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10/06/2024 12:55 PM
Pennsylvania General Assembly

House Discharge Resolution No. 1

2007 D.R. 1


House Discharge Resolution 
In the House, June 21, 2007
Discharging Committee on State Government from further consideration of House Bill No. 55, Printer's No. 80, Resolved, That House Bill No. 55, Printer's No. 80, entitled "A Joint Resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, reducing the size of the General Assembly, " having been referred to the Committee on State Government on January 30, 2007, and the committee not having reported the same to the House of Reps. for a period of over 15 legislative days, the committee is discharged from further consideration thereof. (MUSTIO, BARRAR, BASTIAN, BEAR, BOYD, CREIGHTON, DALLY, GABIG, GILLESPIE, GINGRICH, GRELL, HARHART, HENNESSEY, KAUFFMAN, MACKERETH, MAHER, MANTZ, MARSHALL, MCILHATTAN, NAILOR, NICKOL, PERRY, PETRI, RAYMOND, REED.) --JUNE 21, 2007.