See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2452



No. 1593 Session of 2002



                                     AN ACT

     1  Authorizing the Department of General Services, with the
     2     approval of the Governor, to grant and convey to Erie-Western
     3     Pennsylvania Port Authority certain lands situate in the City
     4     of Erie, County of Erie; and authorizing the Department of
     5     General Services, with the approval of the Governor, to grant
     6     and convey to Robert L. and Karen N. Doutt, Erie Properties,
     7     Timothy and Caroline Freitas, Marion Delores Verno, Thomas R.
     8     and Joyce L. Thaler, Merle Wolfgang, Leona B. Disbrow, Louise
     9     F. Waller, Mary Schabacker, Paul D. and Mary Ann Brugger,
    10     James E. Hartwell, William Holmgren and Ralph and Janet
    11     Toland, Sr., certain parcels of lands situate in the City of
    12     Erie, County of Erie.

    13     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    14  hereby enacts as follows:
    15  Section 1.  Erie-Western Pennsylvania Port Authority.
    16     (a)  Authorization.--The Department of General Services with
    17  the approval of the Governor, is hereby authorized on behalf of
    18  the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to grant and convey to the
    19  Erie-Western Pennsylvania Port Authority, a tract of land as
    20  described in subsection (b) for fair market value of the
    21  property as determined by an independent appraiser.
    22     (b)  Description.--The tract to be conveyed is situate in the

     1  City of Erie, County of Erie, Pennsylvania, bounded and
     2  described as follows:
     3     ALL THAT CERTAIN PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND situated in the City
     4  of Erie, County of Erie, State of Pennsylvania, being part of
     5  the Fourth Ward, and being more particularly bounded and
     6  described as follows, to-wit:
     7     BEGINNING at the southwesterly corner of the piece at a point
     8  on the easterly line of Cascade Street (60 Foot Right-of-Way),
     9  said point being located North 26 Degrees, 06 Minutes, 04
    10  Seconds West, a distance of 297.00 feet from the intersection of
    11  the northerly line of West 2nd Street (60 Foot Right-of-Way)
    12  with the easterly line of said Cascade Street; THENCE North 26
    13  Degrees, 06 Minutes, 04 Seconds West, along the easterly line of
    14  said Cascade Street, a distance of 55.98 feet to a point, said
    15  point being located on the southerly right-of-way line of the
    16  Erie Bayfront Parkway S.R. 4034 (Variable Width); THENCE in a
    17  northeasterly direction, along the southerly right-of-way line
    18  of said Erie Bayfront Parkway, along a curve to the right having
    19  a radius of 681.20 feet, an arc distance of 274.83 feet to a
    20  point of tangency; THENCE North 63 Degrees, 24 Minutes, 27
    21  Seconds East, continuing along the southerly line of said Erie
    22  Bayfront Parkway, a distance of 320.26 feet to a point; THENCE
    23  North 72 Degrees, 16 Minutes, 24 Seconds East, along the
    24  southerly line of lands now or formerly of the Bayfront Access &
    25  Beautification Organization (herein referred to as BABO), a
    26  distance of 79.95 feet to a point, said point being located on
    27  the westerly right-of-way line of Plum Street (60 Foot Right-of-
    28  Way) Extended; THENCE North 26 Degrees, 05 Minutes, 09 Seconds
    29  West, along the westerly line of said Plum Street Extended, a
    30  distance of 12.32 feet to a point, said point being located on
    20020S1593B2452                  - 2 -

     1  the southerly line of said Erie Bayfront Parkway; THENCE North
     2  63 Degrees, 24 Minutes, 27 Seconds East, along the southerly
     3  line of said Erie Bayfront Parkway, a distance of 64.19 feet to
     4  a point; THENCE North 86 Degrees, 32 Minutes, 37 Seconds East,
     5  along the southerly line of lands now or formerly of said BABO,
     6  a distance of 353.33 feet to a point, said point being located
     7  on the westerly right-of-way line of Liberty Street (100 Foot
     8  Right-Of-Way) Extended; THENCE North 71 Degrees, 11 Minutes, 11
     9  Seconds East, a distance of 100.80 feet to a point, said point
    10  being located on the easterly right-of-way line of said Liberty
    11  Street Extended; THENCE North 52 Degrees, 38 Minutes, 48 Seconds
    12  East, continuing along the southerly line of lands of said BABO,
    13  a distance of 336.92 feet to a point, said point being located
    14  on the westerly line of Poplar Street (60 Foot Right-Of-Way)
    15  Extended; THENCE North 62 Degrees, 53 Minutes, 07 Seconds East,
    16  a distance of 60.01 feet to a point, said point being located on
    17  the easterly line of said Poplar Street; THENCE North 51
    18  Degrees, 06 Minutes, 38 Seconds East, along the southerly line
    19  of lands now or formerly of said BABO, a distance of 406.41 feet
    20  to a point of curvature on the southerly right-of-way line of
    21  said Erie Bayfront Parkway; THENCE in an easterly direction,
    22  continuing along the southerly line of said Erie Bayfront
    23  Parkway, along a curve to the right having a radius of 2829.79
    24  feet, an arc distance of 22.77 feet to a point of tangency;
    25  THENCE South 23 Degrees, 42 Minutes, 18 Seconds East, continuing
    26  along said Erie Bayfront Parkway, a distance of 10.00 feet to a
    27  point; THENCE in an easterly direction, continuing along the
    28  southerly line of said Erie Bayfront Parkway, along a curve to
    29  the right having a radius of 2819.79 feet, an arc distance of
    30  17.57 feet to a point; THENCE North 66 Degrees, 39 Minutes, 08
    20020S1593B2452                  - 3 -

