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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2567



No. 1814 Session of 1990

           BODACK, STOUT AND BELAN, OCTOBER 11, 1990


                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for protection of agriculture and horticulture,
     2     including all field crops, vegetables, trees, shrubs, vines,
     3     florist and nursery stock and all other plants and parts, or
     4     their products, from plant pests; providing for powers and
     5     duties of the Department of Agriculture; providing for and
     6     funding special testing and certification procedures and
     7     programs; prescribing penalties; and making a repeal.

     8                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     9  Section 1.  Short title.
    10  Section 2.  Definitions.
    11  Section 3.  Enforcement.
    12  Section 4.  Inspection of land and buildings.
    13  Section 5.  Inspection of nurseries.
    14  Section 6.  Certificate of inspection.
    15  Section 7.  False declaration.
    16  Section 8.  Proceedings on finding pests.
    17  Section 9.  Application for inspection.
    18  Section 10.  Dealer's certificate.
    19  Section 11.  Nurseries and dealers outside Commonwealth.
    20  Section 12.  Agent's certificate.

     1  Section 13.  Denial or revocation of certificate.
     2  Section 14.  Tagging packages.
     3  Section 15.  Notice of receipt of uncertified stock.
     4  Section 16.  Importing plants and plant pests.
     5  Section 17.  Surveys to determine existence of pests.
     6  Section 18.  Treatment procedures.
     7  Section 19.  Pests declared public nuisance.
     8  Section 20.  Quarantines.
     9  Section 21.  Violations.
    10  Section 22.  Cooperation by department.
    11  Section 23.  Disposition of funds.
    12  Section 24.  Repeals.
    13  Section 25.  Effective date.
    14     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    15  hereby enacts as follows:
    16  Section 1.  Short title.
    17     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Plant Pest
    18  Act of 1990.
    19  Section 2.  Definitions.
    20     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    21  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    22  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    23     "Agent," "inspector" or "deputy."  A representative of the
    24  Department of Agriculture authorized to carry out the provisions
    25  of this act.
    26     "Control."  Reduction of the population of a plant pest to an
    27  acceptable level.
    28     "Dealer."  A person, not primarily a grower of nursery stock,
    29  who buys or receives on consignment nursery stock for the
    30  purpose of reselling or reshipping, independent of any control
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     1  by a nurseryman.
     2     "Department."  The Department of Agriculture of the
     3  Commonwealth.
     4     "Eradication."  The elimination or removal of a pest from any
     5  defined geographic area.
     6     "Fruit Tree Improvement Program."  A program to provide for
     7  the establishment of standards and testing of fruit tree nursery
     8  stock for freedom from plant pests.
     9     "Host-free area."  A geographically defined area where a
    10  specific plant or plant variety is prohibited from becoming
    11  established.
    12     "Nursery."  Any grounds, greenhouse or premises on or in
    13  which nursery stock is propagated or grown for sale or
    14  distribution, including any grounds or premises on or in which
    15  nursery stock is being fumigated, treated, packed or stored or
    16  otherwise prepared or offered for sale or movement to other
    17  localities.
    18     "Nursery agent."  A person soliciting orders for, or selling,
    19  nursery stock under the partial or full control of a nurseryman,
    20  dealer or other nursery agent. The term includes a person
    21  engaged with a nurseryman, dealer or nursery agent in handling
    22  nursery stock on a cooperative basis.
    23     "Nursery stock."  Includes the following, regardless of where
    24  the material may have been grown or is growing: all trees,
    25  shrubs, brambles, woody vines, woody florist stock and
    26  herbaceous perennials, their roots, cuttings, grafts, scions,
    27  buds, fruit pits, seeds, and their parts for propagation. The
    28  term does not include bulbs, field crop seeds, vegetable seeds
    29  and vegetable plants, flower seeds, bedding and other annual
    30  herbaceous plants, and their parts.
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     1     "Nurseryman."  A person who owns, leases, manages or is in
     2  charge of a nursery.
