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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1839



No. 1406 Session of 2000

           KITCHEN, APRIL 6, 2000


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), entitled "An
     2     act relating to tax reform and State taxation by codifying
     3     and enumerating certain subjects of taxation and imposing
     4     taxes thereon; providing procedures for the payment,
     5     collection, administration and enforcement thereof; providing
     6     for tax credits in certain cases; conferring powers and
     7     imposing duties upon the Department of Revenue, certain
     8     employers, fiduciaries, individuals, persons, corporations
     9     and other entities; prescribing crimes, offenses and
    10     penalties," adding provisions relating to a biotechnology tax
    11     credit.

    12     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    13  hereby enacts as follows:
    14     Section 1.  The act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as
    15  the Tax Reform Code of 1971, is amended by adding an article to
    16  read:
    17                           ARTICLE XVII-C
    18                      BIOTECHNOLOGY TAX CREDIT
    19     Section 1701-C.  Short Title.--This article shall be known
    20  and may be cited as the Biotechnology Tax Credit Law.
    21     Section 1702-C.  Definitions.--The following words and
    22  phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings

     1  given to them in this section, except where the context clearly
     2  indicates a different meaning:
     3     "Biotechnology."  Applied biological science relating to
     4  medical therapies and that involves the performance of clinical
     5  trials where the trials consist of products either approved by
     6  the United States Food and Drug Administration or that are in
     7  development with the intent to secure United States Food and
     8  Drug Administration approval as new indications.
     9     "Biotechnology tax credit."  The credit provided under this
    10  article.
    11     "Department."  The Department of Revenue of the Commonwealth.
    12     "Gross receipts."  Gross receipts for any taxable year shall
    13  consist only of gross receipts which are effectively connected
    14  with the conduct of a trade or business within this
    15  Commonwealth. The determination of whether gross receipts are
    16  effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business
    17  within this Commonwealth shall be made by reference to the
    18  standard established in section 401(3)2(a)(16) and (17) of this
    19  act.
    20     "Internal Revenue Code."  The Internal Revenue Code of 1986
    21  (Public Law 99-514, 26 U.S.C. § 1 et seq.).
    22     "Pennsylvania base amount."  Base amount as defined in
    23  section 41(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (Public Law
    24  99-514, 26 U.S.C. § 41(c)), except that references to "qualified
    25  research expense" shall mean "qualified biotechnology research
    26  and development expense" and references to "qualified research"
    27  shall mean "qualified biotechnology research and development."
    28  References to "fixed base percentage" shall mean the percentage
    29  which the qualified biotechnology research and development
    30  expense for the four taxable years immediately preceding the
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     1  taxable year in which the expense is incurred is to the gross
     2  receipts for such years. The fixed base percentage for a
     3  taxpayer who has fewer than four but at least one taxable year
     4  shall be determined in the same manner using the number of
     5  immediately preceding taxable years to arrive at the percentage.
     6     "Qualified biotechnology research and development."
     7  Qualified research and development as defined in section 41(d)
     8  of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (Public Law 99-514, 26
     9  U.S.C. § 41(d)) that is conducted in biotechnology in this
    10  Commonwealth.
    11     "Qualified biotechnology research and development expense."
    12  Qualified research expense as defined in section 41(b) of the
    13  Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (Public Law 99-514, 26 U.C.S. §
    14  41(b)) incurred for biotechnology qualified research and
    15  development.
    16     "Qualified tax liability."  The liability for taxes imposed
    17  under Article III, IV or VI of this act. The term shall include
    18  the liability for taxes imposed under Article III on a
    19  shareholder of a Pennsylvania S corporation.
    20     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Revenue of the Commonwealth.
    21     "Small biotechnology business."  A for-profit corporation,
    22  limited liability company, partnership or proprietorship with
    23  net book value of assets totaling, at the beginning or end of
    24  the taxable year for which qualified biotechnology research and
    25  development expense is incurred, as reported on the balance
    26  sheet, less than five million dollars ($5,000,000).
    27     "Taxpayer."  An entity subject to tax under Article III, IV
    28  or VI of this act. The term shall include the shareholder of a
    29  Pennsylvania S corporation that receives a biotechnology tax
    30  credit.
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     1     Section 1703-C.  Credit for Biotechnology Research and
     2  Development Expenses.--(a)  A taxpayer who incurs qualified
     3  biotechnology research and development expense in a taxable year
     4  may apply for a biotechnology tax credit as provided in this
     5  article. By September 15, a taxpayer must submit an application
