See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2367



No. 1580 Session of 2002



                                     AN ACT

     1  Authorizing and directing the Department of General Services,
     2     with the approval of the Governor, to grant and convey to
     3     Pennhurst Associates, certain lands and buildings situate in
     4     East Vincent Township, Chester County.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7  Section 1.  Conveyance in East Vincent Township, Chester County.
     8     (a)  Authorization.--The Department of General Services, with
     9  the approval of the Governor, is hereby authorized and directed
    10  on behalf of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to grant and
    11  convey to Pennhurst Associates certain lands and buildings
    12  described in subsection (b) for fair consideration equal to fair
    13  market value as determined by an independent appraisal.
    14     (b)  Description.--The property to be conveyed pursuant to
    15  subsection (a) consists of five tracts of land totaling
    16  approximately 106.78 acres, bounded and more particularly
    17  described as follows:
    18                              Tract 1

     1     BEGINNING at a spike in Commonwealth Drive, a corner of lands
     2  formerly of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company;
     3  thence leaving said road and along lands formerly of the
     4  Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company, North 9 degrees 15
     5  minutes 43 seconds West, 221.19 feet to an iron pin, a corner of
     6  lands of Philadelphia Electric Company; thence along said lands
     7  the nine following courses and distances: (1) in an easterly
     8  direction by a line curving to the left having a central angle
     9  of 06 degrees 00 minutes 07 seconds, a radius of 1970.00 feet,
    10  an arc length of 206.36 feet, and a chord bearing North 68
    11  degrees 30 minutes 05 seconds East, a distance of 206.27 feet to
    12  a monument; (2) in a northeasterly direction by a line curving
    13  to the left having a central angle of 12 degrees 56 minutes 26-
    14  seconds, a radius of 2665.00 feet, an arc length of 601.91 feet,
    15  and a chord bearing North 59 degrees 02 minutes 30 seconds East,
    16  a distance of 600.63 feet to a monument; (3) North 52 degrees 34
    17  minutes 17 seconds East, 322.49 feet to a monument; (4) South 37
    18  degrees 25 minutes 43 seconds East, 5.00 feet to a monument; (5)
    19  in a northeasterly direction by a line curving to the right
    20  having a central angle of 23 degrees 02 minutes 11 seconds, a
    21  radius of 1258.00 feet, an arc length of 505.79 feet, and a
    22  chord bearing North 64 degrees 05 minutes 21 seconds East, a
    23  distance of 502.39 feet to a monument; (6) South 44 degrees 02
    24  minutes 35 seconds East, 17.29 feet to a monument; (7) in an
    25  easterly direction by a line curving to the right having a
    26  central angle of 30 degrees 59 minutes 54 seconds, a radius of
    27  1243.00 feet, an arc length of 672.49 feet, and a chord bearing
    28  South 88 degrees 29 minutes 57 seconds East, a distance of
    29  664.32 feet to a monument; (8) South 49 degrees 31 minutes 17
    30  seconds West, 23.80 feet to a iron pin; (9) in a southeasterly
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     1  direction by a line curving to the right having a central angle
     2  of 13 degrees 37 minutes 49 seconds, a radius of 1223.00 feet,
     3  an arc length of 290.94 feet, and a chord bearing South 66
     4  degrees 47 minutes 04 seconds East, a distance of 290.26 feet to
     5  an iron pin, a corner of lands of East Vincent Municipal
     6  Authority; thence along lands of the same the ten following
     7  courses and distances along the north side of Commonwealth
     8  Drive: (1) South 16 degrees 08 minutes 33 seconds West, 697.71
     9  feet to an iron pin on the north side of Commonwealth Drive; (2)
    10  South 56 degrees 47 minutes 39 seconds East, 68.50 feet to an
    11  iron pin; (3) South 40 degrees 01 minutes 57 seconds East, 52.83
    12  feet to an iron pin; (4) South 32 degrees 34 minutes 02 seconds
    13  East, 102.59 feet to an iron pin; (5) South 42 degrees 23