     3     "Person."  Includes an individual, corporation, association,
     4  partnership or other entity.
     5     "Plant" or "plant product."  A plant, or portion thereof,
     6  whether living or dead.
     7     "Plant pest."  An organism, including other plants, causing
     8  or capable of causing injury or damage to plants or plant
     9  products.
    10     "Plant quarantine."  Legal action intended to prevent or
    11  delay the establishment of a pest or plants or crops.
    12     "Principal."  A person who has the controlling authority over
    13  a nursery agent.
    14     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Agriculture of the
    15  Commonwealth.
    16     "Stop-sale order."  A written notice, issued by an inspector
    17  to the owner or custodian of any plant or plant product, which
    18  prohibits the sale or movement of plants or plant products.
    19     "Treatment order."  A written document specifying certain
    20  measures to be taken to control or eradicate a plant pest,
    21  including destruction of appropriate plants or plant products.
    22  Section 3.  Enforcement.
    23     The department is authorized to enforce all of the provisions
    24  of this act and shall promulgate, modify and enforce such
    25  reasonable regulations and orders as may be needed to carry out
    26  its provisions. The department may issue such licenses, permits
    27  and certificates as, in the judgment of the secretary, may be
    28  required, and may establish and collect fees.
    29  Section 4.  Inspection of land and buildings.
    30     (a)  General rule.--The secretary or his agents, in carrying
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     1  out the provisions of this act, shall have free access, within
     2  reasonable hours, to any land, premises, building, vehicle,
     3  vessel, car or other place and shall have the power to open,
     4  inspect and sample any bundle, package or other container of
     5  plants or plant products. It is unlawful to deny such access to
     6  any agent or to hinder, thwart or defeat such inspection or
     7  other necessary activity by misrepresentation or concealment of
     8  facts or conditions.
     9     (b)  Arrests.--The secretary or his agents, the Pennsylvania
    10  State Police or any other officer whose duty it is to preserve
    11  the peace of this Commonwealth may arrest without a warrant any
    12  person found violating any of the provisions of this act.
    13  Section 5.  Inspection of nurseries.
    14     The department, through its agents, shall, at least once each
    15  year, inspect all nurseries and other places in which nursery
    16  stock is stored, kept or offered for sale. It shall also have
    17  the authority to inspect or reinspect, at any time or place, any
    18  nursery stock shipped or moved in or into this Commonwealth. In
    19  addition to inspection, the department may collect samples for
    20  testing to detect plant pests. A nursery shall furnish the
    21  inspector, on request, a list of any or all sources from which
    22  nursery stock was obtained. No nursery stock shall be removed,
    23  transported, sold or offered for sale which has not been
    24  inspected and approved by an agent of the department.
    25  Section 6.  Certificate of inspection.
    26     (a)  Issuance.--The department shall issue, upon completion
    27  of the inspection provided for in section 5, a certificate of
    28  inspection setting forth the fact of the inspection and
    29  identifying the stock and area actually inspected. The
    30  certificate shall be valid for a period not to exceed one year
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     1  and shall not be transferable or used to cover uninspected,
     2  infested or infected nursery stock from any source.
     3     (b)  Authority of department.--If the inspection or any tests
     4  reveal that a plant pest or pests exceed an established pest
     5  tolerance, the department may order any necessary treatment or
     6  destruction. The department may establish procedures to provide
     7  for the propagation or production of plants or plant products
     8  which are free from pests or within established pest tolerances.
     9  Section 7.  False declaration.
    10     It is unlawful for any person to make a false declaration of
    11  acreage or to cause any concealment of nursery stock from
    12  inspection.
