1Amending Title 51 (Military Affairs) of the Pennsylvania
2Consolidated Statutes, in veteran-owned small businesses,
3further providing for participation goal; and imposing duties
4of Bureau of Small Business Opportunities.

5The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
6hereby enacts as follows:

7Section 1. Section 9603 of Title 51 of the Pennsylvania
8Consolidated Statutes is amended to read:

9§ 9603. Participation [goal] requirement.

10A Statewide annual [goal] requirement of not less than [3%]
115% participation by veteran-owned small businesses, including
12service-disabled veteran-owned small businesses, is established
13for small business contracts issued under 62 Pa.C.S. (relating 
14to procurement). The participation [goal] requirement shall
15apply to the total value of all contracts available to small
16businesses in each fiscal year.

17Section 2. Title 51 is amended by adding a section to read:

18§ 9604.1. Duties of Bureau of Small Business Opportunities.

1The Bureau of Small Business Opportunities shall:

2(1) Implement and administer a Veteran-owned Small
3Business Procurement Initiative designed to ensure that
4Commonwealth agencies, executive agencies and purchasing
5agencies substantially increase opportunities for veteran-
6owned businesses and service-disabled veteran-owned
7businesses as provided in this chapter.

8(2) Establish a certification process for veteran-owned
9small businesses.

10(3) Establish, maintain and administer a public list of
11veteran-owned small businesses that are certified by the
12Department of General Services.

13Section 3. This act shall take effect in 60 days.