     1  Seconds East, continuing along the southerly line of said Erie
     2  Bayfront Parkway, a distance of 639.32 feet to a point of
     3  curvature; THENCE in an easterly direction, continuing along the
     4  southerly line of said Erie Bayfront Parkway, along a curve to
     5  the left having a radius of 1682.02 feet, an arc distance of
     6  146.76 feet to a point of tangency; THENCE North 28 Degrees, 20
     7  Minutes, 49 Seconds West, continuing along said Erie Bayfront
     8  Parkway, a distance of 10.00 feet to a point; THENCE in an
     9  easterly direction, continuing along the southerly line of said
    10  Erie Bayfront Parkway, along a curve to the left having a radius
    11  of 1672.02 feet, an arc distance of 139.26 feet to a point;
    12  THENCE North 70 Degrees, 52 Minutes, 53 Seconds East, continuing
    13  along the southerly line of said Erie Bayfront Parkway, a
    14  distance of 22.83 feet to a point on the westerly line of Walnut
    15  Street (60 Foot Right-Of-Way) Extended; THENCE North 26 Degrees,
    16  04 Minutes, 24 Seconds West, along the westerly line of said
    17  Walnut Street Extended and along said Erie Bayfront Parkway, a
    18  distance of 5.72 feet to a point; THENCE in an easterly
    19  direction, along the southerly line of said Erie Bayfront
    20  Parkway, along a curve to the left having a radius of 1672.02
    21  feet, an arc distance of 60.73 feet to a point, said point being
    22  located on the easterly line of said Walnut Street Extended;
    23  THENCE South 26 Degrees, 04 Minutes, 24 Seconds East, along the
    24  easterly line of said Walnut Street Extended, a distance of
    25  13.36 feet to a point; THENCE North 53 Degrees, 39 Minutes, 24
    26  Seconds East, along the southerly line of lands now or formerly
    27  of the City of Erie Water Authority, a distance of 671.88 feet
    28  to a point, said point being located on the westerly right-of-
    29  way line of Chestnut Street (60 Foot Right-Of-Way) Extended;
    30  THENCE North 51 Degrees, 12 Minutes, 44 Seconds East, a distance
    20020S1593B2452                  - 4 -