    13  Section 8.  Proceedings on finding pests.
    14     An agent who finds plant pests present on any nursery or
    15  dealer's premises shall notify the owner or person having charge
    16  of the premises by issuing a written inspection report and may
    17  issue a stop-sale order, listing plant pests found and
    18  prescribing treatment or control action to be taken. Plants
    19  under a stop-sale order shall remain under the order until the
    20  agent is notified by the owner or person having charge of the
    21  premises that the prescribed treatment or action has been taken
    22  and a reinspection of the premises by the agent indicates the
    23  treatment has been effective. If the agent finds that part of a
    24  nursery is infested or infected with any plant pests and that
    25  the remainder of it is not so infested or infected, the
    26  department may prescribe, in writing, such measures or
    27  precautions, or may stipulate, in writing, such conditions, for
    28  the use of the certificate of inspection as may, in its
    29  judgment, be necessary and may withhold the certificate of
    30  inspection until the conditions have been accepted, in writing,
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     1  by the owner of the nursery. Using the certificate of inspection
     2  without taking the prescribed measures or precautions or
     3  observing the stipulated conditions shall constitute a violation
     4  of this act.
     5  Section 9.  Application for inspection.
     6     Except as otherwise provided in this act, nurserymen, dealers
     7  and nursery agents selling or delivering nursery stock in this
     8  Commonwealth shall make application, in writing, by the date
     9  established in regulations and pay a fee established by
    10  regulation to the department. Nurserymen and dealers failing to
    11  make application to the department shall be liable for any
    12  additional expense of inspection. Fees for the Fruit Tree
    13  Improvement Program shall be established by the department by
    14  regulations developed in cooperation with a committee of fruit
    15  tree nurserymen. Fees for special inspection, phytosanitary
    16  export certification and other inspections and testing programs
    17  shall be established by regulation.
    18  Section 10.  Dealer's certificate.
    19     Every dealer located either within or outside this
    20  Commonwealth, engaged in or about to engage in selling or
    21  soliciting orders for nursery stock within this Commonwealth,
    22  shall secure a dealer's certificate which will verify that he
    23  will buy and sell only stock that has been duly inspected and
    24  certified by an official Federal or State inspector.
    25  Section 11.  Nurseries and dealers outside Commonwealth.
    26     Nurserymen, dealers or other persons residing or doing
    27  business outside this Commonwealth who desire to solicit orders
    28  for nursery stock in this Commonwealth shall be entitled to
    29  solicit orders in this Commonwealth, provided they are certified
    30  or licensed and their name appears on the official state
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     1  directories of registered nurseries and nursery dealers issued
     2  annually by the state in which their business is conducted.
     3  Section 12.  Agent's certificate.
     4     (a)  General rule.--All nursery agents selling nursery stock
     5  or soliciting orders for nursery stock for any nurseryman or
     6  dealer located within or outside this Commonwealth shall secure
     7  and carry a nursery agent's certificate bearing a copy of the
     8  certificate held by the principal. The agent's certificate shall
     9  be issued by the department only to persons authorized by their
    10  principal or upon request of their principal.
    11     (b)  Records.--Every person selling nursery stock in this
    12  Commonwealth shall maintain and make available upon request by
    13  the department all records pertaining to the distribution or
    14  sale of nursery stock covered by this act.
    15  Section 13.  Denial or revocation of certificate.
    16     The department shall, at any time, have the power to deny or
    17  revoke any certificate for sufficient cause, including, but not
    18  limited to, any violation of this act or of any rule or
    19  regulation promulgated hereunder, or if it finds, at any time,
    20  that a certificate of inspection, issued or accepted pursuant to
    21  the provisions of this act, is being used in connection with
    22  plants or plant products which are infested or infected with any
    23  plant pest or with plants or other property which have not been
    24  inspected and certified.
    25  Section 14.  Tagging packages.
    26     Each person who engages in the selling, delivering or
    27  transporting of nursery stock in this Commonwealth is required
    28  to attach on the outside of each package, box, bale or truckload
    29  or carload lot sold or delivered a tag or poster on which shall
    30  appear an exact printed copy of this valid certificate or
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     1  license. The use of tags or posters bearing an invalid or
     2  altered certificate or license or the misuse of any valid
     3  certificate or license tag is prohibited.