    14  minutes 23 seconds East, 57.48 feet to an iron pin; (6) South 52
    15  degrees 12 minutes 21 seconds East, 45.56 feet to an iron pin;
    16  (7) South 66 degrees 29 minutes 36 seconds East, 55.23 feet to
    17  an iron pin; (8) South 86 degrees 49 minutes 49 seconds East,
    18  242.24 feet to a railroad spike; (9) South 57 degrees 05 minutes
    19  26 seconds East, 344.55 feet to an iron pin; (10) South 51
    20  degrees 13 minutes 28 seconds East, 137.23 feet to an iron pin;
    21  thence passing along other lands of the Commonwealth of
    22  Pennsylvania the three following courses and distances: (1)
    23  South 18 degrees 33 minutes 30 seconds East, crossing
    24  Commonwealth Drive, 200.98 feet to an iron pin; (2) South 00
    25  degrees 48 minutes 29 seconds West, 431.82 feet to an iron pin;
    26  (3) South 29 degrees 47 minutes 56 seconds East, 196.01 feet to
    27  an iron pin on the north side of Dunlap Road; thence continuing
    28  along the lands of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania along the
    29  north side of Dunlap Road the five following courses and
    30  distances: (1) South 89 degrees 49 minutes 58 seconds West,
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     1  630.26 feet to an iron pin; (2) South 87 degrees 20 minutes 55
     2  seconds West, 63.69 feet to an iron pin; (3) North 87 degrees 19
     3  minutes 07 seconds West, 376.72 feet to an iron pin; (4) South
     4  87 degrees 41 minutes 11 seconds West, 277.88 feet to an iron
     5  pin; (5) South 83 degrees 13 minutes 52 seconds West, 142.29
     6  feet to a point on the western edge of a stone walkway; thence
     7  continuing along lands of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     8  leaving Dunlap Road and along the western edge of the stone
     9  walkway the eleven following courses and distances: (1) North 10
    10  degrees 20 minutes 29 seconds East, 72.93 feet to a point; (2)
    11  North 10 degrees 15 minutes 01 seconds East, 47.17 feet to a
    12  point; (3) North 12 degrees 19 minutes 12 seconds East, 40.36
    13  feet to a point; (4) North 14 degrees 25 minutes 34 seconds
    14  East, 19.41 feet to a point; (5) North 10 degrees 19 minutes 14
    15  seconds East, 25.64 feet to a point; (6) North 15 degrees 23
    16  minutes 59 seconds East, 61.09 feet to a point; (7) North 13
    17  degrees 32 minutes 05 seconds East, 38.73 feet to a point; (8)
    18  North 19 degrees 35 minutes 21 seconds East, 22.59 feet to a
    19  point; (9) North 14 degrees 40 minutes 16 seconds East, 42.56
    20  feet to a point; (10) North 14 degrees 37 minutes 23 seconds
    21  East, 159.58 feet to an iron pin on the southern side of Brown
    22  Drive; (11) North 81 degrees 34 minutes 19 seconds West,
    23  crossing Brown Drive, 396.87 feet to an iron pin; thence
    24  continuing along lands of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and
    25  along Parcel 3, North 12 degrees 59 minutes 23 seconds East,
    26  504.49 feet to an iron pin; thence continuing along Parcel 3,
    27  North 75 degrees 50 minutes 18 seconds West, 290.06 feet to an
    28  iron pin; thence continuing along Parcel 3 and along lands of
    29  the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, South 12 degrees 59 minutes 23
    30  seconds West, 518.85 feet to a spike on the north side of Brown
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     1  Drive; thence continuing along the north side of Brown Drive and
     2  along the lands of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania the four
     3  following courses and distances: (1) North 76 degrees 55 minutes
     4  04 seconds West, 254.35 feet to an iron pin; (2) North 69
     5  degrees 59 minutes 13 seconds West, 202.70 feet to an iron pin;
     6  (3) North 78 degrees 00 minutes 09 seconds West, 102.83 feet to
     7  an iron pin; (4) North 03 degrees 01 minutes 41 seconds West,
     8  leaving Brown Drive 87.39 feet to an iron pin; thence continuing
     9  along other lands of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, North 63
    10  degrees 05 minutes 34 seconds West, passing through an iron pin
    11  on line 67.05 feet from the next described corner, a total
    12  distance of 664.30 feet to a spike, the place of BEGINNING.