     6  to the department for qualified biotechnology research and
     7  development expense incurred in the taxable year that ended in
     8  the prior calendar year.
     9     (b)  A taxpayer that is qualified under subsection (a) shall
    10  receive a biotechnology tax credit for the taxable year in the
    11  amount of ten per cent of the excess of the taxpayer's total
    12  qualified biotechnology research and development expense for the
    13  taxable year over the taxpayer's Pennsylvania base amount.
    14     (c)  By December 15 of the calendar year following the close
    15  of the taxable year during which the qualified biotechnology
    16  research and development expense was incurred, the department
    17  shall notify the taxpayer of the amount of the taxpayer's
    18  biotechnology tax credit approved by the department.
    19     Section 1704-C.  Carryover, Carryback, Refund and Assignment
    20  of Credit.--(a)  The amount of the biotechnology tax credit that
    21  a taxpayer may use against any one qualified tax liability
    22  during any year may not exceed fifty per cent of such qualified
    23  tax liability for that taxable year. If the taxpayer cannot use
    24  the entire amount of the biotechnology tax credit for the
    25  taxable year in which the biotechnology tax credit is first
    26  approved, then the excess may be carried over to succeeding
    27  taxable years and used as a credit against the qualified tax
    28  liability of the taxpayer for those taxable years. Each time
    29  that the biotechnology tax credit is carried over to a
    30  succeeding taxable year, it is to be reduced by the amount that
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     1  was used as a credit during the immediately preceding taxable
     2  year. The biotechnology tax credit provided by this article may
     3  be carried over and applied to succeeding taxable years for no
     4  more than fifteen taxable years following the first taxable year
     5  for which the taxpayer was entitled to claim the credit.
     6     (b)  A biotechnology tax credit approved by the department
     7  for qualified biotechnology research and development expense in
     8  a taxable year first shall be applied against the taxpayer's
     9  qualified tax liability for the current taxable year as of the
    10  date on which the credit was approved before the biotechnology
    11  tax credit is applied against any tax liability under subsection
    12  (a).
    13     (c)  Except as authorized by subsection (d), a taxpayer is
    14  not entitled to carry back or obtain a refund of an unused
    15  biotechnology tax credit.
    16     (d)  A taxpayer may assign an unused biotechnology tax credit
    17  to another business at a discount not to exceed twenty-five per
    18  cent, subject to regulations of the department. A taxpayer also
    19  may elect to assign an unused biotechnology tax credit to the
    20  Commonwealth at a discount of twenty-five per cent subject to
    21  the regulations of the department.
    22     Section 1705-C.  Application of Internal Revenue Code.--The
    23  provisions of section 41 of the Internal Revenue Code and the
    24  regulations promulgated regarding those provisions shall apply
    25  to the department's interpretation and administration of the
    26  biotechnology tax credit provided by this article. References to
    27  the Internal Revenue Code shall mean the sections of the
    28  Internal Revenue Code as existing on any date of interpretation
    29  of this article. However, if those sections of the Internal
    30  Revenue Code referenced in this article are repealed or
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     1  terminated, references to the Internal Revenue Code shall mean
     2  those sections last having full force and effect. If after
     3  repeal or termination the Internal Revenue Code sections are
     4  revised or reenacted, references herein to Internal Revenue Code
     5  sections shall mean those revised or reenacted sections.
     6     Section 1706-C.  Determination of Qualified Research and
     7  Development Expenses.--In prescribing standards for determining
     8  which qualified research and development expense are considered
     9  qualified biotechnology research and development expense for
    10  purposes of computing the biotechnology tax credit provided by
    11  this article, the department may consider:
    12     (1)  The location where the services are performed.
    13     (2)  The residence or business location of the person or
    14  persons performing the service.
    15     (3)  The location where qualified research and development
    16  supplies are consumed.
    17     (4)  Other factors that the department determines are
    18  relevant for the determination.
    19     Section 1707-C.  Time Limitations.--A taxpayer is not
    20  entitled to a biotechnology tax credit for qualified
    21  biotechnology research and development expenses incurred in
    22  taxable years ending after December 31, 2007. The termination
    23  date in section 41(h) of the Internal Revenue Code does not
    24  apply to a taxpayer who is eligible for the biotechnology tax
    25  credit under this article for the taxable year in which the
    26  qualified biotechnology research and development expense is
    27  incurred.
    28     Section 1708-C.  Transitional Rule.--For the purpose of
    29  calculating qualified biotechnology research and development
    30  expense used in calculating the Pennsylvania base amount for
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     1  taxable years ending after 1994 and before 2000, if the taxpayer
     2  has incurred qualified biotechnology research and development
