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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1844



No. 1411 Session of 2000

           BOSCOLA AND LEMMOND, APRIL 10, 2000


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 24 (Education) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     2     Statutes, further providing for creditable nonschool service.

     3     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     4  hereby enacts as follows:
     5     Section 1.  Sections 8304(b) and 8324(e) of Title 24 of the
     6  Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes are amended to read:
     7  § 8304.  Creditable nonschool service.
     8     * * *
     9     (b)  Limitations on nonschool service.--Creditable nonschool
    10  service credit shall be limited to:
    11         (1)  Intervening military service.
    12         (2)  Military service other than intervening military
    13     service and activated military service not exceeding five
    14     years provided that a member with multiple service may not
    15     purchase more than a total of five years of military service
    16     in both the system and the State Employees' Retirement
    17     System.

     1         (3)  Service in any public school or public educational
     2     institution in any state other than this Commonwealth or in
     3     any territory or area under the jurisdiction of the United
     4     States. This paragraph includes service, prior to July 1,
     5     1965, at a community college established under the act of
     6     August 24, 1963 (P.L.1132, No.484), known as the Community
     7     College Act of 1963.
     8         (4)  Service as an administrator, teacher, or instructor
     9     in the field of public school education for any agency or
    10     department of the government of the United States whether or
    11     not such area was under the jurisdiction of the United
    12     States.
    13         (5)  Previous service as an employee of a county board of
    14     school directors which employment was terminated because of
    15     the transfer of the administration of such service or of the
    16     entire agency to a governmental entity.
    17         (6)  Previous service as a county employee as a nurse.
    18     For every three years or major fraction thereof in previous
    19     work experience, an individual may buy one year of creditable
    20     service, not to exceed a total of five years. The purchase of
    21     this service shall begin within three years of the employee's
    22     eligibility to purchase this creditable service.
    23         (7)  (i)  Service for the period of time spent on a
    24         maternity leave of absence required by the employer,
    25         which creditable service shall not exceed two years per
    26         leave and shall be applicable only to a maternity leave
    27         which was mandatory prior to May 17, 1975. The purchase
    28         of this service shall begin within one year of the
    29         employee's eligibility to purchase the creditable service
    30         under this subparagraph as originally enacted by the act
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     1         of August 5, 1991 (P.L.183, No.23), entitled "An act
     2         amending Titles 24 (Education) and 71 (State Government)
     3         of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further
     4         providing for the Public School Employees' Retirement
     5         System and the State Employees' Retirement System; adding
     6         and amending certain definitions; further providing for
     7         membership in the systems, for creditable nonschool and
     8         nonstate service and the purchase of credit, for
     9         incentives for special early retirement, for
    10         contributions to the retirement funds, for annuities and
    11         the rights and duties of annuitants, for health insurance
    12         premium assistance, for board membership and for the re-
    13         amortization and management of the retirement funds."
    14             (ii)  Service for the period of time spent on a
    15         maternity leave of absence required by the employer,
    16         which creditable service shall not exceed two years per
    17         leave and shall be applicable only to a maternity leave
    18         that was mandatory and began after May 16, 1975, and
    19         prior to November 1, 1978. The purchase of this service
    20         shall begin within one year of the employee's eligibility
    21         to purchase the creditable service under this
    22         subparagraph.
    23         (8)  Service in the Cadet Nurse Corps with respect to any
    24     period of training as a student or graduate nurse under a
    25     plan approved under section 2 of the act of June 15, 1943
    26     (Public Law 78-73, 57 Stat. 153), if the total period of
    27     training under the plan was at least two years, the credit
    28     for such service not to exceed three years.
    29         (9)  Previous work experience used by the member to
    30     obtain certification as a vocational teacher under a
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     1     nonbaccalaureate program. The previous work experience used
     2     to obtain certification shall be verified by the Department
     3     of Education upon request of the member and shall be
     4     transmitted to the system. For every two years of the
     5     previous work experience, an individual can buy one year of
     6     creditable service, not to exceed a total of three years. A
     7     fraction of a year of the previous work experience that is
     8     equal to or greater than one-half shall be considered one
     9     year for purposes of this paragraph. The previous work
    10     experience shall not include time served in an
    11     apprenticeship. The purchase of this service shall begin
    12     within three years of the employee's eligibility to purchase
    13     this creditable service.
    14     * * *
    15  § 8324.  Contributions for purchase of credit for creditable
    16             nonschool service.
    17     * * *
    18     (e)  Creditable work experience.--
    19         (1)  Contributions on account of T-C credit for
    20     creditable work experience pursuant to section 8304(b)(6)
    21     shall be the present value of the full actuarial cost of the
    22     increase in the projected superannuation annuity caused by
    23     the additional service credited on account of the purchase of
    24     creditable work experience. [The amount paid for the purchase
    25     of credit for creditable work experience shall not be payable
    26     as a lump sum under section 8345(a)(4)(iii) (relating to
    27     member's options).] Any individual eligible to receive an
    28     annuity, excluding an annuity received under the Federal
    29     Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. § 301 et seq.), in another
    30     pension system, other than a military pension system, shall
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     1     not be eligible to purchase this service.
     2         (2)  Contributions on account of T-C credit for
     3     creditable work experience pursuant to section 8304(b)(9)
     4     shall be the increase in the present value at the time of
     5     purchase attributable to the additional service credited on
     6     account of the purchase of such creditable work experience,
     7     calculated on the basis of the average annual compensation
     8     received during the first three years of credited school
     9     service subsequent to such creditable work experience.
    10         (3)  The amount paid for the purchase of service under
    11     this subsection shall not be payable as a lump sum under
    12     section 8345(a)(4)(iii) (relating to member's options).
    13     * * *
    14     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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