    13     CONTAINING 84.17 acres.
    14                              Tract 2
    15     BEGINNING at an iron pin on the northern edge of lands of the
    16  Philadelphia Electric Company and a corner of lands of the East
    17  Vincent Municipal Authority; thence along lands of the
    18  Philadelphia Electric Company the six following courses and
    19  distances: (1) North 47 degrees 47 minutes 14 seconds West,
    20  11.84 feet to an iron pin; (2) North 53 degrees 52 minutes 17
    21  seconds West, 390.46 feet to an iron pin; (3) South 49 degrees
    22  31 minutes 17 seconds West, 6.91 feet to an iron pin; (4) in a
    23  westerly direction by a line curving to the left having a
    24  central angle of 38 degrees 59 minutes 56 seconds, a radius of
    25  1408.00 feet, an arc length of 958.36 feet, and a chord bearing
    26  North 88 degrees 18 minutes 42 seconds West, a distance of
    27  939.96 feet to a monument; (5) South 44 degrees 02 minutes 35
    28  seconds East, 22.34 feet to an iron pin; (6) in a southwesterly
    29  direction by a line curving to the left having a central angle
    30  of 20 degrees 01 minutes 31 seconds, a radius of 1388.00 feet,
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     1  an arc length of 485.11 feet, and a chord bearing South 62
     2  degrees 35 minutes 02 seconds West, a distance of 482.64 feet to
     3  a point in the low water mark of the Schuylkill River, a corner
     4  of Tract 3; thence along the Schuylkill River the four following
     5  courses and distances: (1) North 48 degrees 11 minutes 26
     6  seconds East, 186.27 feet to a point; (2) North 56 degrees 13
     7  minutes 17 seconds East, 356.70 feet to a point; (3) North 42
     8  degrees 40 minutes 28 seconds East, 181.35 feet to a point; (4)
     9  North 21 degrees 38 minutes 48 seconds East, 447.95 feet to a
    10  point, a corner of lands of Eden Valley Farm Partners; thence
    11  along said lands South 67 degrees 03 minutes 35 seconds East,
    12  passing through an iron pin on line 279.25 feet distant, and an
    13  iron pin on line 1162.23 feet from the next described corner, a
    14  total distance of 1471.99 feet to an iron pin, a corner of lands
    15  of the East Vincent Municipal Authority; thence along said lands
    16  the two following courses and distances: (1) South 68 degrees 52
    17  minutes 35 seconds West, 330.79 feet to an iron pin; (2) South
    18  23 degrees 39 minutes 34 seconds West, 220.88 feet to an iron
    19  pin, the place of BEGINNING.
    20     CONTAINING 13.77 acres.
    21                              Tract 3
    22     BEGINNING at a point in the low water mark of the Schuylkill
    23  River, a corner of Tract 2, and a corner of lands of the
    24  Philadelphia Electric Company; thence along lands of the
    25  Philadelphia Electric Company, the six following courses and
    26  distances; (1) South 37 degrees 25 minutes 43 seconds East,
    27  35.00 feet to an iron pin; (2) South 52 degrees 34 minutes 17
    28  seconds West, 322.49 feet to a monument; (3) in a southwesterly
    29  direction by a line curving to the left having a central angle
    30  of 12 degrees 56 minutes 26 seconds, a radius of 2575.00 feet,
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     1  an arc length of 581.59 feet, and a chord bearing South 59
     2  degrees 02 minutes 29 seconds West, 580.35 feet to an iron pin;
     3  (4) North 24 degrees 29 minutes 16 seconds West, 20.00 feet to a
     4  monument; (5) in a southwesterly direction by a line curving to
     5  the right having a central angle of 5 degrees 27 minutes 06
     6  seconds, a radius of 1860.00 feet, an arc length of 176.97 feet,
     7  and a chord bearing South 68 degrees 13 minutes 31 seconds West,
     8  a distance of 176.91 feet to an iron pin; (6) North 9 degrees 16
     9  minutes 43 seconds West, 48.28 feet to a point in the low water
    10  mark of the Schuylkill River; thence along the Schuylkill River
    11  the three following courses and distances: (1) North 67 degrees
    12  54 minutes 04 seconds East, 417.74 feet to a point; (2) North 62
    13  degrees 10 minutes, 29 seconds East, 204.78 feet to a point; (3)
    14  North 51 degrees 59 minutes 44 seconds East, 437.45 feet to a
    15  point, the place of BEGINNING.