     1  of 61.51 feet to a point, said point being located on the
     2  easterly line of said Chestnut Street Extended; THENCE South 26
     3  Degrees, 04 Minutes, 24 Seconds East, along the westerly line of
     4  lands now or formerly of the City of Erie Pump Station and the
     5  easterly right-of-way line of said Chestnut Street Extended, a
     6  distance of 125.00 feet to a point; THENCE North 49 Degrees, 07
     7  Minutes, 45 Seconds East, along the southerly line of lands of
     8  said City of Erie Pump Station, a distance of 330.00 feet to a
     9  point; THENCE North 26 Degrees, 04 Minutes, 24 Seconds West,
    10  along the easterly line of lands of said City of Erie Pump
    11  Station, a distance of 125.00 feet to a point, said point being
    12  located on the southerly line of lands now or formerly of BABO;
    13  THENCE North 49 Degrees, 07 Minutes, 45 Seconds East, along the
    14  southerly line of lands of said BABO, a distance of 66.40 feet
    15  to a point of curvature, said point being located in the
    16  southerly right-of-way line of said Erie Bayfront Parkway;
    17  THENCE in an easterly direction, along the southerly line of
    18  said Erie Bayfront Parkway, along a curve to the right having a
    19  radius of 1874.86 feet, an arc distance of 49.54 feet to a point
    20  of tangency; THENCE South 26 Degrees, 50 Minutes, 56 Seconds
    21  East, along the southerly right-of-way line of said Erie
    22  Bayfront Parkway, a distance of 10.00 feet to a point; THENCE in
    23  an easterly direction, continuing along the southerly line of
    24  said Erie Bayfront Parkway, along a curve to the right having a
    25  radius of 1864.86 feet, an arc distance of 490.98 feet to a
    26  point; THENCE North 78 Degrees, 14 Minutes, 09 Seconds East,
    27  continuing along the southerly line of said Erie Bayfront
    28  Parkway, a distance of 797.18 feet to a point; THENCE North 11
    29  Degrees, 45 Minutes, 51 Seconds West, continuing along said Erie
    30  Bayfront Parkway, a distance of 10.00 feet to a point; THENCE
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     1  North 78 Degrees, 14 Minutes, 09 Seconds East, continuing along
     2  the southerly line of said Erie Bayfront Parkway, a distance of
     3  170.52 feet to a point of curvature; THENCE in an easterly
     4  direction, continuing along the southerly line of said Erie
     5  Bayfront Parkway, along a curve to the left having a radius of
     6  1308.24 feet, an arc distance of 277.83 feet to a point, said
     7  point being located on the center line of Peach Street (60 Foot
     8  Right-Of-Way) Extended; THENCE South 26 Degrees, 02 Minutes, 34
     9  Seconds East, along said center line of Peach Street Extended, a
    10  distance of 182.36 feet to a point; THENCE South 82 Degrees, 49
    11  Minutes, 54 Seconds West, along the northerly line of lands now
    12  or formerly of the following:
    13         Hamot Medical Center
    14         S. L. Realty Company
    15         Bayside Development Corp.
    16  a distance of 762.55 feet to a point, said point being located
    17  on the center line of Sassafras Street (60 Foot Right-Of-Way);
    18  THENCE South 26 Degrees, 03 Minutes, 48 Seconds East, along the
    19  center line of said Sassafras Street, a distance of 1.24 feet to
    20  a point; THENCE South 75 Degrees, 15 Minutes, 35 Seconds West,
    21  along the northerly line of lands now or formerly of the
    22  following:
    23         Bayside Development Corp.
    24         Patrick D. & Shelane A. Mikula
    25         Ada L. Lawrence
    26         Barbara Irene Brown
    27         James S. & Mary Louise Edgett
    28         Claudia A. Stanton
    29         Christopher W. Edgett
    30         Tim Brennam
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     1         Wanda M. & Lauren M. Mozdy
     2         William E. Loew
     3  a distance of 735.46 feet to a point, said point being located
     4  on the center line of Myrtle Street (60 Foot Right-Of-Way);
     5  THENCE North 26 Degrees, 04 Minutes, 24 Seconds West, along the
     6  center line of said Myrtle Street, a distance of 1.95 feet to a
     7  point; THENCE South 49 Degrees, 07 Minutes, 45 Seconds West,
     8  along the northerly line of lands now or formerly of the
     9  following:
    10         Adam Scheloske
    11         Robert H. Ploehn
    12         Emil A. Pial, Jr.
    13         Adam Scheloske
    14         Robert & Shirley Christiansen
    15         City of Erie
    16         James M. & Jen Timon
    17         Mary E. Watson
    18         Charles P. & Marion C. Graves
    19         City of Erie
    20  a distance of 745.76 feet to a point on the center line of said
    21  Chestnut Street (60 Foot Right-Of-Way); THENCE North 26 Degrees,
    22  04 Minutes, 24 Seconds West, along the center line of said
    23  Chestnut Street, a distance of 3.43 feet to a point; THENCE
    24  South 53 Degrees, 39 Minutes, 24 Seconds West, along the
    25  northerly line of lands now or formerly of the following:
    26         City of Erie
    27         Chas. & Jessie Beard
    28         Mary Frances Evans
    29         Ronald R. Drew
    30         Robert J. Williams
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     1         Helen R. & Edna M. Drew
     2         Willie Grace
     3         Robert Jon Williams
     4         George S. & Marianna Chenault
     5         Andrew W. & Roanna West
     6         Gary J.& Shelley W. Cacchione
     7         Robert Jon Williams
     8         Maile Naomi Akiko Kane
     9  a distance of 732.86 feet to a point in the center line of said
    10  Walnut Street; THENCE North 26 Degrees, 04 Minutes, 24 Seconds
    11  West, along the center line of said Walnut Street, a distance of
    12  1.82 feet to a point; THENCE South 70 Degrees, 52 Minutes, 53
    13  Seconds West, along the northerly line of lands now or formerly
    14  of the Bayview Athletic Field & Playground, a distance of 726.71
    15  feet to a point in the center line of Cherry Street (60 Foot
    16  Right-Of-Way); THENCE North 26 Degrees, 03 Minutes, 54 Seconds
    17  West, along the center line of said Cherry Street, a distance of
    18  3.17 feet to a point; THENCE South 51 Degrees, 06 Minutes, 38
    19  Seconds West, along the northerly line of lands now or formerly
    20  of the following:
    21         County of Erie
    22         Bayview Condominium Residences
    23         Janet H. Ferguson
    24  a distance of 739.88 feet to a point in the center line of said
    25  Poplar Street; THENCE North 26 Degrees, 03 Minutes, 54 Seconds
    26  West, along the center line of said Poplar Street, a distance of
    27  12.82 feet to a point; THENCE South 52 Degrees, 38 Minutes, 48
    28  Seconds West, along the northerly line of lands now or formerly
    29  of the following:
    30         Ralph J. & Jan Toland, Sr.
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     1         William Holmgren
     2         James E. Hartwell
     3         Joseph E. & Barbara M. Sadler
     4         Paul Brugger
     5         Kevin J. & Mary E. Karg
     6         Paul D. Brugger
     7  a distance of 418.29 feet to a point in the center line of said
     8  Liberty Street; THENCE South 26 Degrees, 02 Minutes, 20 Seconds
     9  East, along the center line of said Liberty Street, a distance
    10  of 10.74 feet to a point; THENCE South 86 Degrees, 30 Minutes,
    11  47 Seconds West, along the northerly line of lands now or
    12  formerly of the following:
    13         Kay E. & Godfrey M. Schabacker
    14         Louise F. Waller
    15         Leona B. Disbrow
    16         Merle D. & Betty J. Wolfgang
    17         Thomas R. & Joyce L. Thaler
    18         Marion Delores Verno
    19         Timothy J. & Caroline Freitas
    20         Erie Properties
    21         Robert L. & Karen M. Doutt
    22  a distance of 444.44 feet to a point on the center line of said
    23  Plum Street; THENCE South 26 Degrees, 05 Minutes, 09 Seconds
    24  East, along the center line of said Plum Street, a distance of
    25  16.86 feet to a point; THENCE South 72 Degrees, 16 Minutes, 24
    26  Seconds West, along the northerly line of lands now or formerly
    27  of the following:
    28         John J. & Gladys Shimek
    29         Paul D. Brugger
    30         Joseph M. & Juliana Semple
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     1         Hortense Lopez
     2         Steve S. & Agnes R. Torok
     3         Egnute & Helen Evans
     4         Norma L. Burns
     5         Alan R. Monschein
     6         Theresa & John Moraski
     7         Ronald B. & Aletha Bartone
     8         Alan I. Renkis
     9         Erie Independence House, Inc.
    10  A distance of 703.74 feet to a point and the place of beginning.
    11     Containing 923,870 square feet or 21.210 acres of land
    12  therein, net measure, and being the same as Parcels 1 through 9
    13  as shown on a plan entitled Boundary & Location Survey of Front
    14  St. For Erie-Western Pennsylvania Port Authority, as prepared by
    15  David James Laird Associates, dated November 9, 2000.
    16     LESS AND EXCEPTING the lands further described:
    17  ALL THAT CERTAIN PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND situated in the City of
    18  Erie, County of Erie, State of Pennsylvania, being part of the
    19  Fourth Ward, and being more particularly bounded and described
    20  as follows, to-wit:
    21     BEGINNING at the southwesterly corner of the piece at a
    22  point, said point being located the following courses and
    23  distances from the intersection of the center line of Plum
    24  Street (60 Foot Right-Of-Way) with its intersection with the
    25  center line of West 2nd Street (60 Foot Right-Of-Way):
    26     North 26 Degrees, 05 Minutes, 09 Seconds West, 242.47 feet;
    27     North 86 Degrees, 30 Minutes, 47 Seconds East, 32.50 feet;
    28  THENCE North 26 Degrees, 05 Minutes, 09 Seconds West, along the
    29  easterly line of said Plum Street, a distance of 26.48 feet to a
    30  rebar survey point; THENCE North 45 Degrees, 49 Minutes, 09
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     1  Seconds East, a distance of 26.00 feet to a point; THENCE North
     2  75 Degrees, 21 Minutes, 46 Seconds East, a distance of 311.92
     3  feet to a rebar survey point located on the westerly line of
     4  Liberty Street (100 Foot Right-Of-Way); THENCE South 26 Degrees,
     5  02 Minutes, 20 Seconds East, along the westerly line of said
     6  Liberty Street, a distance of 110.14 feet to a drill hole;
     7  THENCE South 86 Degrees, 30 Minutes, 47 Seconds West, along the
     8  northerly line of lands now or formerly of the following:
     9             Kay E. & Godfrey M. Schabacker
    10             Louise F. Waller
    11             Leona B.Disbrow
    12             Merle D. & Betty J. Wolfgang
    13             Thomas R. & Joyce L. Thaler
    14             Marion Delores Verno
    15             Timothy J. & Caroline Freitas
    16             Erie Properties
    17             Robert L. & Karen M. Doutt
    18  a distance of 444.44 feet to a rebar survey point and the place
    19  of beginning.
    20     CONTAINING 0.564 acres or 24,580 square feet of land. ALSO
    21  LESS AND EXCEPTING the lands further described:
    22  ALL THAT CERTAIN PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND situated in the City of
    23  Erie, County of Erie, State of Pennsylvania, being part of the
    24  Fourth Ward, and being more particularly bounded and described
    25  as follows, to-wit:
    26     BEGINNING at the southwesterly corner of the piece at a
    27  point, said point being located the following courses and
    28  distances from the intersection of the center line of Liberty
    29  Street (100 Foot Right-Of-Way) with the center line of West 2nd
    30  Street (60 Foot Right-Of-Way):
    20020S1593B2452                 - 11 -

