the Governor. The term does
    30  not include any State-affiliated entity, any court or other
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     1  officer or agency of the unified judicial system, the General
     2  Assembly and its officers and agencies, any State-related
     3  institution, political subdivision or any local, regional or
     4  metropolitan transportation authority.
     5     "Other postemployment benefits" or "postemployment benefits."
     6  Benefits, other than pension benefits, paid on behalf of former
     7  employees or the former employees' beneficiaries after
     8  separation from service, including, but not limited to, medical,
     9  prescription drugs, dental, vision, hearing, Medicare Part B or
    10  Part D premiums, life insurance, long-term care and long-term
    11  disability.
    12     "State-affiliated entity."  A Commonwealth authority or a
    13  Commonwealth entity. The term includes, but is not limited to,
    14  the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, the Pennsylvania Housing
    15  Finance Agency, the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System,
    16  the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority, the State
    17  Public School Building Authority, the Pennsylvania Higher
    18  Educational Facilities Authority, any State-related institution
    19  and the State System of Higher Education. The term does not
    20  include any court or other officer or agency of the unified
    21  judicial system, the General Assembly and its officers and
    22  agencies, political subdivision or any local, regional or
    23  metropolitan transportation authority.
    24     "State-related institution."  The Pennsylvania State
    25  University, the University of Pittsburgh, Lincoln University or
    26  Temple University.
    27     "Trust."  Any of the following:
    28         (1)  the State Employees' Retirement System;
    29         (2)  the Pennsylvania Employee Benefit Trust Fund;
    30         (3)  a voluntary employee benefit association; or
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     1         (4)  any other trust maintained for employees of a
     2     Commonwealth agency or political subdivision.
     3     "Working lifetime."  The period between the computed average
     4  age of the active work force and the average expected retirement
     5  age of this same active work force based upon the most recent
     6  actuarial valuation report.
     7  Section 3.  Funding of other postemployment benefits.
     8     (a)  General rule.--An entity that provides other
     9  postemployment benefits shall fund them only in accordance with
    10  this act and by utilizing the entry age normal cost method and
    11  annual required contributions.
    12     (b)  Initial contributions.--
    13         (1)  A Commonwealth agency subject to subsection (a)
    14     shall make the initial contribution into the trust fund
    15     established under section 4 on or before June 30, 2008.
    16         (2)  A political subdivision or trust subject to
    17     subsection (a) shall make the initial contribution into the
    18     investment trust established under section 4 within the first
    19     year that the political subdivision is subject to GASB
    20     Statement 43 or GASB Statement 45, as applicable.
    21  Section 4.  Establishment of investment trust.
    22     (a)  General rule.--Each entity that provides other
    23  postemployment benefits shall establish an investment trust for
    24  the purpose of prefunding other postemployment benefits accrued
    25  by employees of the Commonwealth agency or political subdivision
    26  to be paid as they come due in accordance with the arrangements
    27  between the entity, as the case may be, the plan members and
    28  their beneficiaries. This authorization shall be subject to the
    29  following conditions:
    30         (1)  The entity must establish a written plan of the
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     1     postemployment benefits provided.
     2         (2)  The entity or an investment committee of the entity
     3     must adopt in writing an investment policy authorizing how
     4     assets in the trust may be invested.
     5         (3)  The trust must conform to all applicable laws, rules
     6     and regulations of the Internal Revenue Service, if any.
     7         (4)  The trust document, the written plan of benefits and
     8     the investment policy, as well as any other information or
     9     documentation as determined by the board, must be submitted
    10     by the entity for approval.
    11     (b)  Pooling structure.--Commonwealth agencies and political
    12  subdivisions may enter into governmental cooperation agreements
    13  to pool their funding obligations for other postemployment
    14  benefits, provided that the pool is a trust that satisfies the
    15  requirements of this act.
    16     (c)  Existing trusts.--An entity that on the effective date
    17  of this section has an investment trust that includes funding
    18  for other postemployment benefits may continue to operate the
    19  trust for the postemployment benefits provided that there is a
    20  separate accounting that complies with the provisions of this
    21  act.