    16     CONTAINING 1.04 acres.
    17                              Tract 4
    18     BEGINNING at an iron pin, said pin being a distance of 22.92
    19  feet on a bearing of North 19 degrees 05 minutes 03 seconds West
    20  from the northwest corner of the Franklin Building; thence from
    21  said place of beginning and along Parcel 1, Tract 1, the two
    22  following courses and distances: (1) South 75 degrees 50 minutes
    23  18 seconds East, 290.06 feet to an iron pin; (2) South 12
    24  degrees 59 minutes 23 seconds West, 397.30 feet to an iron pin;
    25  thence along other lands of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania;
    26  North 77 degrees 00 minutes 37 seconds West, 290.00 feet to an
    27  iron pin, in line of the aforesaid Tract 1; thence along Tract 1
    28  North 12 degrees 59 minutes 23 seconds East, passing 0.41 feet
    29  East of the northeast corner of the Hose House and 9.34 feet
    30  West of the southwest corner of the Franklin Building, 403.24
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     1  feet to an iron pin, the place of BEGINNING.
     2     CONTAINING 2.66 acres.
     3                              Tract 5
     4     BEGINNING at a railroad spike in Brown Road, a corner of
     5  lands of Citizens Utilities Home Water Company; thence leaving
     6  said road and along lands of the same North 15 degrees 44
     7  minutes 45 seconds East, 413.99 feet to a monument in line of
     8  lands of Richard A. Heckman; thence along said lands the four
     9  following courses and distances: (1) South 52 degrees 24 minutes
    10  13 seconds East, 295.73 feet to a monument; (2) South 56 degrees
    11  03 minutes 44 seconds East, 433.92 feet to a monument; (3) North
    12  3 degrees 29 minutes 40 seconds East, 356.83 feet to an iron
    13  pin; (4) North 71 degrees 56 minutes 15 seconds East, 153.89
    14  feet to a monument in line of lands formerly of the Philadelphia
    15  and Reading Railroad Company; thence along said lands South 3
    16  degrees 13 minutes 01 seconds East, 435.72 feet to a spike in
    17  the intersection of Pennhurst Road, Commonwealth Drive and Brown
    18  Drive; thence in Brown Drive the four following courses and
    19  distances; (1) North 89 degrees 12 minutes 25 seconds West,
    20  244.23 feet to a railroad spike; (2) North 87 degrees 52 minutes
    21  24 seconds West, 326.75 feet to a railroad spike; (3) in a
    22  westerly direction by a line curving to the right having a
    23  central angle of 3 degrees 44 minutes 56 seconds, a radius of
    24  3020.00 feet, an arc length of 197.61 feet, and a chord bearing
    25  North 83 degrees 50 minutes 06 seconds West, a distance of
    26  197.57 feet to a spike; (4) North 81 degrees 57 minutes 38
    27  seconds West, 133.32 feet to a railroad spike, the place of
    28  BEGINNING.
    29     CONTAINING 5.14 acres.
    30     FURTHER granting to Grantee, the free uninterrupted use,
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     1  liberty and privilege of passage in and along certain streets or
     2  driveways known as Pennhurst Road, Brown Drive, and Commonwealth
     3  Drive.
     4     (c)  Easements.--The conveyance shall be made under and
     5  subject to all lawful and enforceable easements, servitudes and
     6  rights of others, including, but not limited to, streets,
     7  roadways and rights of any telephone, telegraph, water,
     8  electric, gas or pipeline companies, as well as under and
     9  subject to any lawful and enforceable estates or tenancies
    10  vested in third persons appearing of record, for any portion of
    11  the land or improvements erected thereon.
    12     (d)  Execution.--The deed of conveyance shall be by special
    13  warranty deed and shall be executed by the Secretary of General
    14  Services in the name of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
    15     (f)  Costs.--Costs and fees incidental to this conveyance
    16  shall be borne by the grantee.
    17     (g)  Disposal.--In the event that this conveyance is not
    18  executed within 180 days of the effective date of this act, the
    19  property may be disposed of in accordance with section 2406-A of
    20  the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as The
    21  Administrative Code of 1929.
    22  Section 2.  Effective date.
    23     This act shall take effect immediately.

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