     1     North 26 Degrees, 02 Minutes, 20 Seconds West, 82.67 feet
     2     North 52 Degrees, 38 Minutes, 48 Seconds East, 50.99 feet
     3  THENCE North 26 Degrees, 02 Minutes, 20 Seconds West, along the
     4  easterly line of said Liberty Street, a distance of 97.39 feet
     5  to a rebar survey point; THENCE North 60 Degrees, 00 Minutes, 47
     6  Seconds East, a distance of 248.67 feet to a rebar survey point;
     7  THENCE North 63 Degrees, 19 Minutes, 36 Seconds East, a distance
     8  of 82.06 feet to a rebar survey point located on the westerly
     9  right-of-way line of Poplar Street (60 Foot Right-Of-Way);
    10  THENCE South 26 Degrees, 03 Minutes, 54 Seconds East, along the
    11  westerly line of said Poplar Street, a distance of 49.36 feet to
    12  a rebar survey point; THENCE South 52 Degrees, 38 Minutes, 48
    13  Seconds West, along the northerly line of lands now or formerly
    14  of the following:
    15         Ralph J. & Janice Toland, Sr.
    16         William Holmgren
    17         James E. Hartwell
    18         Paul Brugger
    19         Paul D. Brugger
    20  a distance of 418.29 feet to a drill hole and cross in the
    21  easterly line of said Liberty Street and the place of beginning.
    22     CONTAINING 0.570 acres or 24,820 square feet of land.
    23     (c)  Easements.--The conveyance shall be made under and
    24  subject to all lawful and enforceable easements, servitude's and
    25  rights of others, including but not confined to streets,
    26  roadways and rights of any telephone, telegraph, water,
    27  electric, cable, gas or pipeline companies, as well as under and
    28  subject to any lawful and enforceable estates or tenancies
    29  vested in third persons appearing of record, for any portion of
    30  the land or improvements erected thereon.
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     1     (d)  Execution.--The deed of conveyance shall be by Special
     2  Warranty Deed and shall be executed by the Secretary of General
     3  Services in the name of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
     4     (e)  Use restriction; reversion.--The deed of conveyance
     5  shall contain a clause restricting the use of the property for
     6  public and greenway use, including bike/pedestrian paths,
     7  gardens, overlooks, promenades or small parking areas agreed to
     8  and approved during a public design process. Should the Erie
     9  Western Pennsylvania Port Authority allow the property to be
    10  used for any purpose other than for public and greenway use,
    11  including bike/pedestrian paths, gardens, overlooks, promenades
    12  or small parking areas agreed to and approved during a public
    13  design process or attempts to convey the property, title shall
    14  immediately revert to and revest in the Commonwealth of
    15  Pennsylvania.
    16     (f)  Prohibitions.--The deed of conveyance shall also contain
    17  a clause prohibiting the construction or installation of any
    18  permanent or temporary structure other than bike/pedestrian
    19  paths, gardens, overlooks or promenades.
    20     (g)  Cost and fees.--Costs and fees incidental to this
    21  conveyance shall be borne by the grantee.
    22     (h)  Alternate disposition.--In the event that this
    23  conveyance is not executed in accordance with the Agreement of
    24  Sale, the property may be disposed of in accordance with Article
    25  2406-A of the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L. 177, No. 175), known as
    26  the Administrative Code of 1929.
    27  Section 2.  City of Erie, Erie County.
    28     (a)  Authorization.--The Department of General Services with
    29  the approval of the Governor, is hereby authorized on behalf of
    30  the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to grant and convey to Robert
    20020S1593B2452                 - 13 -