    22  Section 5.  Trust conditions.
    23     (a)  General rule.--The assets of a trust established under
    24  this act shall be irrevocable and shall be preserved, invested
    25  and expended solely pursuant to and for the purposes of this act
    26  and shall not be loaned or otherwise transferred or used for any
    27  other purpose. The assets of the trust shall be expended solely
    28  to:
    29         (1)  Make payments for other postemployment benefits
    30     pursuant to and in accordance with the terms of the
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     1     respective postemployment benefit plan.
     2         (2)  Pay the cost of administering the trust.
     3     (b)  Powers and duties.--A trust so created shall have the
     4  powers, privileges and immunities of a corporation, and all of
     5  its business shall be transacted, all of its funds invested and
     6  all of its cash and securities and other property held in trust
     7  for the purpose for which received.
     8     (c)  Protection of trust.--Notwithstanding any law to the
     9  contrary, all assets, income and distributions of the trust
    10  shall be protected against the claims of creditors of the
    11  Commonwealth agency, political subdivision, plan administrators
    12  and plan participants, and shall not be subject to execution,
    13  attachment, garnishment, the operation of bankruptcy, the
    14  insolvency laws or other process whatsoever, nor shall any
    15  assignment thereof be enforceable in any court.
    16  Section 6.  Powers and duties.
    17     In addition to the powers granted by any other provisions of
    18  this act, an entity that establishes a trust under this act
    19  shall have the powers necessary or convenient to carry out the
    20  purposes and provisions of this act and the purposes and
    21  objectives of the trust, including, but not limited to, the
    22  following:
    23         (1)  Invest any funds of the trust in any instrument,
    24     obligation, security or property that constitutes legal
    25     investments as provided in the investment policy adopted by
    26     the trust, subject, however, to the exercise of that degree
    27     of judgment, skill and care, under the circumstances then
    28     prevailing which persons of prudence, discretion and
    29     intelligence, who are familiar with such matters, exercise in
    30     the management of their own affairs not in regard to
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     1     speculation, but in regard to the permanent disposition of
     2     the funds, considering the probable income to be derived
     3     therefrom, as well as the probable safety of their capital.
     4         (2)  Contract for the provision of all or any part of the
     5     services necessary for the management and operation of the
     6     trust.
     7         (3)  Contract with financial consultants, auditors and
     8     other consultants as necessary to carry out its
     9     responsibilities under this act.
    10         (4)  Contract with an actuary in determining the level of
    11     funding necessary by the entity to fund the other
    12     postemployment benefits offered by the entity.
    13         (5)  Prepare annual financial reports, including
    14     financial statements, following the close of each fiscal year
    15     relative to the activities of the trust. Such statements and
    16     reports shall contain such information as shall be prescribed
    17     by the board and be prepared in accordance with the
    18     Governmental Accounting Standards Board.
    19         (6)  Upon the request of the Board of Finance and
    20     Revenue, file the annual report and financial statements with
    21     the board. The report and statements shall be filed with the
    22     board within 90 calendar days from the date of the request,
    23     unless the board extends such time in writing.
    24  Section 7.  Audit.
    25     The annual report, including financial statements, all books,
    26  accounts and financial records of any trust created under this
    27  act, shall be subject to audit by the Auditor General. Any
    28  entity maintaining a trust under this act may, with the prior
    29  approval of the Auditor General, engage licensed independent
    30  public accountants to perform the audits. The audit contract
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     1  between the entity and the independent public accountant shall
     2  be on contract forms prescribed by the Auditor General. The
     3  entity shall reimburse the costs of audits prepared by the
     4  Auditor General and the payment of fees for audits prepared by
     5  licensed independent public accountants.
     6  Section 8.  Publication of actuarial report.
     7     An entity subject to the provisions of section 3 shall
     8  publish the actuarial report required by GASB Statement 43 or
     9  GASB Statement 45, as applicable, in an unabridged format on the
    10  entity's Internet website prior to the end of each fiscal year
    11  and shall make written copies of the actuarial report available
    12  to the public upon request.
    13  Section 9.  Construction.
    14     Nothing in this act shall be construed to define or otherwise
    15  grant any rights or privileges to other postemployment benefits.
    16  Such rights and privileges, if any, shall be governed by the
    17  terms of the respective postemployment benefit plan.
    18  Section 20.  Effective date.
    19     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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