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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2492



No. 1778 Session of 1990



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 1, 1937 (P.L.1168, No.294), entitled
     2     "An act to protect the right of employes to organize and
     3     bargain collectively; creating the Pennsylvania Labor
     4     Relations Board; conferring powers and imposing duties upon
     5     the Pennsylvania Labor Relations Board, officers of the State
     6     government, and courts; providing for the right of employes
     7     to organize and bargain collectively; declaring certain labor
     8     practices by employers to be unfair; further providing that
     9     representatives of a majority of the employes be the
    10     exclusive representatives of all the employes; authorizing
    11     the board to conduct hearings and elections, and certify as
    12     to representatives of employes for purposes of collective
    13     bargaining; empowering the board to prevent any person from
    14     engaging in any unfair labor practice, and providing a
    15     procedure for such cases, including the issuance of a
    16     complaint, the conducting of a hearing, and the making of an
    17     order; empowering the board to petition a court of common
    18     pleas for the enforcement of its order, and providing a
    19     procedure for such cases; providing for the review of an
    20     order of the board by a court of common pleas on petition of
    21     any person aggrieved by such order, and establishing a
    22     procedure for such cases; providing for an appeal from the
    23     common pleas court to the Supreme Court; providing the board
    24     with investigatory powers, including the power to issue
    25     subpoenas and the compelling of obedience to them through
    26     application to the proper court; providing for service of
    27     papers and process of the board; prescribing certain
    28     penalties," further providing for unfair labor practices.

    29     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    30  hereby enacts as follows:

     1     Section 1.  Section 6(1) of the act of June 1, 1937
     2  (P.L.1168, No.294), known as the Pennsylvania Labor Relations
     3  Act, is amended by adding a subsection to read:
     4     Section 6.  Unfair Labor Practices.--(1) It shall be an
     5  unfair labor practice for an employer--
     6     * * *
     7     (g)  To hire replacement employes when the Unemployment
     8  Compensation Board of Review has determined that a work stoppage
     9  is, in fact, a lockout.
    10     * * *
    11     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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