     1  L. and Karen N. Doutt, Erie Properties, Timothy and Caroline
     2  Freitas, Marion Delores Verno, Thomas R. and Joyce L. Thaler,
     3  Merle Wolfgang, Leona B. Disbrow, Louise F. Waller, Mary
     4  Schabacker, Paul D. and Mary Ann Brugger, James E. Hartwell,
     5  William Holmgren and Ralph and Janice Toland, Sr., parcels of
     6  land as described in subsection (b) for fair market value as
     7  determined by an independent appraiser.
     8     (b)  Description.--The parcels to be conveyed are situate in
     9  the City of Erie, County of Erie, Pennsylvania, bounded and
    10  described as follows:
    12  City of Erie, County of Erie, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
    13  being a part of the Fourth Ward, and being more particularly
    14  bounded and described as follows, to-wit:
    15     Parcel A - to be conveyed to Robert L. and Karen N. Doutt.
    16     BEGINNING at the southwesterly corner of the piece at a
    17  point, said point being the following courses and distances from
    18  the intersection of the center line of Plum Street (60 Foot
    19  Right-of-Way) with the center line of West 2nd Street (60 Right-
    20  of-Way);
    21     North 26 Degrees, 05 Minutes, 09 Seconds West, 242.47 feet
    22     North 86 Degrees, 30 Minutes, 47 Seconds East, 32.50 feet
    23  THENCE North 26 Degrees, 05 Minutes, 09 Seconds West, along the
    24  easterly right-of-way line of said Plum Street, a distance of
    25  26.48 feet to a rebar survey point; THENCE North 45 Degrees, 49
    26  Minutes, 09 Seconds East, a distance of 26.00 feet to a rebar
    27  survey point; THENCE North 75 Degrees, 21 Minutes, 46 Seconds
    28  East, a distance of 13.42 feet to a rebar survey point; THENCE
    29  South 26 Degrees, 05 Minutes, 09 Seconds East, a distance of
    30  47.65 feet to an iron survey point, said point being the
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     1  northwesterly corner of lands now or formerly of Erie
     2  Properties; THENCE South 86 Degrees, 30 Minutes, 47 Seconds
     3  West, along the northerly line of lands now or formerly of
     4  Robert L. & Karen N. Doutt, a distance of 41.01 feet to a rebar
     5  survey point and the place of beginning.
     6     CONTAINING 1,490 square feet of land therein,
     7  net measure.
     8     Parcel B - to be conveyed to
     9  Erie Properties.
    10     BEGINNING at the southwesterly corner of the piece at a
    11  point, said point being the following courses and distances from
    12  the intersection of the center line of Plum Street (60 Foot
    13  Right-Of-Way) with the center line of West 2nd Street (60 Foot
    14  Right-Of-Way):
    15     North 26 Degrees, 05 Minutes, 09 Seconds West,
    16  242.47 feet
    17     North 86 Degrees, 30 Minutes, 47 Seconds East,
    18  73.51 feet
    19  THENCE North 26 Degrees, 05 Minutes, 09 Seconds West, a distance
    20  of 47.65 feet to a rebar survey point; THENCE North 75 Degrees,
    21  21 Minutes, 46 Seconds East, a distance of 38.63 feet to a rebar
    22  survey point; THENCE South 26 Degrees, 05 Minutes, 09 Seconds
    23  East, a distance of 55.74 feet to a rebar survey point, said
    24  point being the northwesterly corner of lands now or formerly of
    25  Timothy J. & Caroline Freitas; THENCE South 86 Degrees, 30
    26  Minutes, 47 Seconds West, along the northerly line of lands now
    27  or formerly of Erie Properties, a distance of 41.01 feet to an
    28  iron survey point and the place of beginning.
    29     CONTAINING 1,960 square feet of land therein, net measure.
    30     Parcel C  to be conveyed to Timothy J. & Caroline Freitas
    20020S1593B2452                 - 15 -

     1     BEGINNING at the southwesterly corner of the piece at a
     2  point, said point being the following courses and distances from
     3  the intersection of the center line of Plum Street (60 Foot
     4  Right-Of-Way) with the center line of West 2nd Street (60 Foot
     5  Right-Of-Way):
     6     North 26 Degrees, 05 Minutes, 09 Seconds West, 242.47 feet
     7     North 86 Degrees, 30 Minutes, 47 Seconds East, 114.52 feet
     8  THENCE North 26 Degrees, 05 Minutes, 09 Seconds West, a distance
     9  of 55.74 feet to a rebar survey point; THENCE North 75 Degrees,
    10  21 Minutes, 46 Seconds East, a distance of 38.63 feet to a rebar
    11  survey point; THENCE South 26 Degrees, 05 Minutes, 09 Seconds
    12  East, a distance of 63.84 feet to a rebar survey point, said
    13  point being the northwesterly corner of lands now or formerly of
    14  Marion Delores Verno; THENCE South 86 Degrees, 30 Minutes, 47
    15  Seconds West, along the northerly line of lands now or formerly
    16  of Timothy J. & Caroline Freitas, a distance of 41.01 feet to a
    17  rebar survey point and the place of beginning.
    18     CONTAINING 2,260 square feet of land therein, net measure.
    19     Parcel D  to be conveyed to Marion Delores Verno.
    20     BEGINNING at the southwesterly corner of the piece at a
    21  point, said point being the following courses and distances from
    22  the intersection of the center line of Plum Street (60 Foot
    23  Right-Of-way) with the center line of West 2nd Street (60 foot
    24  Right-Of-Way):
    25     North 26 Degrees, 05 Minutes, 09 Seconds West, 242.47 feet
    26     North 86 Degrees, 30 Minutes, 47 Seconds East, 155.53 feet
    27  THENCE North 26 Degrees, 05 Minutes, 09 Seconds West, a distance
    28  of 63.84 feet to a rebar survey point; THENCE North 75 Degrees,
    29  21 Minutes, 46 Seconds East, a distance of 38.63 feet to a rebar
    30  survey point; THENCE South 26 Degrees, 05 Minutes, 09 Seconds
    20020S1593B2452                 - 16 -