     3  expense both inside and outside this Commonwealth and is unable
     4  to determine the amount of qualified biotechnology research and
     5  development expense, the taxpayer may calculate qualified
     6  biotechnology research and development expense by multiplying
     7  qualified research and development expense everywhere by the
     8  average of the payroll and property factors calculated in
     9  accordance with Article IV of this act for the corresponding
    10  taxable years in question.
    11     Section 1709-C.  Limitation on Credits.--(a)  The total
    12  amount of credits approved by the department shall not exceed
    13  fifteen million dollars ($15,000,000) in any fiscal year. Of
    14  that amount, three million dollars ($3,000,000) shall be
    15  allocated exclusively for small biotechnology businesses.
    16  However, if the total amounts allocated to either the group of
    17  applicants exclusive of small biotechnology businesses or the
    18  group of small biotechnology business applicants is not approved
    19  in any fiscal year, the unused portion will become available for
    20  use by the other group of qualifying taxpayers.
    21     (b)  If the total amount of biotechnology tax credits applied
    22  for by all taxpayers, exclusive of small biotechnology
    23  businesses, exceeds the amount allocated for those credits, then
    24  the biotechnology tax credit to be received by each applicant
    25  shall be the product of the allocated amount multiplied by the
    26  quotient of the biotechnology tax credit applied for by the
    27  applicant divided by the total of all biotechnology credits
    28  applied for by all applicants, the algebraic equivalent of which
    29  is:
    30         taxpayer's biotechnology tax credit=amount allocated for
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     1         those credits X (biotechnology tax credit applied for by
     2         the applicant/total of all biotechnology tax credits
     3         applied for by all applicants).
     4     (c)  If the total amount of biotechnology tax credits applied
     5  for by all small biotechnology business taxpayers exceeds the
     6  amount allocated for those credits, then the biotechnology tax
     7  credit to be received by each small biotechnology business
     8  applicant shall be the product of the allocated amount
     9  multiplied by the quotient of the biotechnology tax credit
    10  applied for by the small biotechnology business applicant
    11  divided by the total of all biotechnology tax credits applied
    12  for by all small biotechnology business applicants, the
    13  algebraic equivalent of which is:
    14         taxpayer's biotechnology tax credit=amount allocated for
    15         those credits X (biotechnology tax credit applied for by
    16         the small biotechnology business/total of all
    17         biotechnology tax credits applied for by all small
    18         biotechnology business applicants).
    19     Section 1710-C.  Pennsylvania S Corporation Shareholder Pass-
    20  Through.--(a)  If a Pennsylvania S corporation does not have an
    21  eligible tax liability against which the biotechnology tax
    22  credit may be applied, a shareholder of the Pennsylvania S
    23  corporation is entitled to a biotechnology tax credit equal to
    24  the biotechnology tax credit determined for the Pennsylvania S
    25  corporation for the taxable year multiplied by the percentage of
    26  the Pennsylvania S corporation's distributive income to which
    27  the shareholder is entitled.
    28     (b)  The credit provided under subsection (a) is in addition
    29  to any biotechnology tax credit to which a shareholder of a
    30  Pennsylvania S corporation is otherwise entitled under this
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     1  article. However, a Pennsylvania S corporation and a shareholder
     2  of a Pennsylvania S corporation may not claim a credit under
     3  this article for the same qualified research and development
     4  expense.
     5     Section 1711-C.  Ineligibility for Research and Development
     6  Tax Credit.--A taxpayer that applies for and receives a
     7  biotechnology tax credit pursuant to this article is not
     8  eligible to receive a research and development tax credit
     9  pursuant to Article XVII-B for the same taxable year. The
    10  department shall eliminate from consideration for a research and
    11  development tax credit any business for which a biotechnology
    12  tax credit is approved for the same taxable year.
    13     Section 1712-C.  Report to General Assembly.--The secretary
    14  shall submit an annual report to the General Assembly indicating
    15  the effectiveness of the biotechnology tax credit provided by
    16  this article no later than March 15 following the year in which
    17  the biotechnology tax credits were approved. The report shall
    18  include the number of taxpayers utilizing the biotechnology tax
    19  credit as of the date of the report and the amount of
    20  biotechnology tax credits approved and utilized. The report may
    21  also include any recommendations for changes in the calculation
    22  or administration of the biotechnology tax credit.
    23     Section 1713-C.  Termination.--The department shall not
    24  approve a biotechnology tax credit under this article for
    25  taxable years ending after December 31, 2007.
    26     Section 1714-C.  Regulations.--The secretary shall promulgate
    27  regulations necessary for the implementation and administration
    28  of this article.
    29     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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