     4  Section 15.  Notice of receipt of uncertified stock.
     5     When nursery stock is transported into this Commonwealth
     6  without a valid certificate of inspection issued by the proper
     7  out-of-State authority, the person receiving the nursery stock
     8  must notify the department immediately. The nursery stock must
     9  be returned to the consignor or shipper or held for inspection
    10  as directed by the department.
    11  Section 16.  Importing plants and plant pests.
    12     (a)  Plants.--It is unlawful to transport, or cause to be
    13  transported, plants into this Commonwealth unless accompanied by
    14  a valid certificate and statement containing the names and
    15  addresses of the consignor and consignee and nature of the
    16  contents. A person who receives plants from foreign countries
    17  without a certificate of inspection must notify the department
    18  immediately.
    19     (b)  Plant pests.--It is unlawful to transport any plant pest
    20  into this Commonwealth for research or any other purpose without
    21  first applying to and receiving approval from the department.
    22  Section 17.  Surveys to determine existence of pests.
    23     The department may:
    24         (1)  Make surveys to determine the existence,
    25     distribution and severity of damage caused by plant pests.
    26         (2)  Collect and transport samples of plants or plant
    27     products which are capable of harboring plant pests.
    28         (3)  Conduct studies relating to the control of plant
    29     pests.
    30         (4)  Make other investigations necessary to protect the
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     1     agriculture and horticulture of this Commonwealth from
     2     certain plant pests.
     3         (5)  Prescribe treatment for control of plant pests.
     4         (6)  Report the results of plant pest investigations.
     5  Section 18.  Treatment procedures.
     6     (a)  General rule.--If the secretary determines that a
     7  serious pest situation exists in any part of this Commonwealth,
     8  any necessary eradication or control measures may be taken.
     9  Prior to carrying out any treatment procedures, the department
    10  shall notify the property owner, in writing. Any agent of the
    11  department is authorized to enter the premises during reasonable
    12  hours to carry out the eradication or control measures.
    13     (b)  Treatment order.--Should the department find a pest
    14  situation that does not justify the procedures specified in
    15  subsection (a), it may issue a treatment order, in writing, to
    16  the owner or person in charge. The treatment order shall
    17  describe the pest situation which exists and prescribe the
    18  required control or eradication measures and the date by which
    19  control must be completed. The premises shall be under
    20  quarantine until the specified control or eradication measures
    21  have been completed and approved by the department. The
    22  department may issue a treatment order if any abandoned crops or
    23  noncultivated plants constitute a reservoir for the pest.
    24     (c)  Noncompliance with order.--If the owner or person in
    25  charge does not comply with the treatment order, the person who
    26  received the treatment order shall be considered to be in
    27  violation of this act. The department shall be authorized to
    28  carry out the control measures, and all expenses associated with
    29  the treatment shall be paid to the department by the person who
    30  failed to comply with the treatment order.
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     1  Section 19.  Pests declared public nuisance.
     2     When the department determines a plant pest to be dangerous
     3  or destructive to the agriculture, horticulture or forests of
     4  this Commonwealth, the pest may be declared to be a public
     5  nuisance. It is unlawful for any person knowingly to permit any
     6  plant pest so declared to exist on his premises or to sell,
     7  offer for sale, give away or move any plants, plant products or
     8  other material capable of harboring the pest.
     9  Section 20.  Quarantines.
    10     (a)  General rule.--The department may establish quarantines,
    11  as specified in this act or department regulations, to prevent
    12  the dissemination of plant pests within this Commonwealth.
    13     (b)  Areas covered.--When the pest or pests which have the
    14  potential to cause serious damage to agriculture are found in
    15  any geographic area, the area and the adjacent areas, as the
    16  department deems necessary, shall be quarantined.
    17     (c)  Notice.--The department shall give notice of the
    18  establishment of a quarantine and any regulations to be issued,
    19  either in writing or by publication, in at least one newspaper
    20  of general circulation in the areas affected.
    21     (d)  Conditions and restrictions.--When a quarantine is
    22  established, the department shall issue such conditions or
    23  restrictions as it considers necessary to prevent or reduce the
    24  movement of the pest or pests from the quarantine area.