     1  East, a distance of 71.93 feet to a rebar survey point, said
     2  point being the northwesterly corner of lands now or formerly of
     3  Thomas R. & Joyce L. Thaler; THENCE South 86 Degrees, 30
     4  Minutes, 47 Seconds West, along the northerly line of lands now
     5  or formerly of Marion Delores Verno, a distance of 41.04 feet to
     6  a rebar survey point and the place of beginning.
     7     CONTAINING 2,570 square feet of land therein, net measure.
     8     Parcel E  to be conveyed to Thomas R. & Joyce L. Thaler.
     9     BEGINNING at the southwesterly corner of the piece at a
    10  point, said point being the following courses and distances from
    11  the intersection of the center line of Plum Street (60 Foot
    12  Right-Of-Way), with the center line of West 2nd Street (60 Foot
    13  Right-Of-Way):
    14     North 26 Degrees, 05 Minutes, 09 Seconds West, 242.47 feet
    15     North 86 Degrees, 30 Minutes, 47 Seconds East, 196.54 feet
    16  THENCE North 26 Degrees, 05 Minutes, 09 Seconds West, a distance
    17  of 71.93 feet to a rebar survey point; THENCE North 75 Degrees,
    18  21 Minutes, 46 Seconds East, a distance of 38.63 feet to a rebar
    19  survey point; THENCE South 26 Degrees, 05 Minutes, 09 Seconds
    20  East, a distance of 80.02 feet to a rebar survey point, said
    21  point being the northwesterly corner of lands now or formerly of
    22  Merle D. & Betty J. Wolfgang; THENCE South 86 Degrees, 30
    23  Minutes, 47 Seconds West, along the northerly line of lands now
    24  or formerly of Thomas R. & Joyce L. Thaler, a distance of 41.01
    25  feet to a rebar survey point and the place of beginning.
    26     CONTAINING 2,880 square feet of land therein, net measure.
    27     Parcel F - to be conveyed to Merle Wolfgang.
    28     BEGINNING at the southwesterly corner of the piece at a
    29  point, said point being the following courses and distances from
    30  the intersection of the center line of Plum Street (60 Foot
    20020S1593B2452                 - 17 -

     1  Right-Of-Way), with the center line of West 2nd Street (60 Foot
     2  Right-Of-Way):
     3     North 26 Degrees, 05 Minutes, 09 Seconds West, 242.47 feet
     4     North 86 Degrees, 30 Minutes, 47 Seconds East, 237.55 feet
     5  THENCE North 26 Degrees, 05 Minutes, 09 Seconds West, a distance
     6  of 80.02 feet to a rebar survey point; THENCE North 75 Degrees,
     7  21 Minutes, 46 Seconds East, a distance of 38.63 feet to a rebar
     8  survey point; THENCE South 26 Degrees, 05 Minutes, 09 Seconds
     9  East, a distance of 88.11 feet to a rebar survey point, said
    10  point being the northwesterly corner of lands now or formerly of
    11  Leona B. Disbrow; THENCE South 86 Degrees, 30 Minutes, 47
    12  Seconds West, along the northerly line of lands now or formerly
    13  of Merle D. & Betty J. Wolfgang, a distance of 41.01 feet to a
    14  rebar survey point and the place of beginning.
    15     CONTAINING 3,180 square feet of land therein, net measure.
    16     Parcel G  to be conveyed to Leona B. Disbrow.
    17     BEGINNING at the southwesterly corner of the piece at a
    18  point, said point being the following courses and distances from
    19  the intersection of the center line of Plum Street (60 Foot
    20  Right-Of-Way), with the center line of West 2nd Street (60 Foot
    21  Right-Of-Way):
    22     North 26 Degrees, 05 Minutes, 09 Seconds West, 242.47 feet
    23     North 86 Degrees, 30 Minutes, 47 Seconds East, 278.56 feet
    24  THENCE North 26 Degrees, 05 Minutes, 09 Seconds West, a distance
    25  of 88.11 feet to a rebar survey point; THENCE North 75 Degrees,
    26  21 Minutes, 46 Seconds East, a distance of 29.62 feet to a rebar
    27  survey point; THENCE South 26 Degrees, 05 Minutes, 09 Seconds
    28  East, a distance of 94.32 feet to a rebar survey point, said
    29  point being the northwesterly corner of lands now or formerly of
    30  Louis F. Waller; THENCE South 86 Degrees, 30 Minutes, 47 Seconds
    20020S1593B2452                 - 18 -

     1  West, along the northerly line of lands now or formerly of Leona
     2  B.Disbrow, a distance of 31.44 feet to a rebar survey point and
     3  the place of beginning.
     4     CONTAINING 2,650 square feet of land therein, net measure.
     5     Parcel H  to be conveyed to Louise F. Waller.
     6     BEGINNING at the southwesterly corner of the piece at a
     7  point, said point being the following courses and distances from
     8  the intersection of the center line of Plum Street (60 Foot
     9  Right-Of-Way), with the center line of West 2nd Street (60 Foot
    10  Right-Of-Way):
    11     North 26 Degrees, 05 Minutes, 09 Seconds West, 242.47 feet
    12     North 86 Degrees, 30 Minutes, 47 Seconds East, 310.00 feet
    13  THENCE North 26 Degrees, 05 Minutes, 09 Seconds West, a distance
    14  of 94.32 feet to a rebar survey point; THENCE North 75 Degrees,
    15  21 Minutes, 46 Seconds East, a distance of 29.62 feet to a rebar
    16  survey point; THENCE South 26 Degrees, 05 Minutes, 09 Seconds
    17  East, a distance of 100.52 feet to a rebar survey point, said
    18  point being the northwesterly corner of lands now or formerly of
    19  Kay E. & Godfrey M. Schabacker; THENCE South 86 Degrees, 30
    20  Minutes, 47 Seconds West, along the northerly line of lands now
    21  or formerly of Louise F. Waller, a distance of 31.44 feet to a
    22  rebar survey point and the place of beginning.
    23     CONTAINING 2,830 square feet of land therein, net measure.
    24     Parcel I - to be conveyed to Mary Schabacker.
    25     BEGINNING at the southwesterly corner of the piece at a
    26  point, said point being the following courses and distances from
    27  the intersection of the center line of Plum Street (60 Foot
    28  Right-Of-Way), with the center line of West 2nd Street (60 Foot
    29  Right-Of-Way):
    30     North 26 Degrees, 05 Minutes, 09 Seconds West, 242.47 feet
    20020S1593B2452                 - 19 -

     1     North 86 Degrees, 30 Minutes, 47 Seconds East, 341.44 feet
     2  THENCE North 26 Degrees, 05 Minutes, 09 Seconds West, a distance
     3  of 100.52 feet to a rebar survey point; THENCE North 75 Degrees,
     4  21 Minutes, 46 Seconds East, a distance of 46.11 feet to a rebar
     5  survey point on the westerly right-of-way line of Liberty Street
     6  (100 Foot Right-Of-Way); THENCE South 26 Degrees, 02 Minutes, 20
     7  Seconds East, along the westerly right-of-way line of said
     8  Liberty Street, a distance of 110.14 feet to a drill hole in
     9  concrete, said point being the northeasterly corner of lands now
    10  or formerly of Kay E. & Godfrey M. Schabacker; THENCE South 86
    11  Degrees, 30 Minutes, 47 Seconds West, along the northerly line
    12  of lands of said Schabacker, a distance of 48.85 feet to a rebar
    13  survey point and the place of beginning.
    14     CONTAINING 4,760 square feet of land therein, net measure.
    15  TOGETHER with free ingress, egress and regress to and for the
    16  said Grantee, Mary Schabacker, her heirs and assigns from the
    17  eastern side of Parcel I to Liberty Street.
    18     Parcel J - to be conveyed to Paul D. & Mary Ann Brugger.
    19     BEGINNING at the southwesterly corner of the piece at a
    20  point, said point being the following courses and distances from
    21  the intersection of the center line of Liberty Street (100 Foot
    22  Right-Of-Way) with the center line of West 2nd Street (60 Foot
    23  Right-Of-Way):
    24     North 26 Degrees, 02 Minutes, 20 Seconds West, 82.67 feet
    25     North 52 Degrees, 38 Minutes, 48 Seconds East, 50.99 feet
    26  THENCE North 26 Degrees, 02 Minutes, 20 Seconds West, along the
    27  easterly right-of-way line of said Liberty Street, a distance of
    28  97.39 feet to a rebar survey point; THENCE North 60 Degrees, 00
    29  Minutes, 47 Seconds East, a distance of 84.18 feet to a rebar
    30  survey point; THENCE South 26 Degrees, 03 Minutes, 54 Seconds
    20020S1593B2452                 - 20 -

     1  East, a distance of 86.37 feet to a rebar survey point, said
     2  point being the northeasterly corner of lands now or formerly of
     3  Paul D. Brugger; THENCE South 52 Degrees, 38 Minutes, 48 Seconds
     4  West, along the northerly line of lands of said Brugger, a
     5  distance of 85.69 feet to a drill hole and cross and the place
     6  of beginning.
     7     CONTAINING 7,720 square feet of land therein, net measure.
     8     Parcel K  to be conveyed to Paul D. & Mary Ann Brugger.
     9     BEGINNING at the southwesterly corner of the piece at a
    10  point, said point being the following courses and distances from
    11  the intersection of the center line of Liberty Street (100 Foot
    12  Right-Of-Way) with the center line of West 2nd Street (60 Foot
    13  Right-Of-Way):
    14     North 26 Degrees, 02 Minutes, 20 Seconds West, 82.67 feet
    15     North 52 Degrees, 38 Minutes, 48 Seconds East, 136.68 feet
    16  THENCE North 26 Degrees, 03 Minutes, 54 Seconds West, a distance
    17  of 86.37 feet to a rebar survey point; THENCE North 60 Degrees,
    18  00 Minutes, 47 Seconds East, a distance of 82.25 feet to a rebar
    19  survey point; THENCE South 26 Degrees, 03 Minutes, 54 Seconds
    20  East, a distance of 75.62 feet to a rebar survey point, said
    21  point being the northeasterly corner of lands now or formerly of
    22  Paul Brugger; THENCE South 52 Degrees, 38 Minutes, 48 Seconds
    23  West, along the northerly line of lands of said Brugger, a
    24  distance of 83.67 feet to a rebar survey point and the place of
    25  beginning.
    26     CONTAINING 6,650 square feet of land therein, net measure.
    27     Parcel L - to be conveyed to James E. Hartwell.
    28     BEGINNING at the southwesterly corner of the piece at a
    29  point, said point being the following courses and distances from
    30  the intersection of the center line of Liberty Street (100 Foot
    20020S1593B2452                 - 21 -