    25         (1)  Under the quarantine, the department may prohibit,
    26     without inspection, the movement, shipment or transportation
    27     of any plant or plant product or other material capable of
    28     carrying the plant pest from the area under quarantine.
    29         (2)  The department may establish a quarantine to prevent
    30     or delay the introduction of any plant pest into this
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     1     Commonwealth.
     2         (3)  The department may quarantine any vehicle or means
     3     of conveyance suspected of carrying a quarantine pest. If the
     4     pest is detected in or on any vehicle or other means of
     5     conveyance, the department may order the treatment necessary
     6     to eradicate the pest.
     7         (4)  The department may regulate the planting, growing or
     8     harvesting of any crop that serves as a host or reservoir for
     9     the pest within the quarantined area. The regulations may
    10     include prohibiting the establishment of a specific crop,
    11     variety or cultivar within a specific geographic area or
    12     during a specified time period, or both. If any crop is
    13     suspected of harboring the pest, the department may require
    14     the treatment or destruction of the crop.
    15  Section 21.  Violations.
    16     (a)  General rule.--It is unlawful to violate or fail to
    17  comply with any provision of this act or regulations promulgated
    18  under the provisions of this act.
    19     (b)  Criminal penalties.--Any person engaging in unlawful
    20  conduct, as defined in this act, commits, upon conviction, a
    21  summary offense and shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not more
    22  than $300 for each offense or to imprisonment for a term of not
    23  more than 90 days, or both.
    24     (c)  Civil penalties.--In addition to proceeding under any
    25  other remedy available at law or in equity for a violation of a
    26  provision of this act, a regulation promulgated under this act
    27  or an order issued under this act, the secretary may assess a
    28  civil penalty not to exceed $20,000, payable to the Commonwealth
    29  and collectable in any manner provided by law for the collection
    30  of debt.
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     1     (d)  Injunctive relief.--In addition to any other remedies
     2  provided in this act, the Attorney General, at the request of
     3  the secretary, may initiate in the Commonwealth Court or the
     4  court of common pleas of the county in which the defendant
     5  resides or has his place of business, an action in equity for an
     6  injunction to restrain any and all violations of this act, or
     7  regulations or orders promulgated or issued under this act, from
     8  which no timely appeal has been taken or which has been
     9  sustained on appeal. In any such proceeding, the court shall,
    10  upon motion of the Commonwealth, issue a preliminary injunction
    11  if it finds that the defendant is engaging in unlawful conduct,
    12  as defined in this act, or is engaging in conduct which is
    13  causing immediate or irreparable harm to the public. The
    14  Commonwealth shall not be required to furnish bond or other
    15  security in connection with the proceedings. In addition to an
    16  injunction, the court, in such equity proceedings, may levy
    17  civil penalties as provided in subsection (c).
    18  Section 22.  Cooperation by department.
    19     The department is authorized to cooperate, receive grant-in-
    20  aid and enter into agreements with any individual or
    21  organization or Federal, State or county agency for the purpose
    22  of implementing the provisions of this act. The department shall
    23  also have the authority to assist in the enforcement of any
    24  Federal quarantine established under Federal statutes or
    25  regulations.
    26  Section 23.  Disposition of funds.
    27     Fees, fines and civil penalties collected, as well as moneys
    28  derived from registration and licensing, shall be paid into a
    29  restricted account in the General Fund, to be known as the Plant
    30  Pest Management Account, for use by the department in
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     1  administering the provisions of this act. All moneys placed in
     2  the account are specifically appropriated to the department for
     3  the purpose of improving and enhancing the administration of the
     4  programs specified in this act and not to replace general
     5  revenues heretofore appropriated for this purpose.
     6  Section 24.  Repeals.
     7     The following acts and parts of acts are repealed:
     8     Act of April 21, 1937 (P.L.318, No.90), known as The
     9  Pennsylvania Plant Pest Act of 1937.
    10  Section 25.  Effective date.
    11     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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