     1  Right-Of-Way) with the center line of West 2nd Street (60 Foot
     2  Right-Of-Way):
     3     North 26 Degrees, 02 Minutes, 20 Seconds West, 82.67 feet
     4     North 52 Degrees, 38 Minutes, 48 Seconds East, 220.35 feet
     5  THENCE North 26 Degrees, 03 Minutes, 54 Seconds West, a distance
     6  of 75.62 feet to a rebar survey point; THENCE North 60 Degrees,
     7  00 Minutes, 47 Seconds East, a distance of 20.56 feet to a rebar
     8  survey point; THENCE South 26 Degrees, 03 Minutes, 54 Seconds
     9  East, a distance of 72.93 feet to a rebar survey point, said
    10  point being the northeasterly corner of lands now or formerly of
    11  James E. Hartwell; THENCE South 52 Degrees, 38 Minutes, 48
    12  Seconds West, along the northerly line of lands of said
    13  Hartwell, a distance of 20.92 feet to a rebar survey point and
    14  the place of beginning.
    15     CONTAINING 1,520 square feet of land therein, net measure.
    16     Parcel M  to be conveyed to James E. Hartwell.
    17     BEGINNING at the southwesterly corner of the piece at a
    18  point, said point being the following courses and distances from
    19  the intersection of the center line of Liberty Street (100 Foot
    20  Right-Of-Way) with the center line of West 2nd Street (60 Foot
    21  Right-Of-Way):
    22     North 26 Degrees, 02 Minutes, 20 Seconds West, 82.67 feet
    23     North 52 Degrees, 38 Minutes, 48 Seconds East, 241.27 feet
    24  THENCE North 26 Degrees, 03 Minutes, 54 Seconds West, a distance
    25  of 72.93 feet to a rebar survey point; THENCE North 60 Degrees,
    26  00 Minutes, 47 Seconds East, a distance of 20.56 feet to a rebar
    27  survey point; THENCE South 26 Degrees, 03 Minutes, 54 Seconds
    28  East, a distance of 70.24 feet to a rebar survey point at the
    29  northeasterly corner of lands now or formerly of James E.
    30  Hartwell; THENCE South 52 Degrees, 38 Minutes, 48 Seconds West,
    20020S1593B2452                 - 22 -

     1  along the northerly line of lands of said Hartwell, a distance
     2  of 20.92 feet to a rebar survey point and the place of
     3  beginning.
     4     CONTAINING 1,470 square feet of land therein, net measure.
     5     Parcel N - to be conveyed to William Holmgren.
     6     BEGINNING at the southwesterly corner of the piece at a
     7  point, said point being the following courses and distances from
     8  the intersection of the center line of Liberty Street (100 Foot
     9  Right-Of-Way) with the center line of West 2nd Street (60 Foot
    10  Right-Of-Way):
    11     North 26 Degrees, 02 Minutes, 20 Seconds West, 82.67 feet
    12     North 52 Degrees, 38 Minutes, 48 Seconds East, 262.19 feet
    13  THENCE North 26 Degrees, 03 Minutes, 54 Seconds West, a distance
    14  of 70.24 feet to a rebar survey point; THENCE North 60 Degrees,
    15  00 Minutes, 47 Seconds East, a distance of 41.12 feet to a rebar
    16  survey point; THENCE South 26 Degrees, 03 Minutes, 54 Seconds
    17  East, a distance of 64.87 feet to a rebar survey point, said
    18  point being located at the northeasterly corner of lands now or
    19  formerly of William Holmgren; THENCE South 52 Degrees, 38
    20  Minutes, 48 Seconds West, along the northerly line of lands of
    21  said Holmgren, a distance of 41.84 feet to a rebar survey point
    22  and the place of beginning.
    23     CONTAINING 2,770 square feet of land therein, net measure.
    24     Parcel O  to be conveyed to Ralph & Janet Toland, Sr.
    25     BEGINNING at the southwesterly corner of the piece at a
    26  point, said point being the following courses and distances from
    27  the intersection of the center line of Liberty Street (100 Foot
    28  Right-Of-Way) with the center line of West 2nd Street (60 Foot
    29  Right-Of-Way):
    30     North 26 Degrees, 02 Minutes, 20 Seconds West, 82.67 feet
    20020S1593B2452                 - 23 -

     1     North 52 Degrees, 38 Minutes, 48 Seconds East, 304.03 feet
     2  THENCE North 26 Degrees, 03 Minutes, 54 Seconds West, a distance
     3  of 64.87 feet to a rebar survey point; THENCE North 63 Degrees,
     4  19 Minutes, 36 Seconds East, a distance of 82.06 feet to a rebar
     5  survey point, said point being located on the westerly right-of-
     6  way line of Poplar Street (60 Foot Right-Of-Way); THENCE South
     7  26 Degrees, 03 Minutes, 54 Seconds East, along the westerly line
     8  of said Poplar Street, a distance of 49.36 feet to a rebar
     9  survey point, said point being the northeasterly corner of lands
    10  now or formerly of Ralph J. & Janet Toland, Sr.; THENCE South 52
    11  Degrees, 38 Minutes, 48 Seconds West, along the northerly line
    12  of lands of said Toland, a distance of 83.67 feet to a rebar
    13  survey point and the place of beginning.
    14     CONTAINING 4,690 square feet of land therein, net measure.
    15     (c)  Easements.--The conveyances shall be made under and
    16  subject to all lawful and enforceable easements, servitude's and
    17  rights of others, including but not confined to streets,
    18  roadways and rights of any telephone, telegraph, water,
    19  electric, cable, gas or pipeline companies, as well as under and
    20  subject to any lawful and enforceable estates or tenancies
    21  vested in third persons appearing of record, for any portion of
    22  the land or improvements erected thereon.
    23     (d)  Execution.--The deeds of conveyance shall be by Special
    24  Warranty Deed and shall be executed by the Secretary of General
    25  Services in the name of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
    26     (e)  Costs and fees.--Costs and fees incidental to these
    27  conveyances shall be borne by the grantees.
    28     (f)  Alternate disposition.--In the event that any or all of
    29  these conveyances are not executed in accordance with their
    30  respective Agreements of Sale, the parcels may be disposed of in
    20020S1593B2452                 - 24 -

     1  accordance with Article 2406-A of the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.
     2  177, No.175), known as the Administrative Code of 1929, or
     3  conveyed to the Erie Western Pennsylvania Port Authority.
     4  Section 3.  Effective date.
     5     This act shall take effect immediately.

    K21L85JLW/20020S1593B2452       - 25 -